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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Updated Local Master plugin on Dec 31st at 12:05pm. Encountered the same warning about "DefaultPageLayout.php". Confirming that the bug is still present in the 2015.12.30 version as fireplex reported.


Following the steps in post #885 has fixed the issue and the GUI has returned. Thank you to kyis for posting the fix  :)



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You're fast ^^


Fixed by opening flash/bzroot using 7zip

Extracted /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php

Connected via sftp to my machine (as root)

Copied php file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/

Checked that permissions were 644

Refreshed WebUI



Since I know I can fix it, I tried reinstalling Local Master in hopes of it breaking again but I failed, it installed fine ^^.



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Updated Local Master plugin on Dec 31st at 12:05pm. Encountered the same warning about "DefaultPageLayout.php". Confirming that the bug is still present in the 2015.12.30 version as fireplex reported.


Following the steps in post #885 has fixed the issue and the GUI has returned. Thank you to kyis for posting the fix  :)

Didn't affect me for some reason, maybe one of my other plugins. I know something Squid did moved some things in the webUI for us like moving Users off the top tabs and into Settings (where it belongs IMO).
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Just to note in case needed.


I just updated the local master browser plugin a few minutes ago and received the "defaultpagelayout" error and couldn't access the web interface. I logged into the box and rebooted from within (I needed a reboot anyway) and the error went away.


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Thanks for the nice explanation of the local master scheme.


Since I have my SMB share on unRAID set for local master:yes, is there any reason to install the plugin?  Can I just assume unRAID will continue to serve as the local master and I can just not worry about it?  I've not seen any problems in the last few years that would make me concerned it's an issue; so...good enough?


thanks again

Just because you have local master:yes does not mean that unRaid IS the local master.  Merely that it will advertise itself to be available.


All the plugin does is throw an icon next to the IP address on the main screen indicating if unRAID currently is the local master.


It does do one more thing.  It displays on the 'Settings', 'SMB', 'Workgroup' tab, the name of the current Local Master. 


If you have never had a problem, that is great.  The problem is that SMB is an evolving protocol and it has two different 'forks'  (may not be the best term) ---  MS and Linux/UNIX.  They are almost identical but MS definitely goes its own direction and SMB tries to follow.  The election is a convoluted process and it is possible to influence the likelihood that a particular computer (or OS) will 'win'!  MS has set up each new version of Windows so that the computer with the most recent Windows OS will win.  (All other things equal, a Win10 machine will always win over a Win7 machine!)  (A secondary problem MS made some security or other 'enhancements' in Win10 that have been causing problems for some users not be able finding their unRAID servers!)  The one true blessing in all of this is that a Windows for Workgroup 3.1 computer will still work on a SMB network. 


You can make use of 'trick' that MS uses to bias the election in favor of your unRAID server by adding a file called      smb-extra.conf    to your Config folder on your unRAID flash drive which contains the following code:


domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255


I tried to add this file only to discover that it already existed.



#Recycle bin configuration
   vfs objects = extd_audit recycle
   syslog only = No
   log level = 0 vfs:0
   recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = Yes
   recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
   recycle:versions = Yes
   recycle:exclude = *.tmp
   recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin



Can I just add to the file? Something like this-

#local master configuration
   domain master = yes
   preferred master = yes
   os level = 255
#Recycle bin configuration
   vfs objects = extd_audit recycle
   syslog only = No
   log level = 0 vfs:0
   recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = Yes
   recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
   recycle:versions = Yes
   recycle:exclude = *.tmp
   recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin


Not sure how future changes to recycle bin might effect this?

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Not sure how future changes to recycle bin might effect this?

I have multiple [global] sections in mine, one of which is managed by recycle bin.

security = USER
guest account = nobody
public = yes
guest ok = yes
map to guest = bad user
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255
path = /mnt/crypt
valid users = Rick
write list = Rick
force user = root
create mask = 0711
directory mask = 0711
browsable = no
guest ok = no
#Recycle bin configuration
vfs objects = recycle
   recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/%S
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = Yes
   recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
   recycle:versions = Yes
   recycle:exclude = *.tmp
   recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin

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Not sure how future changes to recycle bin might effect this?

I have multiple [global] sections in mine, one of which is managed by recycle bin.

security = USER
guest account = nobody
public = yes
guest ok = yes
map to guest = bad user
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255
path = /mnt/crypt
valid users = Rick
write list = Rick
force user = root
create mask = 0711
directory mask = 0711
browsable = no
guest ok = no
#Recycle bin configuration
vfs objects = recycle
   recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/%S
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = Yes
   recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
   recycle:versions = Yes
   recycle:exclude = *.tmp
   recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin

Thanks. Looks like I can just paste in the smb local master code after recycle bin.

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Not sure how future changes to recycle bin might effect this?

I have multiple [global] sections in mine, one of which is managed by recycle bin.

security = USER
guest account = nobody
public = yes
guest ok = yes
map to guest = bad user
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255
path = /mnt/crypt
valid users = Rick
write list = Rick
force user = root
create mask = 0711
directory mask = 0711
browsable = no
guest ok = no
#Recycle bin configuration
vfs objects = recycle
   recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/%S
   recycle:directory_mode = 0777
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = Yes
   recycle:touch_mtime = Yes
   recycle:versions = Yes
   recycle:exclude = *.tmp
   recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin

Thanks. Looks like I can just paste in the smb local master code after recycle bin.


Yes.  Don't add anything between #vfs_recycle_start and #vfs_recycle_end or it will be removed when recycle bin stops/starts.

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Yes.  Don't add anything between #vfs_recycle_start and #vfs_recycle_end or it will be removed when recycle bin stops/starts.

Thanks. Just added a comment below #vfs_recycle_end:

#local master configuration

and then the code below that.


Probably not really needed for this file, but sometimes they come in handy when trying to find my changes.

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just updated and I get the issues with not being able to access webgui


Warning: require_once(include/DefaultPageLayout.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'include/DefaultPageLayout.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56


I posted this also in community applications forum by mistake.


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I thought trim was done automatically if one had an SSD installed.  Do I need to install SSD Trim plugin to keep the SSD 'clean', or is it just to force it to happen on a regular basis?




Depends on your hardware. Modern SSDs have their own garbage collector threads that happen in the background when idle built into the drive itself.

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I have updated my 5.0.6 server and of course installed dynamix.

Having trouble to get the server to sleep/shutdown.

This is what I captured with the debug option.

I noticed that I hadn't installed the powerdown plugin and did it right away.

That send the server right into sleep/powerdown - flawless timing  ;D .


Is there an issue with the stock powerdown command or is it a dynamix issue?

If necessary, I can deinstall the powerdown plugin again.


Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: command-args=-q
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: action mode=sleep
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check disks status=no
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check network activity=no
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check active devices=no
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check local login=no
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check remote login=no
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: version=3.0.1
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: included disks=sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: excluded disks=sda
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: killing s3_sleep process 3672
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: command-args=-C 2 -h 00 -h 17 -h 18 -h 19 -h 20 -h 21 -h 22 -h 23 -a -m 15 -n -e eth0 -N 12500 -i -i -l -L -D 1
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: action mode=shutdown
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check disks status=yes
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check network activity=yes
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check active devices=
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check local login=yes
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: check remote login=yes
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: version=3.0.1
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: included disks=sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: excluded disks=sda
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: s3_sleep process ID 16658 started, To terminate it, type: s3_sleep -q
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:01:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 15 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:02:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:02:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 14 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:03:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:03:10 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 13 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:04:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:04:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 12 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:05:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:05:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 11 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:06:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:06:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 10 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:07:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:07:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 9 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:08:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:08:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 8 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:09:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:09:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 7 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:10:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:10:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 6 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:11:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:11:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 5 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:12:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:12:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 4 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:13:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:13:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 3 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:14:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:14:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 2 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:15:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:15:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 1 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:16:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:16:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 0 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:16:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Initialize TCP activity counter
Jan  7 10:17:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:17:11 Tuerke s3_sleep: Check TCP/SSH/TTY/IP activity
Jan  7 10:17:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Communication state is idle
Jan  7 10:17:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Shutdown system now
Jan  7 10:17:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: System woken-up. Reset timers
Jan  7 10:18:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:18:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 15 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:19:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:19:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 14 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:20:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:20:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 13 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:21:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:21:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 12 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:22:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:22:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 11 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:23:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:23:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 10 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:24:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:24:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 9 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:25:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:25:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 8 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:26:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:26:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 7 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:27:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:27:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 6 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:28:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:28:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 5 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:29:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:29:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 4 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:30:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:30:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 3 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:31:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:31:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 2 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:32:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:32:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 1 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:33:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:33:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 0 minute(s)
Jan  7 10:33:17 Tuerke s3_sleep: Initialize TCP activity counter
Jan  7 10:33:46 Tuerke emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin install https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg
Jan  7 10:33:47 Tuerke logger: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/powerdown/powerdown-2015.12.18.tgz - downloading from URL https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-2015.12.18.tgz
Jan  7 10:33:47 Tuerke logger: plugin: checking: /boot/config/plugins/powerdown/powerdown-2015.12.18.tgz - MD5
Jan  7 10:33:47 Tuerke logger: plugin: creating: /boot/packages/powerdown-2.18-noarch-unRAID.tgz - downloading from URL https://github.com/dlandon/powerdown/raw/master/powerdown-2.18-noarch-unRAID.tgz
Jan  7 10:33:48 Tuerke logger: plugin: checking: /boot/packages/powerdown-2.18-noarch-unRAID.tgz - MD5
Jan  7 10:33:48 Tuerke logger: plugin: running: /boot/packages/powerdown-2.18-noarch-unRAID.tgz
Jan  7 10:33:48 Tuerke init: Re-reading inittab
Jan  7 10:33:48 Tuerke logger: plugin: running: anonymous
Jan  7 10:33:48 Tuerke logger: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/powerdown/powerdown.conf - from INLINE content
Jan  7 10:34:04 Tuerke emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin checkall
Jan  7 10:34:18 Tuerke s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down
Jan  7 10:34:18 Tuerke s3_sleep: Check TCP/SSH/TTY/IP activity
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke s3_sleep: Communication state is idle
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke s3_sleep: Shutdown system now
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke powerdown[11499]: Powerdown initiated
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke powerdown[11505]: Powerdown V2.18
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke rc.unRAID[11509][11513]: Processing /etc/rc.d/rc.unRAID.d/ kill services scripts.
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke rc.unRAID[11517][11521]: Processing /etc/rc.d/rc.unRAID.d/ kill scripts.
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke powerdown[11525]: Initiating Shutdown with ''
Jan  7 10:34:24 Tuerke shutdown[11526]: shutting down for system halt

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Feature request for Dynamix System Statistics:


99% of the time I want to see the "system stats", but when I click on the "stats" icon I get to see the "disk stats". I then have to do an extra click to see the "system stats" (I know, I'm lazy  ;D)


Please make a new setting to specify which stats get shown when a user clicks on the "stats" icon (Would be selectable between "disk stats" and "system stats").


Thanks for all your work on these plugins!


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How would I verify if mine is "modern" enough to have it built in?  I think it does, but would like to verify, just to be sure.




Find the make and model of your ssd, search for the makers web site, then look up your model to see if it has native garbage collection.


Here's what Samsung says about TRIM. I currently have one 840 EVO SSD drive as an "unassigned" device, but apparently it doesn't have built-in TRIM, so once again install another plugin.



"Modern operating systems have enabled another form of SSD maintenance, TRIM. TRIM is a facility by which the OS can notify the SSD when data is either marked for erase or no longer valid. TRIM helps to make Garbage Collection more efficient by preparing invalid data for deletion. Remember, SSDs are new technology, so computers were built to interface with traditional hard disk technology. Hard disks are not subject to the same write/erase limitations that SSDs are – they can easily overwrite data in an existing location without erasing it first. Therefore, when the OS “deletes” data, the data does not actually go anywhere. The space in which it resides is simply marked as “free space” that may be used later. By default, because it doesn’t know it’s not working with its longtime HDD companion, the OS doesn’t let the SSD know that a particular piece of data is no longer valid and that its corresponding memory location is now free – after all, there is no reason to do so. With the introduction of SSDs, however, there is now a compelling reason to increase communication about file validity between the OS and the storage device. Enter TRIM. TRIM allows the OS to inform the SSD which data are no longer valid, allowing the SSD to skip over invalid data when performing Garbage Collection instead of moving around old data. Once a block is full of pages that all contain invalid data, that block is considered free and may be erased. The TRIM command is sent to the SSD controller automatically by the OS every time it deletes a file. As it requires OS support, not all users will be able to use native TRIM functionality. On PCs, TRIM is supported in Windows 7 or later. On Macs, TRIM is only supported for Apple’s OEM SSDs and is not supported for Samsung’s (or any other manufacturers’) aftermarket SSDs. Users of older Windows operating Systems (Windows XP, Windows Vista) may use Magician’s built-in “Performance Optimization” feature to manually pass the TRIM command to the SSD on demand (or via user-specified schedule)."


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Hi. Does the TRIM plugin work on unassigned SSD drives? I did install the plugin and the description indicates it is a CRON job using fstrim on the cache drive. Where is it adding the cron job, I may want to add my unassigned drive in there also. I checked all my cron folders and didn't see any changes but then I also do not have a cache drive. I thought I would at least see fstrim command in the /etc/cron.d folder.




Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz - downloading from URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/archive/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz

Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: checking: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz - MD5

Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: running: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz

Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: running: anonymous

Jan 8 18:28:29 SUN in.telnetd[26597]: connect from (

Jan 8 18:28:34 SUN login[26598]: ROOT LOGIN on '/dev/pts/1' from 'BIGBEN'

Jan 8 18:30:42 SUN emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog

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Hi. Does the TRIM plugin work on unassigned SSD drives? I did install the plugin and the description indicates it is a CRON job using fstrim on the cache drive. Where is it adding the cron job, I may want to add my unassigned drive in there also. I checked all my cron folders and didn't see any changes but then I also do not have a cache drive. I thought I would at least see fstrim command in the /etc/cron.d folder.




Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz - downloading from URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/archive/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz

Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: checking: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz - MD5

Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: running: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/dynamix.ssd.trim.txz

Jan 8 18:26:08 SUN logger: plugin: running: anonymous

Jan 8 18:28:29 SUN in.telnetd[26597]: connect from (

Jan 8 18:28:34 SUN login[26598]: ROOT LOGIN on '/dev/pts/1' from 'BIGBEN'

Jan 8 18:30:42 SUN emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog


I'd like to know this too. I have just had the plugin run for the first time and it run exactly as specified last night.


However, I also have an SSD that is mounted via "Unassigned Devices" that i'd also like to schedule a TRIM for without having to add a CRON job manually BUT like open toe suggested if it is not possible then just knowing where to add the additional line for the extra disk would be cool!

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Hi. Does the TRIM plugin work on unassigned SSD drives? I did install the plugin and the description indicates it is a CRON job using fstrim on the cache drive. Where is it adding the cron job, I may want to add my unassigned drive in there also. I checked all my cron folders and didn't see any changes but then I also do not have a cache drive. I thought I would at least see fstrim command in the /etc/cron.d folder.


The plugin works with cache disks only. The command is stored in the file /config/plugins/dynamix/ssd-trim.cron on your flash device. You can edit the file, but since this file is auto-generated all manual changes will be lost once an update from the GUI is done.

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Hi. Does the TRIM plugin work on unassigned SSD drives? I did install the plugin and the description indicates it is a CRON job using fstrim on the cache drive. Where is it adding the cron job, I may want to add my unassigned drive in there also. I checked all my cron folders and didn't see any changes but then I also do not have a cache drive. I thought I would at least see fstrim command in the /etc/cron.d folder.


The plugin works with cache disks only. The command is stored in the file /config/plugins/dynamix/ssd-trim.cron on your flash device. You can edit the file, but since this file is auto-generated all manual changes will be lost once an update from the GUI is done.


Shame. Easily fixed though through a manual cron entry elsewhere for those other devices.


A quick question about the plugin on a btrfs ssd cache pool. I am considering extending my single ssd cache to a btrfs cache pool for some fault tolerance of my cache (still running my apps and bn from a single ssd from Unassigned Devices) but will this plugin execute the TRIM command on both SSD's in such a pool?

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A quick question about the plugin on a btrfs ssd cache pool. I am considering extending my single ssd cache to a btrfs cache pool for some fault tolerance of my cache (still running my apps and bn from a single ssd from Unassigned Devices) but will this plugin execute the TRIM command on both SSD's in such a pool?


Yes, it will. The cache pool is seen as a single disk (/mnt/cache) and the trim operation works on all disks in the pool. In case you wonder: I have a SSD cache pool myself.


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