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On 9/25/2023 at 1:07 AM, Kalixion said:

Trying to get Moodle working. Ran into similar issues from previous replies. Followed M1L4's summarized post and got to Moodle instantly shutting down every time. Not seeing solutions on Github either, just couple of folks that supposedly got it running. Not seeing any files in the folder or table in the database created. Could not seem to get rid of this error either.


realpath: /bitnami/apache/conf: No such file or directory


Unraid Version: 6.11.0



Looks like an easy way to get an LMS running, so any help would be much appreciated! Here is the latest screen grab in logs:

Screenshot 2023-09-24 235502.png

I have run into this so many times, I have uninstalled, reinstalled and still had issues. then i figured it out.
1. go into your (shared) appdata folders and create a separate folder (expose the appdata to SMB if it's easier, I named my folder moodle-DB).
2. Install Mariadb through the community apps, for testing i made it simple, port 3327, all passwords for the database were 'moodle', then for the appdata folder it points to point it to your newly created 'moodle-DB folder' let it run its course.
3.install moodle from the apps, within the configuration point it to the database using the IP address and it's port, now here's where i kept dropping the ball, within the setup of the path data it is not 'finished' per say the container path shows
/mnt/user/appdata/moodle/path   however the field to fill it out just shows /mnt/user/appdata/moodle/     so i threw in path at the end and it started into installing
4. Check your logs for moodle when it's installing

Also if you have residual folders and files left over from prior installs its a good idea to remove them with the cleanup appdata plugin and remove them entirely and start fresh.

Hope that helps some.


Edited by S3v3nD34dly51ns
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  • 2 weeks later...

Discovered lately cryptpad but I struggled to get it running.
I had some rights issues reported for logs preventing from starting :

[Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/cryptpad/data/logs'] {
  errno: -13,
  code: 'EACCES',
  syscall: 'mkdir',
  path: '/cryptpad/data/logs'
            throw err;


I managed to fix through

sudo chown -R 4001:4001 data customize config

as documented on https://github.com/cryptpad/docker

The Docker container IP is apparently so I had to set in the configuration  :

httpUnsafeOrigin: '',

Now I will try to get it running through HTTPS as example.com ...

Edited by ds9
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On 10/22/2023 at 5:37 AM, Draco said:


Hi Team,


I figured out a workaround to get the poller up and running within this docker container.


I edited this file "/etc/cont-init.d/07-svc-cron.sh"


and added the below under echo "Creating LibreNMS cron artisan schedule:run"


echo "Creating LibreNMS poller scheduler"
echo "*/5  *    * * * /opt/librenms/cronic /opt/librenms/poller-wrapper.py 16" >>${CRONTAB_PATH}/librenms


Hope this helps people getting this one up and running.



This did the trick for me! Thank you for spending time on figuring this out.

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I need some help with the db-backup container...

Backups of MySQL server in separate container work fine. Instance for Postgres fails. Postgres logs say:

2023-11-21 03:00:00.852 EST [535] FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dbbackup" 
2023-11-21 03:00:00.852 EST [535] DETAIL: Role "dbbackup" does not exist. Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 100: "host all all all scram-sha-256" 
2023-11-21 03:00:00.872 EST [536] FATAL: database "admin" does not exist

But DB_NAME and DB_USER are not set to be admin or dbbackup. So where is it getting that from?

The login credentials the container has are correct and work fine to log in via Adminer.

If I run backup-now in the container terminal, I get this:

psql: error: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: FATAL: database "admin" does not exist

Are the keys in the template wrong for postgreSQL?


Manual run with debug mode on shows this as the command sent:

psql -h -U admin -p 5432 -d admin -c 'COPY (SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false) TO STDOUT;'

Looks like it's set the port number as the password (unless -p is for port?) and the username (admin) as the database name?

Here are my settings. It looks correct, but it doesn't seem the variables are being parsed correctly for postgresql.



Tried it all on a different unRAID server. Same error. It comes back saying database "-DB_USER-" does not exist.
There is something broken in how the query is parsed from the container variables. They don't work the same from mysql to pgsql.


Other than the above issues...I am also seeing a lot of deprecation warnings and the keys for the template don't match the keys spec'ed on the github page for db-backup.

2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Deprecated and unsupported variable 'DB_DUMP_BEGIN' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0
2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Deprecated and unsupported variable 'DB_DUMP_FREQ' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0
2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Legacy unsupported variable 'COMPRESSION' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0
2023-11-22.09:02:49 [WARN] ** [db-backup01-scheduler] Legacy unsupported variable 'SPLIT_DB' detected - Please upgrade your variables as they will be removed in version 4.3.0


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Follow-up to my previous post.

I tried changing the key names in the template to better match what's shown on the db-backup github page. That got rid of some of the deprecation warnings, but it still mishandles and shuffles the values when the script runs as in my first attempts.


From what I see on the github page, it also seems like you can back up more than one type of database (or multiple instances of the same type) from one container instance by prefixing the key names with DB01, DB02, etc. It'd be great if this functionality could carry through with the unRAID template.


I wonder if this template was initially only meant to work with MySQL/MariaDB and therefore never tested with PostgreSQL.


@A75G I hate to be a bother, but if you could offer some insight, I'd love to get this working.



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On 11/28/2023 at 7:21 AM, Mattaton said:

Follow-up to my previous post.

I tried changing the key names in the template to better match what's shown on the db-backup github page. That got rid of some of the deprecation warnings, but it still mishandles and shuffles the values when the script runs as in my first attempts.


From what I see on the github page, it also seems like you can back up more than one type of database (or multiple instances of the same type) from one container instance by prefixing the key names with DB01, DB02, etc. It'd be great if this functionality could carry through with the unRAID template.


I wonder if this template was initially only meant to work with MySQL/MariaDB and therefore never tested with PostgreSQL.


@A75G I hate to be a bother, but if you could offer some insight, I'd love to get this working.



Finally got this sorted. Changed all the keys in the template to match the repo and then added DB01_AUTHDB key for the postgresql backup to work. The postgresql dump wants there to be a db with the same name as the user, so the extra key is needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attempting to use the FreePBX Docker:

Is there a trick to getting this to work?  I downloaded this docker and and did not change any of the settings from default.  It will not start for me at all.  Was there something I was supposed to do or a setting I was supposed to change before starting this up?

Edited by Johnny Utah
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I use this container to back-up all my postgres databases and then use duplicacy to save those backups, however, I am having this error within duplicacy.


2023-12-16 19:00:02.349 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory formbricks/: open /dbs/formbricks: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.349 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory homeassistant/: open /dbs/homeassistant: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.349 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory linkwarden/: open /dbs/linkwarden: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.349 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory mealie/: open /dbs/mealie: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.349 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory metabase/: open /dbs/metabase: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.349 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory nextcloud/: open /dbs/nextcloud: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.350 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory outline/: open /dbs/outline: permission denied
2023-12-16 19:00:02.350 WARN LIST_FAILURE Failed to list subdirectory postgres/: open /dbs/postgres: permission denied



I set up a share for the DB backups and then subfolders for each app; duplicacy can access the main share but not the subdirectory. I noticed that all the files created by this container show the owner as 10000 which I believe is causing the permissions issue. Does anyone have any input?

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On 3/12/2023 at 6:49 PM, brpeterso said:

Dashy is up and running, but I can't access the WEB UI. 

I just tried changing the networking to HOST, but it didn't work.  I then moved it back to BRIDGE, and the log shows that my new dashboard is up and running with Docker.  I've been running Dashy for a long time now, so this is kind of crazy.  It seems that I can get it running if I change the networking to custom and provide a new IP address for Dashy, but then the uptime checks can't reach some of the apps then.  I have removed, purged volume, and tried reinstalling... but I'm still running into the same problem.  Did something change in the latest update that would have caused this? 


I have the same problem -> no WEB-UI in! In the log is no error message

Gibt es hierzu eine Lösung?

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On 10/22/2023 at 3:37 AM, Draco said:

echo "Creating LibreNMS poller scheduler"
echo "*/5  *    * * * /opt/librenms/cronic /opt/librenms/poller-wrapper.py 16" >>${CRONTAB_PATH}/librenms


I can't for the life of me get this to work. Am I missing something in the forum formatting adding/removing spaces where there shouldn't be any?

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Okay, I'm super confused, need a little help here please...

I'm trying to install Mumble so my wife and I can voice chat over LAN.  This thread appears to be the support thread, but it's all over the map, and and I don't see any mention of Mumble here.

Is there a simple setup guide somewhere for how to get it going on LAN for real basic voice comms, using this docker package?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely, and perhaps there's an easier solution that someone could suggest...

Thanks in advance!

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So my Mattermost container just stopped working an hour or so ago for some reason. I haven't changed the configuration at all I just suddenly noticed that the container stopped and now I can't start it again. In the log it is giving this error: "failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: failed to persist: failed to write file: open /mattermost/config/config.json: permission denied"

I haven't changed any permission settings between when it was last working and now so I'm not sure what happened. Any help would be appreciated!

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9 hours ago, Elmojo said:

Okay, I'm super confused, need a little help here please...

I'm trying to install Mumble so my wife and I can voice chat over LAN.  This thread appears to be the support thread, but it's all over the map, and and I don't see any mention of Mumble here.

Is there a simple setup guide somewhere for how to get it going on LAN for real basic voice comms, using this docker package?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely, and perhaps there's an easier solution that someone could suggest...

Thanks in advance!

The thread groups up all of the packages released by this one author - not one thread per package as one might normally expect...so it's very scattered.

The defaults for the mumble install should work so long as you don't want fancy features like proper SSL out of the box.  What sort of errors are you running into?

Default ports, pick a good superuserpassword (I believe it can't have any spaces in it), and start the container. I personally like using br0 mode where I can force the docker container IP address to something known that won't get clobbered on my network by the router dhcp server.

...then just connect with the regular mumble client. It will throw the error that the cert is self signed, and that's okay. 

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6 hours ago, frollard said:

 What sort of errors are you running into?

After I install the docker, there are some vague instructions about downloading a config.ini file, but no step-by-step instructions about how to actually do it, or how to configure anything to connect. Starting the docker fails with "Specified ini file /etc/mumble/config.ini could not be opened" in the log.

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21 hours ago, XiaoKe said:

So my Mattermost container just stopped working an hour or so ago for some reason. I haven't changed the configuration at all I just suddenly noticed that the container stopped and now I can't start it again. In the log it is giving this error: "failed to load configuration: failed to create store: unable to load on store creation: failed to persist: failed to write file: open /mattermost/config/config.json: permission denied"

I haven't changed any permission settings between when it was last working and now so I'm not sure what happened. Any help would be appreciated!


Alright I got it figured out. I'm still not sure why it suddenly stopped working as I hadn't changed anything but opening a terminal changing the directory to the mattermost folder and then running: "sudo chown -R 2000:2000 /mnt/cache/appdata/mattermost" fixed it

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Does anyone else here have issues with Mattermost mobile notifications? I created a support thread on Mattermost's forum, but I think it's more of an Unraid to Nginx Proxy Manager to Mattermost issue. They do mention the following on the Docs page regarding their Test Push Notification Server. 


You must ensure that the push proxy can be reached on the correct port. For TPNS, it’s port 80 from the Mattermost server.

Here's my Nginx Proxy Manager setup, just in case. Any help would be incredibly appreciated! 



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Is there any guides on how to get Mattermost Docker to work for a beginner? I am reading that I need other dockers or something to act as a database, but under Mattermost docker in the "Additional Requirements" field there is: "None Listed"



Without know what to change, my Mattermost Docker is running and when I try to use the WebGui, I get "This site cant be reached".

I try clicking on all the container settings and there arent any help-tips. I am assuming I am missing whatever needs to be changed in the 'DATASOURCE' and 'APP_HOST' settings since it has some username/password/ip stuff there but......

My IT/computer background is as advanced as: Watch youtube guide, download whatever docker, change the two settings the guide says to, and.... it works..

There just doesnt exist a how-to for this thing yet, unless I missed me.


Edit a couple weeks later: I gave up. Running Nextcloud instead of mattermost because there are guides in how to set up the database for it.

Edited by RaidUnnewb
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FYSA, CryptPad stopped using the Promascu dockerhub and created their own over the summer.

They do not have a "latest" build, but I got the 5.6.0 version of cryptpad running by:

- updating the "repository" to "cryptpad/cryptpad:version-5.6.0"

- changing the "registry url" to "https://hub.docker.com/r/cryptpad/cryptpad/"

- adding a "CPAD_CONF" environment variable pointing to "/cryptpad/config/config.js"


Hoping this helps others




Edited by martial
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For people using Apprise and seeing a large amount of memory used by the tool, this is because "# Workers are relative to the number of CPUs provided by hosting server"


The default formula is "multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1", which, for high CPU hosts, creates a lot of copies of the apprise worker and, therefore, memory usage.


This number can be limited by adding a new "Container Variable" named "APPRISE_WORKER_COUNT" and entering a value.


Hoping this helps others

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On 10/5/2023 at 9:52 AM, m1rc0 said:

Hi everybody,


sorry if its a stupid question. But I'm trying to setup keycloak behind a reverse proxy (NginxProxyManager in my case). On my local network everything is fine but if I try to access keycloak via my domain the admin gui won't load. A bit of googling got me the following reasonable hint:


docker exec keycloak /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect "/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=default:write-attribute(name=proxy-address-forwarding, value=true)"


Sadly in the docker jboss-cli.sh isn't present under /opt/bitnami/keycloak/bin nor can I find it anywhere else. Any hints, please?


Did you ever get this working, m1rc0? I may have a fix for you if you haven't.

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