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Unraid OS version 6.12.0 available

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Strange result - kicked off the update to 6.12, came back later and rebooted, and the array came up as stopped (is this expected?).  Pressed [Start] and it didn't - it showed all the data drives had "missing or invalid format", or words to that effect.  All were XFS, and showed as such.

Stopped the array, rebooted, started the array, and this time all drives came up OK.  I wonder what happened?

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11 hours ago, SimonF said:

Have a look at this post 


I can't find this location and/or file:

"Upon boot, if all PCI devices specified in 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' do not properly bind, VM Autostart is prevented. You may still start individual VMs. This is to prevent Unraid host crash if hardware PCI IDs changed because of a kernel update or physical hardware change. To restore VM autostart, examine '/var/log/vfio-pci-errors' and remove offending PCI IDs from 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' file and reboot."

I found the second one, the config file. Where can I find this? (Don't have a var folder in the USB, and the 'logs' folder has other type of logs) So, I went and deleted the 'config/vfio-pci.cfg' file. Hopefully this will fix it, If it doesn't I'll edit and update.

1. If the system knows about it (by throwing the error) why doesn't it just fix it?
2. Please see one again.

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4 hours ago, Woodpusherghd said:

I upgraded to 6.12 from 6.11.5 and I can no longer access my serve from my windows 10 VM, i.e. my mapped drives are unavailable and while my server shows in the windows network I get an error message "the network path is not found" When I run Windows diagnostics it reports "Remote device won't accept the connection."  I  can access my server through the web gui in my windows vm interestingly enough. No Ip addresses have changed from 6.11.5  Diagnostics are attached.



Please start a new thread in General Support. The announce post is fine for basic questions but troubleshooting with multiple back and forths is very difficult here.


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On 6/15/2023 at 7:35 AM, craigr said:


Crap I use both of these, and they are very important to me.  Especially fan control in IPMI.


EDIT:  I see IPMI Tools and NUT were taken over by SimonFair.  That solves that :) !!!



Does it happen automaticaly or you need to unistall the previous one and install a new one from SimonF

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On 6/15/2023 at 6:46 PM, bonienl said:


A bug of firefox browser, using other browsers like Chrome, Edge, Safari or Brave it displays correctly.



Is this a firefox bug or is it a bug from unraids web gui with firefox engine?
It would be great if this could be fixed, i dont wanna use/support a chromium based browser.


Another annoyance i have sometimes with firefox, after unlocking raid it is asking me to refresh page or stay on page, if i press "cancel" / stay on page everything works fine. If i refresh the page the gui is broken


Thanks for your hard work

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2 hours ago, unr41dus3r said:

Another annoyance i have sometimes with firefox, after unlocking raid it is asking me to refresh page or stay on page, if i press "cancel" / stay on page everything works fine. If i refresh the page the gui is broken

Same here. I also have the underscore issue.


It's annoying but I don't need it too often and when I need it I start Edge since I can't get it off Windows 11 anyway.

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Just updated, can not see files in shares

Also no files visible in the cache as well as appdata so docker images can not find their data.


Did I do something before the update to cause this (files still in disk1)  removed a directory in (cache/media/data) 

How can I setup the shares and get the files from disk1 to appear in the cache shares?

Edit (if it happens to anyone else):
I'm not sure what caused this, after seeing all files still there in disk1. I ended up rebooting once more and everything reappeared.


Edited by Aer
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23 minutes ago, Aer said:

Just updated, can not see files in shares

Also no files visible in the cache as well as appdata so docker images can not find their data.


Did I do something before the update to cause this (files still in disk1)  removed a directory in (cache/media/data) 

How can I setup the shares and get the files from disk1 to appear in the cache shares?

Don’t quite understand what your problem is :(  Not sure why you expect the files on disk1 to appear on cache?  Perhaps you need to explain the exact problem in more detail?  

You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.

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11 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Don’t quite understand what your problem is :(  Not sure why you expect the files on disk1 to appear on cache?  Perhaps you need to explain the exact problem in more detail?  

You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.

Sorry I should have explained better.

The share tab was showing 2 shares appdata and media for with 7.04tb free which is disk1 (in the first shares screenshot 8tb drive).

Since then I've rebooted and all the shares have reappeared and on the new screenshot added to the previous post the right shares and drives are being shown. I'm not sure why this happened upon the first reboot after the update. So no problem now.


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9 hours ago, yogy said:

Does it happen automaticaly or you need to unistall the previous one and install a new one from SimonF


7 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

You will have to reinstall.

I can't say for NUT, but for IPMI the new plugin used the previous config automagically. 👍


I had to turn them back on, but NUT and IPMI automatically repopulated for me with my exact settings.  IPMI even kept my custom configurations in config editor for each fan.  GPU Statistics needed to be setup again which is really easy anyway.

Edited by craigr
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7 hours ago, EthanBezz said:

Can anyone here comment on whether this works with 6.12? Thanks.

It looks like it's been updated according to the thread now.  I didn't know about this script.  I may give it a try.  I hate that PLEX is constantly thrashing my SSD's.  However, I did calculate it out by the increase in LBA's over a 24 hour period and it only comes out to about 50 GB a year.  I don't know if the scrip really makes a difference for SSD life, at least in my applications.

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Not an issue more an observation as I have the extra ram deliberately for ZFS to use.  


Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 21.40.02.png


I think at present the ZFS arc is adding the default 1/8 ram amount to any custom arc setting or something else is going on.. I have given it a max of 64GB (128GB/2 => 64GB == 64000000000 Bytes)  via zfs.config  


Is it's saying ZFS is currently using 60GiB and showing it has 33% left.


Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 21.40.57.png


At the moment the total ram usage is 76GiB and the system and docker use about 3GB so presume it is extra ZFS ram usage? 

Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 21.40.15.png


Zfs arc stats

head -n12 /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats



Edited by dopeytree
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On 6/16/2023 at 10:04 AM, chis34 said:

Since the upgrade my nvme cache disk is getting very hot 55 degrees while it was 45 degrees max before. Any idea where the problem could come from ?


Just want to say I've been getting this too since the upgrade, and I haven't found anything else about it yet. Hopefully we can get some more eyes. There isn't even much IO activity going on at all.

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9 hours ago, dopeytree said:

Is it's saying ZFS is currently using 60GiB and showing it has 33% left.

The unused 23% mean that 23% of the currently used RAM are not being used by ZFS, not how much more zfs can use, you can check ARC max size with:

cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats | grep c_max


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Hi all, since updating my system performance has gone insanely bad, to the point the web interface is not usable if I perform a simple task like erasing a drive... I've been talking about this loosely in the Unraid discord but seems no one is able to really concentrate on the one issue to help, and I get that, there's a lot of people asking questions that overlap, it is what it is. I'm happy to separate this out to an entirely new thread if needed...


So I updated from a working system, no pre-existing issues. I then noticed my server seemed dead on first boot, no screen output, no ping etc, but I had to go for lunch, when I came back it was up and working. Logged in and then went to set up my cache from btrfs to ZFS and this is when I noticed these huge pauses.  To cut a long story short, I have no VMs, no docker containers etc running. System is an 11400 Intel so not old nor underpowered for the task and hand! This is the CPU usage when just asking it to format a drive, being the first peak (set to 5M) and then after startng the array with also the TOP output from console. Diagnostics also attached.



EDIT: To add I just downgraded back to 6.11.5 and all my problems disappeared to this seems to be an issue specific to 6.12 for me




Edited by J89eu
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Hmm.... since upgrading, system has been crashing about once a day and I have to hard power cycle it. It comes back fine, and no errors until it crashes. But since it hard locks, I can't pull diag/logs to troubleshoot.


Anyone else having a similar issue? I've switched docker to ipvlan, made sure I don't have any of the incompatible plugins running, and sanity checked all the settings I can think of.

Probably going to have to roll back. System was solid as can be on previous versions and the only time I ever had to reboot was to upgrade :(

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