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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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17 minutes ago, schuu said:

could i add something to MyIp, a cname:port or my public ip:port?

Wait, don't do anything to the template!!! NEVER!!!


23 minutes ago, schuu said:

TL:DR it says add if i add --userland-proxy=false when the docker starts that factrio should work find,

You can also try to set the network to "Host" instead of "Bridge" then the container will have the IP from your unRAID server.


If you want to add this parameter then you have to turn on "Advanced View" in the Docker template and append this to the "Extra Parameters".

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53 minutes ago, kernelpanic said:

Is there any way to change the version of tmodloader that is downloaded for the Terraria-tModLoader container?

No, never intended it to be used like that way.

What you can do is to start the contianer for the first time, stop it after it downloaded everything, then extract everything by hand and start the container back again.


53 minutes ago, kernelpanic said:

The only option I see is to change the target game version.

This also doesn't work like it used to because the developers always change something that completely breaks the container, next time they change something I will depricate all three because Terraria has no API for downloading the game or where to get the links.

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Hi @ich777.


Thank you for providing the valheim docker for unraid!


I have a small problem: Everytime when i stop and start the valheim docker, the world file is overwritten by another world (i dont know if it is always the same one). 

So in the case, when ii stop the docker, change some settings, and then start the docker again, my world is gone.

Since i loose a part of my progress (the Backups folder contains the correct world), i kindly ask if you can help me with this problem. 


Thanks in advance!


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1 hour ago, nerovalerius said:

So in the case, when ii stop the docker, change some settings, and then start the docker again, my world is gone.

Please go to your share settings and look what your appdata share is set to in terms of "Use Cache" it should be "Prefer" or "Only".

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Booted up default Arma 3 server container and get what I believe is the error here:


/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 54: 74 Segmentation fault ./arma3server ${GAME_PARAMS}

I have done nothing to the GAME_PARAMS setting in the docker config this was just for a test boot before adding mods. The rest of the log looks fairly standard. Perhaps an update has broken something?


Edit: There is this at the front of the log might be of some help

Success! App '233780' already up to date.
---Prepare Server---
---server.cfg found...
---Start Server---
14:59:44 Could not enable linux core dumps. Error 1 - �

14:59:44 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible!


Edited by l2evy
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Add "-debug" to the /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Sat 21 Aug 2021 10:50:09 AM CST: Server restart in 10 seconds
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 222860
Using breakpad crash handler
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
PreMinidumpCallback: updating dump comment
Uploading dump (in-process) [proxy '']
success = no
error: libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Segmentation fault
Add "-debug" to the /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Sat 21 Aug 2021 10:50:19 AM CST: Server restart in 10 seconds

Session terminated, killing shell... ...killed.

Hello, I've been running my L4D2 server for several months and didn't change anything until I just restarted my unraid two month ago. 


After that the L4D2 docker server's log showing these error. I tried to run "./srcds_run -debug" inside the container but it said missing "/root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so"


At last I remove and delete all files about l4d2 and do a clean bootup with original template. But it still doesn't help.

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1 hour ago, Zakikun said:

After that the L4D2 docker server's log showing these error. I tried to run "./srcds_run -debug" inside the container but it said missing "/root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so"

That option won't work because the necessary tools are not installed inside the container to debug, but if it will work, the output from the debug command is only good for the Steam team because you can't basically get nothing from that.

Btw you have to type in 'su $USER' forst to be on the right user account, but anyways that won't help in any way.


1 hour ago, Zakikun said:

At last I remove and delete all files about l4d2 and do a clean bootup with original template. But it still doesn't help.

I will take a look at this ASAP and report back.

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18 hours ago, Groto said:

Will do. thank you! 

Oh, I now remember, I've looked into this for myself about a year ago I think and came to the conclusion that I can't create a container since I can't pull the game files from anywhere automatically or at least without problems.

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On 10/9/2020 at 7:13 PM, Cyd said:

This will hopefully shed some light on the underside working bits of building a cluster of servers for ARK:SurvivalEvolved.


With the inspiration (read thievery) from @growlith I present the A3C (ARK Cluster Companion Container). It and the accompanying XLM files should allow for a fairly simple stand up of a new ARK server cluster.




Go to the github, fetch the XMLs for however many servers you want to use in your new cluster, salt them to taste with your information (server names, cluster name, passwords, adminpasswords, ect...). 


Good Luck and Happy Hunting!


historical information left below (really go get the newer stuff from github)


We are going to start with getting -UseDynamicConfig working and talking to our config file rather than the Official one out at http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini , I know it feels like that should come last but bear with me.

First we have a simple http server running by itself serving up the "dynamicconfig.ini" on port 80 on its container, this is mapped out to the host on 8080 and is not really needed but makes it easy to take a quick glance at tower:8080 to see what the settings are. I ran this container first so that it would receive a predictable IP address ( that is then used in the configurations of the remaining containers to add an entry to the hosts file (--add-host=arkdedicated.com: so that requests to http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini in the game servers are pointed to the container running at If you don't want or care to use the dynamic configs, omit the ARK0 container and remove -UseDynamicConfig from the "Extra Game Parameters" of all subsequent ARK's you deploy. 


Next I deployed 10 ARK server instances, why 10 when there are only 9 maps? Well, I assume that Wild card will have another map for Genesis Part 2 coming in the spring so I added a container to house it, currently it is configured as a 2nd Genesis1 map with all the correct ports and paths. If they do release a new map it will only require changing the map name in the config and starting the container.


The ports are mapped sequentially so you will only need to insert three port forward blocks into your gateway router (UDP 7777-7796, UDP 27015-27024, TCP 27025-27034) You do not need anything forwarded to ARK0 as it is only there to talk to ARKs 1-10.


ARK0-dynamicconfig        tcp     80:8080
ARK1-TheIsland            Udp1 7777    UDP2 7778    UDPSteam 27015    TCPRCON 27025
ARK2-ScorchedEarth_P    Udp1 7779    UDP2 7780    UDPSteam 27016    TCPRCON 27026
ARK3-Aberration_P        Udp1 7781    UDP2 7782    UDPSteam 27017    TCPRCON 27027
ARK4-TheCenter            Udp1 7783    UDP2 7784    UDPSteam 27018    TCPRCON 27028
ARK5-Ragnarok            Udp1 7785    UDP2 7786    UDPSteam 27019    TCPRCON 27029
ARK6-Valguero_P            Udp1 7787    UDP2 7788    UDPSteam 27020    TCPRCON 27030
ARK7-CrystalIsles        Udp1 7789    UDP2 7790    UDPSteam 27021    TCPRCON 27031
ARK8-Extinction            Udp1 7791    UDP2 7792    UDPSteam 27022    TCPRCON 27032
ARK9-Genesis            Udp1 7793    UDP2 7794    UDPSteam 27023    TCPRCON 27033
ARK10-Genesis2            Udp1 7795    UDP2 7796    UDPSteam 27024    TCPRCON 27034


Path mappings are slightly more complex. SteamCMD is in its original location per @ich777's standard and the binary data for ARK is also in the default location. Having the server binaries shared also means that when there is an update to ARK (and/or SteamCMD) it only has to be downloaded one time rather than 10. The update procedure is to bring all of the ARKs down then start ARK1 let it update and initialize then bring the others back up en mass, as a precaution I have the wait timer on ARKs 2-10 set to 600 seconds so that if the Tower host gets rebooted ARK1 has time to pull any updates and initialize. The ARK savegame data and Server Config files are mapped into the proper location on a per container basis. This prevents each server instance from mucking up the servers config .inis (which they liked to do), this also means that you can use different options on each ark and makes managing the SavedArks less hair pully outy. The clustering function is done with a shared resource directory and a ClusterID (-clusterid=arkStar under "Extra Game Parameters") 


Dynamiccimfig data:




ARK data:


Cross ARK cluster data:


ARK configs and Save Data:


The XML files are attached below, if you chose to use them please make sure to edit them to your taste; server names, passwords, clusterIDs, ect. They can be used by placing them in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user then going to "Docker/Add Container" then choosing from the "Template:" drop down.


Or maybe @ich777 will do us all a favor and decide to add them to his already impressive XML collection  ;)  





@Cyd, thank you for this and the hardwork @ich777 with his docker contaners for games. 


Should I be worried about this error


[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

I see this in all my docker containers. 

Edited by deaerator
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3 hours ago, Kirball said:

Way too much stuff on this thread

Yes I know but for a single developer it would be way too much threads, about 100+ threads.


3 hours ago, Kirball said:

I restarted my server and now everything is gone from my project zomboid server with the exception of where the player logged out and their inventory.

Have you installed a cache drive in your system, if yes, make sure that you appdata is set "Only" or "Prefer" in therms of "Use Cache" in the "Share" settings.

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2 hours ago, deaerator said:

Should I be worried about this error

No, actually tha's a warning and not an error.


If you think about it again and read it again, the game tries to locate a running instance or Steam but that's not possible because it's a dedicated server and there is no Steam client in their...

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On 8/12/2021 at 1:19 AM, schuu said:

Hello, I am trying to resolve a problem with the factorio container,

i've open port udp 34197, nothing else is using this port.

how ever i can not join my game via the lan or public games menus, 

lan and public both set to true in the config

i can see my game in the public games, 

i can not see it in the lan games

my friend can also see the game in the public list and also gets the 

Could not establish network communication with server.


we can both connect directly via ip:port.


i get these errors/warnings in the log


1.539 Error InterruptibleStdioStream.cpp:61: Got EOF on stdin; closing


1.742 Warning ServerRouter.cpp:519: Received own address message reply with conflicting address (got IP ADDR:({}), expected IP ADDR:({}))
1.742 Warning ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:628: Determining own address has failed. Best guess: IP ADDR:({})
1.776 Warning ServerRouter.cpp:519: Received own address message reply with conflicting address (got IP ADDR:({}), expected IP ADDR:({}))
1.826 Warning ServerRouter.cpp:519: Received own address message reply with conflicting address (got IP ADDR:({}), expected IP ADDR:({}))


ip addresses above changed for privacy,


any ideas how to fix this please?





If anyone else has this problem, the solution is here https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=47110

with pfsense need to set the nat > outbound to hybrid and create a rule for factorio to make sure it's has a static port.

the post is by daneel_

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Hello! Just loaded your MinecraftBasicServer docker and loads great! Only issue is I cannot seem to load plugins at all on the server. I have used the latest Paper jar for this and I have made a plugin file in the usual directory. It doesn't mention that the plugins have been loaded in the console either

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