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[Plugin] CA Appdata Backup / Restore v2.5


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2 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Just as a reminder, these errors have been ignored for years in the previous version. Silently, and without warnings. 

That might be. Have you ever tested your backups of the containers you have running during the backup when using the previous version? Specifically containers with databases which are most prone to corruption.

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5 hours ago, strike said:

I've worked in IT and anybody who has knows that the average user is, to put it nicely, not that smart.

I'd appreciate please avoiding language like this as it's elitist, general users who don't have a technical background in I.T. should not be labelled as "not smart", it's unfair and reductive.


8 hours ago, Kilrah said:

Say my pi-hole for example. If stopped it will hamper connectivity in the whole network.

The appdata for that has a bunch of conf files, and a db. The conf files are important but will never change on their own even if the container is running, only time they'd change is when you're manually making changes. The DB might get corrupted, if it does it's just stats, delete it, no big deal. 

This is pretty much the thing I agree with. Having an option to ignore errors is up to the end user IMO for things like this, sure the database is most likely not going to backup correctly and prone to corruption but that decision should be left up to me as a user and it's not the tools fault at all. I simply don't want some of my services to have outages at all at the cost of an "incomplete" backup, I'm totally okay with this option and it should just be made clear that these are the risks to the person making these changes.


We can get caught up in semantics and best practices all day, just feels like the simplest thing to do here will be to give an option to ignore some of these errors if an end user chooses to. Like mentioned above, for most cases people in my scenario mainly care about configuration files, of course this isn't all cases but again my problem to deal with personally. Any important applications that I use with a DB in this case does it's own backups daily/weekly whatever cadence and I'm happy to have THOSE files as my restore option.

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Hello everybody, first post and newbie here.

I have a new unraid setup with is working fairly well. I would like to perform a nightly backup and this pluggin seems te be the best (only?) option. Thing is that I am having this error and I am not been able to perform a good backup yet.

I have tried different options (compression yes and not and separated or aggregated backup) but always there is this error.

the  docker file changes as the backup is being performed. The error is always the same.

The dockers seems to stop and  start properly. I check that all the dockers are stopped while the backup.

Another thing that bothers me is that the compression process only uses 1 core and it is slow (about 5-10 minutes). Can I assign more cores to it or this is because the gunzip binary is single threading?.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you very much and keep working in this awesome pice of software



The log is here:


[11.01.2023 21:29:30] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
[11.01.2023 21:29:30] Stopping Agent-DVR... done! (took 0 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:30] Not stopping binhex-syncthing: Not started! [ / Exited (128) 32 minutes ago]
[11.01.2023 21:29:30] Stopping db-backup... done! (took 4 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:34] Stopping dokuwiki... done! (took 4 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:38] Stopping duckdns... done! (took 4 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:42] Stopping EmbyServer... done! (took 4 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:46] Not stopping Grafana: Not started! [ / Exited (1) 9 days ago]
[11.01.2023 21:29:46] Stopping Influxdb... done! (took 0 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:46] Stopping mariadb... done! (took 4 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:50] Stopping Mojopaste... done! (took 0 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:50] Stopping ntp... done! (took 0 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:29:50] Not stopping phpmyadmin: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 9 days ago]
[11.01.2023 21:29:50] Stopping speedtest... done! (took 10 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:30:00] Not stopping telegraf: Not started! [ / Created]
[11.01.2023 21:30:00] Stopping TimeMachine... done! (took 0 seconds)
[11.01.2023 21:30:00] Backing Up appData from /mnt/disk1/appdata/ to /mnt/disk2/D2CT1data/CT1appDATAbackup/[email protected]
[11.01.2023 21:30:00] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file.
[11.01.2023 21:30:00] Backing Up
/usr/bin/tar: ./docker.img: file changed as we read it
[11.01.2023 21:32:52] tar creation/extraction failed!
[11.01.2023 21:32:52] ... but being ignored because the user said so!
[11.01.2023 21:32:52] Verifying Backup 
./docker.img: Mod time differs
./docker.img: Contents differ
[11.01.2023 21:36:20] tar verify failed!
[11.01.2023 21:36:20] done
[11.01.2023 21:36:20] Starting Agent-DVR... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:22] Starting db-backup... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:24] Starting duckdns... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:27] Starting EmbyServer... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:29] Starting mariadb... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:31] Starting ntp... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:33] Starting TimeMachine... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:35] Starting dokuwiki... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:37] Starting Influxdb... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:40] Starting Mojopaste... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:42] Starting speedtest... (try #1) done!
[11.01.2023 21:36:44] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
[11.01.2023 21:36:44] Backup / Restore Completed


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Hi there,


Thanks for the great plugin, and for adding the option to ignore errors during backup.


I was wondering how hard it would be to change the logic for stopping docker containers during backup.


Instead of stopping all containers upfront, doing the whole backup, and then starting all containers it would be cool if each container was only stopped during its own backup. Basically loop through each docker app that isn't marked "don't stop", stop the container, back up its app data, start the container, move on to the next app.

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After the latest update, I have enabled the option to "Ignore errors during backup?", and tried to run a backup without shutting down Pi-Hole docker for testing. However, the plugin is still throwing an error. Any idea why ?


Guessing I need to disable verification as well, in order to make use of the new feature?


[12.01.2023 13:08:47] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
[12.01.2023 13:08:47] Stopping binhex-jellyfin... done! (took 1 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:48] Stopping binhex-krusader... done! (took 1 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:49] Stopping binhex-qbittorrentvpn... done! (took 2 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:51] Stopping binhex-radarr-hd... done! (took 2 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:53] Stopping binhex-radarr-uhd... done! (took 2 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:55] Stopping binhex-sabnzbd... done! (took 1 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:56] Stopping binhex-sonarr... done! (took 2 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:08:58] Stopping Cloudflare-DDNS... done! (took 5 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:03] Stopping heimdall... done! (took 5 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:08] Stopping MariaDB-Official... done! (took 1 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:09] Stopping Nextcloud... done! (took 2 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:11] Stopping NginxProxyManager... done! (took 5 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:16] pihole-with-doh set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping
[12.01.2023 13:09:16] Stopping prowlarr... done! (took 6 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:22] Not stopping QDirStat: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 2 days ago]
[12.01.2023 13:09:22] Stopping unifi-controller... done! (took 8 seconds)
[12.01.2023 13:09:30] Backing up USB Flash drive config folder to /mnt/user/Backup/unraid.server/USB/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] building file list
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] *deleting config/super.dat.CA_BACKUP
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... ./
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.assisted_import_post/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.assisted_import_pre/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.corespotlight/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.health_check/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.live/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.live_priority/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.live_system/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.live_user/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.migration/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.migration_secondchance/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Spotlight-V100/Store-V2/9874A937-74F2-48E6-9966-451B14109934/journals.scan/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .TemporaryItems/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .TemporaryItems/folders.501/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .TemporaryItems/folders.501/TemporaryItems/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Trashes/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .Trashes/501/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... .fseventsd/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... EFI-/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... EFI-/boot/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... System Volume Information/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d..tp..... config/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] >f..tp..... config/domain.cfg
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] >f+++++++++ config/super.dat
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/modprobe.d/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins-error/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins-removed/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/NerdPack/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.8/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.9/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/Usb_manager_usbip_addon/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/Usb_manager_usbip_addon/package/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/Usb_manager_usbip_addon/package/5.10.28/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.backup2/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] >f.stp..... config/plugins/ca.backup2/BackupOptions.json
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.cfg.editor/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.cleanup.appdata/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.update.applications/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/starting/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/stopping/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/community.applications/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/docker.folder/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dockerMan/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dockerMan/templates/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dockerMan/templates/limetech/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix.active.streams/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix.apcupsd/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix.schedules/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix.system.stats/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/dynamix/users/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/fix.common.problems/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/fix.common.problems/scripts/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/ipmi/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/networkstats/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/nut/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/parity.check.tuning/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/preclear.disk/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/serverlayout/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/statistics.sender/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/unassigned.devices-plus/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/unassigned.devices-plus/packages/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/unassigned.devices/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/unassigned.devices/packages/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/unbalance/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/usb_manager/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/plugins/usb_manager/packages/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/pools/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/shares/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/ssh/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/ssh/root/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/ssl/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/ssl/certs/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... config/wireguard/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... logs/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... packages/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... preclear_reports/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... previous/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] .d...p..... syslinux/
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] sent 20,235 bytes received 1,687 bytes 43,844.00 bytes/sec
2023/01/12 13:09:30 [2024] total size is 565,510,614 speedup is 25,796.49
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Backing up libvirt.img to /mnt/user/Backup/unraid.server/libvirt-img/
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Using Command: /usr/bin/rsync -avXHq --delete --log-file="/var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log" "/mnt/user/system/libvirt/libvirt.img" "/mnt/user/Backup/unraid.server/libvirt-img/" > /dev/null 2>&1
2023/01/12 13:09:31 [2037] building file list
2023/01/12 13:09:31 [2037] sent 74 bytes received 19 bytes 186.00 bytes/sec
2023/01/12 13:09:31 [2037] total size is 1,073,741,824 speedup is 11,545,611.01
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/Backup/unraid.server/appdata.backup/[email protected]
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Separate archives enabled!
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Ignoring: .
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Ignoring: ..
[12.01.2023 13:09:31] Backing Up: binhex-jellyfin
[12.01.2023 13:12:11] Verifying Backup binhex-jellyfin
[12.01.2023 13:12:49] Backing Up: binhex-krusader
[12.01.2023 13:12:55] Verifying Backup binhex-krusader
[12.01.2023 13:13:05] Backing Up: binhex-qbittorrentvpn
/usr/bin/tar: binhex-qbittorrentvpn/qBittorrent/config/ipc-socket: socket ignored
[12.01.2023 13:13:07] Verifying Backup binhex-qbittorrentvpn
[12.01.2023 13:13:07] Backing Up: binhex-radarr
[12.01.2023 13:13:48] Verifying Backup binhex-radarr
[12.01.2023 13:13:55] Backing Up: binhex-radarr-uhd
[12.01.2023 13:14:04] Verifying Backup binhex-radarr-uhd
[12.01.2023 13:14:05] Backing Up: binhex-sabnzbd
[12.01.2023 13:14:07] Verifying Backup binhex-sabnzbd
[12.01.2023 13:14:07] Backing Up: binhex-sonarr
[12.01.2023 13:14:11] Verifying Backup binhex-sonarr
[12.01.2023 13:14:12] Backing Up: heimdall
[12.01.2023 13:14:13] Verifying Backup heimdall
[12.01.2023 13:14:13] Backing Up: mariadb-official
[12.01.2023 13:14:16] Verifying Backup mariadb-official
[12.01.2023 13:14:18] Backing Up: nextcloud
[12.01.2023 13:15:41] Verifying Backup nextcloud
[12.01.2023 13:16:22] Backing Up: NginxProxyManager
[12.01.2023 13:16:24] Verifying Backup NginxProxyManager
[12.01.2023 13:16:26] Backing Up: pihole-doh
/usr/bin/tar: pihole-doh/pihole/pihole-FTL.db: file changed as we read it
/usr/bin/tar: pihole-doh/pihole: file changed as we read it
[12.01.2023 13:18:15] tar creation/extraction failed!
[12.01.2023 13:18:15] ... but being ignored because the user said so!
[12.01.2023 13:18:15] Verifying Backup pihole-doh
pihole-doh/pihole/pihole-FTL.db: Mod time differs
pihole-doh/pihole/pihole-FTL.db: Contents differ
[12.01.2023 13:18:31] tar verify failed!
[12.01.2023 13:18:31] Backing Up: prowlarr
[12.01.2023 13:18:38] Backing Up: QDirStat
[12.01.2023 13:18:38] Backing Up: unifi-controller
[12.01.2023 13:19:26] done
[12.01.2023 13:19:26] Searching for updates to docker applications
[12.01.2023 13:23:23] Starting Cloudflare-DDNS... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:27] Starting NginxProxyManager... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:30] Starting unifi-controller... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:36] Starting binhex-krusader... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:40] Starting heimdall... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:44] Starting binhex-jellyfin... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:50] Starting binhex-radarr-hd... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:23:56] Starting binhex-radarr-uhd... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:02] Starting binhex-sonarr... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:12] Starting MariaDB-Official... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:23] Starting Nextcloud... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:30] Starting prowlarr... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:37] Starting binhex-sabnzbd... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:44] Starting binhex-qbittorrentvpn... (try #1) done!
[12.01.2023 13:24:51] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
[12.01.2023 13:24:51] Backup / Restore Completed


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7 hours ago, bigbangus said:

This link still goes to the V2 forum thread

Yes. As Iam doing some refactoring, this will be fixed later as well.


4 hours ago, acook said:

Basically loop through each docker app that isn't marked "don't stop", stop the container, back up its app data, start the container, move on to the next app.

Yes, already discussed. Needs dependency support (my guac would exit if guacamole would exit - or the other way round?). 


1 hour ago, Babar said:

Guessing I need to disable verification as well, in order to make use of the new feature?

I already thought, that users might think that the new option includes verification - but no: it dont! Those two options are two processes! If the main backup succeeded without error, the verify could still fail. Verification will be skipped if main backup fails.

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15 minutes ago, KluthR said:

I already thought, that users might think that the new option includes verification - but no: it dont! Those two options are two processes! If the main backup succeeded without error, the verify could still fail. Verification will be skipped if main backup fails.

Makes sense. I already ran a backup job on a running docker without verification. The backup completed without verification.

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9 hours ago, cakes044 said:

I'd appreciate please avoiding language like this as it's elitist, general users who don't have a technical background in I.T. should not be labelled as "not smart", it's unfair and reductive.

Sorry if I was offending you, that was not my intention. But it's just facts. Same as I'm not as smart in your proffesion whatever that is. Say I want to bulid a house and I'm not a carpernter. The carpenter gives me advice on how a house should be built, but I choose to ignore the most important parts. Wouldn't you say that's pretty dumb? The carpenter would at least think that. 


Peolple are so easily offended these days. 

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I just updated to V3 and am experiencing a weird error. After running a backup, one of my docker containers was deleted (nextcloud) It was working just fine before the backup. Additionally the appdata is still there for the container, however the container itself is not there. Attached are the log from the most recent backup (which completed with errors) as well as screenshots of the configuration. Why am I getting errors, and how do I get nextcloud back without reinstalling and having to go through all the configuration steps again.  Additionally the backup is HUGE. ~50GB

Screenshot (351).png


Edited by rnance
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11 hours ago, rnance said:

one of my docker containers was deleted

Definitively not from the plugin itself


Is auto Update for containers enabled inside the appdata plugin?

I guess AutoUpdating went wrong (image could not be downloaded correctly).


To get NC back, just hit „Add Container“ and select the EXACT name of your nextcloud container name from the Templates dropdown. After selecting your network and paths settings should be back. Unraid saves every created container inside a user template.

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Circling back on the V3 thread (as i am still using V2) due to the initial concerns with V3's deployment. Based on some of the posts I am assuming V3 is not fully functional and encountering random backup bugs?
I am in no rush to move to V3 as V2 is working flawlessly at this time.

If anyone would like to share their experience with the migration from V2 to V3 (any GOTCHAS) to look out for, I am all ears.

Thank you kindly.

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