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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Monthly "bump" regarding Autofan control plugin.  Issue still exists where "exclude" checkbox in plugin setup does not ignore NVME drive.  Result is much higher fan speeds than necessary to cool array of spinners.  Hopefully this can be addressed by developer when time permits.    Original post with diagnostics linked below.



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On 8/27/2019 at 12:02 PM, itfcjim said:

Hi all,


Have installed this plugin onto my Unraid server running a SuperMicro X8DTE-F motherboard. When I hit DETECT nothing seems to happen. Is there anything special I need to do?


Many thanks


Uninstall this plug in. It hasn't work for awhile and doesn't seem to be supported anymore. It's been months with no updates or replys.

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10 hours ago, realies said:

pre-clearing of new drives in the array

As itimpi said.


It is not possible to preclear a disk in the array. But if you add a disk that hasn't been cleared to the array Unraid will clear it so parity remains valid. The "pre" part of preclear means clear a disk before adding it.

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Thanks for pointing out the correct unRAID terminology. I have not used 82% of the available space and it is impossible to use 18.9 TB of a 9 TB total array size. Before adding the new drives the total space used percentage was at 55%, when the new drives were added it jumped to 82% during the clearing stage.



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I need help with the configuration of Sleep plugin. 

My Server starts through the bios, everyday at 18:00, and I want that it keeps working for 6 hours and go to Sleep again.

The problem is that I tried all possibilities, and nothing seans to work.

The "Excluded hours:" does not matter, he goes to speep anyway. 

The "Wait for array inactivity:" if I dont put as "NO" he keeps awake anyway.

The only thing that works is the "Extra delay after array inactivity:", that could solve it all, but this funcion accepted at most 99 minutes.


I printed my actual configuration.


Someone can help?
Thanks in advance.
I'm a beginner, so excuse me if this is a little basic.




Anotação 2019-09-04 180915.jpg

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15 hours ago, esf said:

The "Excluded hours:" does not matter, he goes to sleep anyway. 

Its been a while since i used the S3 plugin, but I thought that the Excluded hours setting was for doing exactly what you are trying to do. If i remember correctly the S3 Sleep plugin has some debug logging that you can enable. Have you tried enabling that and watching the syslog? That should let you see what triggers the sleep function.

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5 hours ago, primeval_god said:

Its been a while since i used the S3 plugin, but I thought that the Excluded hours setting was for doing exactly what you are trying to do. If i remember correctly the S3 Sleep plugin has some debug logging that you can enable. Have you tried enabling that and watching the syslog? That should let you see what triggers the sleep function.

Thanks a lot for the repply.

I solved the problem, my SETTINGS>DATE AND TIME was not configured. Now the "Excluded hours:" are working perfectly.


thank anyway


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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings everyone,


I just built an unraid system with the TUF Gaming X570-Plus mother board and a Ryzen 5 3600.


I've looked all over in the forums on getting the motherboard/CPU temps to be recognized but cannot figure it out.


When I detect drivers in Dynamix System Temperature plug-in, nothing comes up.  Thanks.

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6 hours ago, bonienl said:

All the Dynamix plugins are "best effort" due to my busy schedule and other commitments.

Would you recommend users of system temp and autofan plugins transition to script-based solutions at this time?  The plugins are very much appreciated, but having functional issues with Unraid 6.7.2.  As long as the plugins are available for download the nagging will continue ;)

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31 minutes ago, poto2 said:

The plugins are very much appreciated, but having functional issues with Unraid 6.7.2.

AFAIK, there are no compatibility issues with the plugin and 6.7.x  Rather it's that not all combinations of hardware (due to a variety of factors, most outside of @bonienl's control) will work properly.  The apps tab does have a note on this plugin (and a few others) specifying this.


If there is an actual compatibility issue with 6.7.x, then let me know

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19 minutes ago, pluginCop said:

AFAIK, there are no compatibility issues with the plugin and 6.7.x  Rather it's that not all combinations of hardware (due to a variety of factors, most outside of @bonienl's control) will work properly.  The apps tab does have a note on this plugin (and a few others) specifying this.


If there is an actual compatibility issue with 6.7.x, then let me know

I never stated that there is an incompatibility, not sure where that is coming from.    Just trying to determine if its worth waiting for @bonienl to address previously reported issue with autofanspeed plugin, or move on to script substitute.


I did read the notes on the apps, but a blanket warning that not all hardware is supported leaves a lot of gray area.  Is it OK for a user to ask questions if they are not sure if problem is drivers or hardware or incompatibility with plugin or OS? 



The hardware I'm running is not bleeding-edge - Supermicro X9SCM-iiF, X10SRM-tf use AST2400 and Nuvoton WPCM450 BMC's - pretty mainstream.  Unraid 6.7.0 + System Temp/Autofan works great, Unraid 6.7.2 + System Temp/Autofan = no sensors found.  Neither combination ignores HGST NVME SSD when selected to ignore.


If the developer states they are too busy, not gonna happen, no problem - I'll move on.

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17 minutes ago, poto2 said:

I never stated that there is an incompatibility, not sure where that is coming from. 

To be fair, this can read as if you consider the problem to include the OS...

1 hour ago, poto2 said:

...but having functional issues with Unraid 6.7.2.

All pluginCop was saying is that if the issue goes beyond plugin/hardware compatibility and includes the Unraid OS in some way, then it can be flagged as such.  If you were just stating the version of Unraid you were using, rather than saying that Unraid 6.7.2 broke this plugin, then fair enough.  At least that's how it reads to me.

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Agreed, language is tricky, and easily misunderstood.  I regret my wording, as I only intended to specify which version of Unraid I was using to test plugin.


Hopefully, the main part of the post, where I document ongoing issue since April 2019, will receive similar attention.

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11 hours ago, bonienl said:

All the Dynamix plugins are "best effort" due to my busy schedule and other commitments.


S3-sleep is difficult to test, because I don't have all the different hardware that exists out there.

Recently, I did make a new test server with AMD though, just to see how things work.


Hi, I use the Sleep plugin and it`s great.
My hardware is really old, (12 years) and some functions don't work. But even like that, the plugin make a large economy in energy.
One thing that could help in the options of configuration is if the "Extra delay after array inactivity:" aloowed more then 99 minutes.  I know there is other options to prevent sleeping, but this optios is the easyest to configure and work in any hardware that I tried.


thanks in advance and congratulations for the app

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