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11 hours ago, david279 said:

Put it in the kext/other folder

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I was mounting the wrong EFI partition which explains why Clover wouldn't create the folder structure. A little embarrassing.


So.... we're up and running! The fix was actually the opposite of what you suggested and to put everything in 10.15 which was empty.


Just the RX570 working though. No luck with the Navi GPU, however that's not a huge concern.


Thanks for your suggestions

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3 hours ago, samtrois said:

How does this VM handle updates?

I assume its OK to update from systempreferences, Do people enable automatic updates?

I updated from 10.15.1 to 10.15.2 without any issue via About This Mac => Software Update.


I did have to change my network interface from e1000-82545em to vxnet3 for the duration of upgrade. Then back again afterwards to get all my iCloud and App Store connections working.

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7 hours ago, samtrois said:

I assume its OK to update from systempreferences, Do people enable automatic updates?

It's ok, but I disabled automatic updates: since we are running mac os on a vm, sometimes updates may break the os, better to check before if they are compatible, or better do a backup before performing an update; we do not want to automatically update the os without a backup.

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On 12/12/2019 at 2:23 PM, steve1977 said:

Great to see another user of Photos on Catalina. Can you help me check whether you have a photos tab on the left side (and then top bar allowing you to select all, years, months, etc.). Somehow, my bar on the left starts with memories.

Hi, sorry i took so long to check on the thread and see this - i have the same - i can post a screenshot if you want.

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On 12/12/2019 at 11:57 AM, RipSaw said:
On 12/12/2019 at 10:52 AM, FrozenGamer said:

This is more of a mac question - Using Catalina and MacOs downloaded all the photos and started filling up my virtual drive - i don't mind having access to the photos but prefer they stay in the could.  How can i get the photos deleted off the VM to make space without deleting the originals.. I want them to stay online, access them and remain on my iphone. 

Thanks In Advance.

In Catalina go to settings - Apple-ID, under iCloud uncheck which filetypes you do not want to be permanently stored on the disk.

If i uncheck that it will leave all the photos on the drive right?  then i can delete them? My preference is that they exist in the cloud only (because i made the virtual drive 68gb.  I did find a setting in the photos app itself.  Top left next to the apple icon, photos-preferences, there is general and icloud - and under icloud i can optimize mac storage.  this has been done.


Under storage i have 11.16gb of 68.38 left, 29gb of which is photos.   - the main issue is that i have docker image utilization of 71% - maybe i just should up the size of my docker image?

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7 hours ago, FrozenGamer said:

Under storage i have 11.16gb of 68.38 left, 29gb of which is photos.   - the main issue is that i have docker image utilization of 71% - maybe i just should up the size of my docker image?

You should NOT have a growing docker image, and making it larger won't fix your problem.


Start a new thread in General Support and post your diagnostics.

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Great work! Had an issue with the corrupted screen but as someone posted in this thread the <OS> tags kept getting re-written also, now all is well.


Quick question, are there any tweaks to make to have it running smooth with a significant uptime. Use case would be for backup software, that it's only purpose. 


Edited by maxse
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I have a strange issue. I get it installed, I can change the RAM assigned to the machine but as soon as I change the CPU's it breaks the VM.  The icon in VMs changes back to a generic VM icon and after Clover it just sits at a black screen with the apple logo but it's up and to the left instead of the center of the screen.  Any ideas?  Running with just 2 cores is pretty slow.

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4 hours ago, technologiq said:

I have a strange issue. I get it installed, I can change the RAM assigned to the machine but as soon as I change the CPU's it breaks the VM.  The icon in VMs changes back to a generic VM icon and after Clover it just sits at a black screen with the apple logo but it's up and to the left instead of the center of the screen.  Any ideas?  Running with just 2 cores is pretty slow.

check if its changing your loader and  nvram location to something not within the macinabox folder. I've noticed this behavior a few times causing what you describe. also make sure that you remove topology when you change core count (covered in the video)

Edited by 1812
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Guys, help! strange issue . with upload


I have a 100/100 line. When I test on macbook at speedtest.net I get pretty much 100/100. But when I go over to the VM I get 100/0.34Mbps! I set up this VM to do backups and realized that the upload was painfully slow. I then tested the same backup software on my macbook and the speed was great.


So I then went over to speedtest.net on the VM and then tested it against my macbook, on the same network obviously, and got those results. What is causing the the upload to be so slow on the VM?


Just ran the test again:

On macbook got 98Mbps down/118Mbps Up

On the VM  it was also 98Mbps down and then upload was so slow it errored out! "Upload test error a firewal could be blocking the connection"


What's going on here?

Edited by maxse
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8 minutes ago, maxse said:

Guys, help! strange issue . with upload


I have a 100/100 line. When I test on macbook at speedtest.net I get pretty much 100/100. But when I go over to the VM I get 100/0.34Mbps! I set up this VM to do backups and realized that the upload was painfully slow. I then tested the same backup software on my macbook and the speed was great.


So I then went over to speedtest.net on the VM and then tested it against my macbook, on the same network obviously, and got those results. What is causing the the upload to be so slow on the VM?


Just ran the test again:

On macbook got 98Mbps down/118Mbps Up

On the VM  it was also 98Mbps down and then upload was so slow it errored out! "Upload test error a firewal could be blocking the connection"


What's going on here?

you are probably using vmxnet3. change to e1000-82545em

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On 12/17/2019 at 1:42 AM, steve1977 said:

Same issue as me? Yes, a screenshot would be helpful. @SpaceInvaderOne may also be able to look into this. This may be a really odd - though hugely annoying - issue of using a VM. Photos is actually my main use case.


Any chance @FrozenGamer to post a screenshot of your left column in photos and @SpaceInvaderOne to see whether this shows for you.


Belowo what it is supposed to look like. In my case, "photos" (top left) is missing and it starts with "memories".



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I am trying to use MacInABox to get the MacVM to work but...I am getting strange issues. The main difference between the video example and what I have is that I am using an SSD for VMs. Here is my setup and process and issues...anyone see what I'm doing wrong?


Add Docker Image

Edit Docker image - OSX == catalina | Image Location == /mnt/disks/MacOSVM | full install | vdisk == raw

Run the docker image

Restart the array - the disk images appear as expected and the new VM config XML shows up in the /etc/libvirt/qemu as does the nvram associated

 ** ERROR IF - i edit the XML to change the location to /mnt/user/domains to the vm location then restart the array, the /mnt/cache never gets unmounted due to "target busy" errory. the only thing I can think of is that the libvirt.img is on /mnt/system/, which sits on the cache drive, is still busy...the only way to get the array to stop is to "umount -l /mnt/cache" but then the libvirt service will never start again on array restart. The only way to get the vm service to restart is to delete the libvirt image, restart the array and then it works...this of course results in all my VMs disappearing. 


After the Array is restarted I then edit the XML to:

Change 6 references to /mnt/user/domains to point them all to /mnt/disks/MacOSVM location - SAVE

Change the br0 device from virtio to e1000-82545em - SAVE

Change the CPUs to the ones I want (3 total with 2 threads each for total of 6 threads) via the UI. - SAVE

Remove the topology from the <cpu mode tag - SAVE

Paste in the qemu:CommandLine snippet back to the bottom - SAVE


Start the VM

Login via VNC -- Get corrupted graphics -- see attached images


Now when trying to remove the VM and restart the array the locked /mnt/cache happens again and the only way to recover is to delete the /mnt/user/system/libvirt/libvirt.img. I can also go to the settings -> VM Manager stop the vm manager, delete the libvirt.img and then restart it and that also seems to release cache drive


If I start the entire process over again and ONLY change the XML to add in the new install location (ssd paths) - I can actually format the disk and install the OS...but then changing these params later results in the corrupted graphics and it never seems to fully startup.


How could these param changes seemingly corrupt the graphics? Why is it locking my /mnt/cache drive? Why do I have to delete the libvirt.img file to get the VM manager to come back online?


Appreciate any and all help. Thanks.




After diffing the files it became clear that changing the CPU count changes a lot more than just the last qemu section of the file. There are MANY changes throughout (especially the header) which will clearly break it. If you diff the attached before/after .xml files you'll see what all was changed...yikes, didn't expect that to all change just by changing the CPU radio buttons.




finalMacInABoxConfig.xml InitialMacinInABoxConfig.xml ImageInstallSuccess.txt

Edited by srfnmnk
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Anyone have any luck booting with a 5700xt? I get to about halfway on the Apple logo screen with 10.15.2 and that's it. Also has anyone been able to log into iCloud? Created a new account for the VM but can't login as it says "Account limit reached." and the hackintosh method of changing the serial number brings back the graphics glitch over VNC.

Edited by cobhc
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Hello, glad to found a peer with the same struggle here.

I just bought a 5700XT used from a pro resseller with the ability to return it.
I am very curious to know if it works now on Catalina 10.15.2.

Few people repported it working on hackintosh and TB3 eGPU.

I own several macs, but 5700XT + 12 cores (1950x) + 40TB attached to the butt + 64GB of ram, would make it my most powerful one for FCPX.


Yesterday I struggled all night with OSX,  and with macinabox, it worked right away.

Then I learnt how to edit the XML and identified the important lines. Deep thanks to Spaceinvaderone.


I'll test this out too in a few days when it'll be home, and repport findings here.

Maybe auto settings from unraid messed up your XML.

Yesterday I managed to pass my RTX2070 to high sierra and then realised it wasn't supported by the drivers.

Here's my feedback :

There was 3 parts to be mindful of in the XML.


Copy/paste those from a working VNC XML :

- <vmtemplate ... (is changed every time)

- <type arch ... to ...</nvram> (same)

-  the whole </qemu:commandline> as explained in Spaceinvaderone's videos


Then delete one row so you get :

  <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'/>
  <clock offset='utc'> (otherwise won't boot when adding uneven number of vCPUs)


Let me know if you had done it already.

Edited by dboris
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