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nothing was being used at the time i had my game pc turned off only my phone and lounge pc turned on (osx) then stopped the container changed my router primary dns to pi-hole ip the unraid scrub had returned to normal speeds and if i started SCB again the speed of the scrub dropped again, i used "docker exec -it SteamCacheBundle tail -f /data/logs/access.log" this to check the logs and there was no activity and the memory usage was sitting at about 80MB not 1.8GB, like when i had SCB set as my primary dns

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I have the bitwarden docker deployed, but I am facing a strange issue where it will not automatically sync updates when they are made. I followed the setup options laid out by the LinuxServer blog post: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/01/15/self-hosting-bitwarden/


I don't see any logs in the docker error messages, and I see sync being generated and stating they are completing successfully. 


Only way to get the options to sync are by manually syncing them. 


Thanks in advance

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On 6/29/2019 at 7:26 PM, mlebjerg said:

Thanks for the feedback, i am going to see what i can do in the next update. It might a while though as i am currently moving from Denmark to Berlin. Might find sometime in August.


The plan is to include a way to add custom Adresses and change other ones so it can work on Comcast

im in uk , but take your time , its no rush you done so well on this docker im very happy 

good work 

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  • 2 weeks later...



New to Unraid and this is one of the first apps I've tried to install. I am getting this error, any ideas what is wrong?


Pulling image: mlebjerg/steamcachebundle:latest
IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from mlebjerg/steamcachebundle. 
IMAGE ID [ff3a5c916c92]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [d81b148fab7c]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [f9fe12447daf]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [ad017fd52da2]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [9524b8487ad5]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [b23d7f8179a0]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [defd520e6351]: Pulling fs layer. 


Error: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob502808777: input/output error


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17 hours ago, BurningSky said:



New to Unraid and this is one of the first apps I've tried to install. I am getting this error, any ideas what is wrong?


Pulling image: mlebjerg/steamcachebundle:latest
IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from mlebjerg/steamcachebundle. 
IMAGE ID [ff3a5c916c92]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [d81b148fab7c]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [f9fe12447daf]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [ad017fd52da2]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [9524b8487ad5]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [b23d7f8179a0]: Pulling fs layer. 
IMAGE ID [defd520e6351]: Pulling fs layer. 


Error: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob502808777: input/output error


docker image is full or corrupted.  Diagnostics will say

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3 hours ago, Squid said:

docker image is full or corrupted.  Diagnostics will say

How do I run the diagnostics?


Syslog shows this:

Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0
Jul 15 18:12:20 Ragon kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bad tree block start, want 32849920 have 0


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I just stopped Docker and increased its disk size to 30gb and now it has installed. Looks like it may have been full. How large do you normally make the Docker image?


I have just run a test download and it a lot slower than using the latest Docker image on a Linux VM, for me that maxes out around 6.1MB/s. Using Unraid the initial download is peaking at 4MB/s but averaging around 2... For the Linux based one they suggest assigning multiple IPs to the lancache setting, can this be done on the unraid on? The note says the lancache needs to match the fixed IP so I don't know how that would work? The redownload from the cache is also only managing 20MB/s and isn't very consistent but if I copy a file to a cached share I get a consistent 101MB/s. Any suggestions?

Edited by BurningSky
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OAuth2 Proxy

Everything was working perfectly up until i believe today where I've started getting the following error on startup:

2019/07/16 12:49:46 ERROR: flag "tls-cert-file" does not exist
panic: ERROR: flag "tls-cert-file" does not exist

Zero references to this in my config file (that was lifted from the install guide posted in the OP). Anyone having something similar or some words of wisdom?

EDIT (before the OG message is even approved by a mod): https://github.com/pusher/oauth2_proxy/issues/212 fix will be merged in Soon™. 

Edited by Merson
Adding in the known issue URL.
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9 hours ago, Merson said:

OAuth2 Proxy

Everything was working perfectly up until i believe today where I've started getting the following error on startup:

2019/07/16 12:49:46 ERROR: flag "tls-cert-file" does not exist
panic: ERROR: flag "tls-cert-file" does not exist

Zero references to this in my config file (that was lifted from the install guide posted in the OP). Anyone having something similar or some words of wisdom?

EDIT (before the OG message is even approved by a mod): https://github.com/pusher/oauth2_proxy/issues/212 fix will be merged in Soon™. 

Same problem

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8 hours ago, icehrt said:

Does anyone a copy of the instructions from squishedmooo website. It appears to be down and Can't get access to it.

For OAuth2, the documentation is here: https://pusher.github.io/oauth2_proxy/

  1. You'll need to follow the Auth Configuration part first on the google site. Make a note of your client id and secret.
  2. Next, you need two files in your /appdata/oauth2 folder. 
    • emails.cfg - a file with the allowed authentication emails in, one per line.
    • oauth2_proxy.cfg - example below seeing as the example in the docs is broken.
      • ## OAuth2 Proxy Config File
        ## https://github.com/cheesemarathon/oAuth2-Proxy-Docker-Container
        ## <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTP/HTTPS clients
        http_address = ""
        ## the http url(s) of the upstream endpoint. If multiple, routing is based on path
        upstreams = [
        ## Log requests to stdout
        request_logging = true
        ## The OAuth Client ID, Secret
        client_id = "CLIENT ID"
        client_secret = "CLIENT SECRET"
        ## Authenticated Email Addresses File (one email per line)
        authenticated_emails_file = "/etc/oauth2/emails.cfg"
        ## Templates
        ## optional directory with custom sign_in.html and error.html
        # custom_templates_dir = "/etc/oauth2/templates/"
        ## Cookie Settings
        ## Name     - the cookie name
        ## Secret   - the seed string for secure cookies; should be 16, 24, or 32 bytes
        ##            for use with an AES cipher when cookie_refresh or pass_access_token
        ##            is set
        ## Domain   - (optional) cookie domain to force cookies to (ie: .yourcompany.com)
        ## Expire   - (duration) expire timeframe for cookie
        ## Refresh  - (duration) refresh the cookie when duration has elapsed after cookie was initially set.
        ##            Should be less than cookie_expire; set to 0 to disable.
        ##            On refresh, OAuth token is re-validated.
        ##            (ie: 1h means tokens are refreshed on request 1hr+ after it was set)
        ## Secure   - secure cookies are only sent by the browser of a HTTPS connection (recommended)
        ## HttpOnly - httponly cookies are not readable by javascript (recommended)
        cookie_name = "_oauth2_proxy"
        cookie_secret = "COOKIE SECRET" 
        cookie_domain = "DOMAIN NAME"
        cookie_expire = "168h"
        cookie_refresh = "1h"
        cookie_secure = true
        cookie_httponly = true

        For cookie_secret, go here: https://www.allkeysgenerator.com/Random/Security-Encryption-Key-Generator.aspx and select 256 bit.

  3. Final part is adding the directives to your nginx. There is information about this at the bottom of the Configuration part of the docs. Here's an example of my netdata subdomain conf using the letsencrypt docker. 

    • # make sure that your dns has a cname set for netdata
      server {
          listen 443 ssl;
          listen [::]:443 ssl;
          server_name netdata.*;
          include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
          client_max_body_size 0;
          location /oauth2/ {
              proxy_set_header Host                    $host;
              proxy_set_header X-Real-IP               $remote_addr;
              proxy_set_header X-Scheme                $scheme;
              proxy_set_header X-Auth-Request-Redirect $request_uri;
          location = /oauth2/auth {
              proxy_set_header Host             $host;
              proxy_set_header X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
              proxy_set_header X-Scheme         $scheme;
              # nginx auth_request includes headers but not body
              proxy_set_header Content-Length   "";
              proxy_pass_request_body           off;
          location / {
              auth_request /oauth2/auth;
              error_page 401 = /oauth2/sign_in;
              # pass information via X-User and X-Email headers to backend,
              # requires running with --set-xauthrequest flag
              auth_request_set $user   $upstream_http_x_auth_request_user;
              auth_request_set $email  $upstream_http_x_auth_request_email;
              proxy_set_header X-User  $user;
              proxy_set_header X-Email $email;
              # if you enabled --cookie-refresh, this is needed for it to work with auth_request
              auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_set_cookie;
              add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie;
              proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
              proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
              proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
              proxy_pass http://backend;
              proxy_http_version 1.1;
              proxy_pass_request_headers on;
              proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive";
              proxy_store off;


Hope that helps. 

Edited by Merson
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8 hours ago, icehrt said:

Does anyone a copy of the instructions from squishedmooo website. It appears to be down and Can't get access to it.

Apologies for this. I'm moving house at the moment and the server hosting the instructions currently doesn't have an internet connection. Should be backup sometime this weekend fingers crossed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@cheesemarathon first thank you for the ouath2_proxy docker :) one question though..... have you tried using it assigned to an unraid vlan?


I have my business separated via vlan and when trying to allocate this to that vlan it runs but nothing appears in the host mapping and the docker is not accessible?


Wondered if this was a restriction?

Edited by local.bin
removed an 's'
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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a question regarding Bitwarden. I cant seem to get it to work with Chrome (I cant create a profile or login). According to this site: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-bitwarden#known-issues-and-limitations


Known issues and limitations

Some web browsers, like Chrome, disallow the use of Web Crypto APIs in insecure contexts. In this case, you might get an error like Cannot read property 'importKey'. To solve this problem, you need to enable SSL and access the web interface using HTTPS.


So how do I enable https ? otherwise I dont see it will work with chrome. 



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On 7/26/2019 at 2:23 PM, local.bin said:

@cheesemarathon first thank you for the ouath2_proxy docker :) one question though..... have you tried using it assigned to an unraid vlan?


I have my business separated via vlan and when trying to allocate this to that vlan it runs but nothing appears in the host mapping and the docker is not accessible?


Wondered if this was a restriction?

This shouldn't be an issue with this docker image but may be an issue with unRAID. Perhaps ask for some help in the networking forum. I'm not an expert on vlan's

  • Like 1
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2 minutes ago, Alphahelix said:



I have a question regarding Bitwarden. I cant seem to get it to work with Chrome (I cant create a profile or login). According to this site: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-bitwarden#known-issues-and-limitations


Known issues and limitations

Some web browsers, like Chrome, disallow the use of Web Crypto APIs in insecure contexts. In this case, you might get an error like Cannot read property 'importKey'. To solve this problem, you need to enable SSL and access the web interface using HTTPS.


So how do I enable https ? otherwise I dont see it will work with chrome. 



Hi Alphahelix


Take a look at LinuxServer's reverse proxy docker container. It is how I have my Bitwarden setup and it works perfect in every browser I have tried.


Shout if you need further help setting it up and ill share my config with you.

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I wanted to configure:


Application Name: OAuth2 Proxy

Description: A reverse proxy and static file server that provides authentication using Providers (Google, GitHub, and others) to validate accounts by email, domain or group.

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/cheesemarathon/oauth2-proxy/

Github: https://github.com/bitly/oauth2_proxy

Install Instructions: https://squishedmooo.com/how-to-setup-oauth2-proxy-on-unraid/

To change my "Nginx Proxy Manager" which is unauthenticated.

Problem is that the "install instruction" link isn't valid anymore.

Has someone the Installation instruction?

Thanks in advice

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15 hours ago, TDA said:


I wanted to configure:

To change my "Nginx Proxy Manager" which is unauthenticated.

Problem is that the "install instruction" link isn't valid anymore.

Has someone the Installation instruction?

Thanks in advice

Thanks for spotting that. I'm at work right now, but I'll either send you the instructions or fix the link as soon as I get back home in a few hours. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, AKGeek said:

I was wondering about the SteamCacheBundle memory usage. Mine is less than 100MB even though I am running a LAN center. Is this normal? I set it to allow up to 128GB.

Are you talking about memory usage, or storage space usage? The easiest way to see how much storage the cache is using is to ssh into the unraid server and using the:

du -sh /mnt/user/steamcache/cache

command. It may take a bit depending on how much space is actually being used.


Or, another way is to use the binhex-krusader container. Use Alt Up to go up a directory and navigate to the above location and right click on the cache folder and click on properties.

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1 minute ago, Masterism said:

Are you talking about memory usage, or storage space usage? The easiest way to see how much storage the cache is using is to ssh into the unraid server and using the:

du -sh /mnt/user/steamcache/cache

command. It may take a bit depending on how much space is actually being used.


Or, another way is to use the binhex-krusader container. Use Alt Up to go up a directory and navigate to the above location and right click on the cache folder and click on properties.

I was referring to memory usage. Something that I learned about caching was it was able to use RAM to speed up file transfers of commonly requested games.


I have been trying to update WoW classic but I see that memory usage and CPU usage is pretty stagnant. Checking out the log I do see some hits but there is mostly misses. / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:17 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/e0/3d/e03da8                                           b0b6e7f60bf3b860cbf00b373d HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "HIT" "level3.blizzard.c                                           om" "bytes=261920351-262186590" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:19 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/e0/3d/e03da8                                           b0b6e7f60bf3b860cbf00b373d HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=260855391-261121630" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:19 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/04/2a0401                                           9a728ddbbadc1f1cad9c9ac559 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=172438487-172704726" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:21 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/6d/15/6d1526                                           aac8af3d322a2ed93b5efb5d9d HTTP/1.1" 206 2107 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.co                                           m" "bytes=268430129-268432235" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:21 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/61/90/619044                                           0309c768f977c359160487e47e HTTP/1.1" 206 6461 "-" "-" "HIT" "level3.blizzard.com                                           " "bytes=196531210-196537670" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:21 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/59/a3/59a38d                                           09277e41896f48951528787492 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=267328467-267594706" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:23 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/21/2a2108                                           29802c7d04b84d4078fdbfb7a9 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=252952828-253219067" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:24 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/21/2a2108                                           29802c7d04b84d4078fdbfb7a9 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=254017788-254284027" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:24 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/0f/7f/0f7f08                                           aaddd6b1c82ee6d1da0e0abe8a HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=69021806-69288045" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:26 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/21/2a2108                                           29802c7d04b84d4078fdbfb7a9 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=258011388-258277627" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:17 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/e0/3d/e03da8                                           b0b6e7f60bf3b860cbf00b373d HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "HIT" "level3.blizzard.c                                           om" "bytes=261920351-262186590" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:19 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/e0/3d/e03da8                                           b0b6e7f60bf3b860cbf00b373d HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=260855391-261121630" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:19 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/04/2a0401                                           9a728ddbbadc1f1cad9c9ac559 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=172438487-172704726" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:21 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/6d/15/6d1526                                           aac8af3d322a2ed93b5efb5d9d HTTP/1.1" 206 2107 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.co                                           m" "bytes=268430129-268432235" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:21 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/61/90/619044                                           0309c768f977c359160487e47e HTTP/1.1" 206 6461 "-" "-" "HIT" "level3.blizzard.com                                           " "bytes=196531210-196537670" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:21 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/59/a3/59a38d                                           09277e41896f48951528787492 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=267328467-267594706" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:23 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/21/2a2108                                           29802c7d04b84d4078fdbfb7a9 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=252952828-253219067" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:24 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/21/2a2108                                           29802c7d04b84d4078fdbfb7a9 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=254017788-254284027" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:24 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/0f/7f/0f7f08                                           aaddd6b1c82ee6d1da0e0abe8a HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=69021806-69288045" / - - - [27/Aug/2019:17:04:26 -0800] "GET /tpr/wow/data/2a/21/2a2108                                           29802c7d04b84d4078fdbfb7a9 HTTP/1.1" 206 266240 "-" "-" "MISS" "level3.blizzard.                                           com" "bytes=258011388-258277627"


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