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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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why is unRAID going to sleep?


it is a recording in tvheadend started ... The file is stored in the array without cache.

Sleep Plugin monitors the array.

On the first pass, Sleep recognizes a hard drive from the array in use.

After a short while, the server falls asleep in the middle of the recording.

I tested a lot, I can not get on my own.

I hope for help.

Thank you




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With the system temp plugin how do I determine the motherboard sensor name?


My CPU temp sensor was releatively simple. It was initially k10temp=Tdie. Though its changed its name now and says k10temp-CPU temp.


I dont know what my MB sensor is called though. How do i work out whether jc42 - temp1 or jc-42-temp2 are the mb? And which part of the mb?


When I look in the bios there appear to be 5 sensors but they are obviously named and do not reflect the sensors reported by the plugin.


My MB is a Gigabyte x399 Aorus Xtreme.

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I had an issue with my system fans running constantly and I have tracked it down to an unassiged SSD drive running hot (45 deg). See here:


While thats not a concern itself, I cannot exclude this drive from the Auto Fan Control settings. It seems to only show the Array and cache drives. Is there a way aorund this, maybe manually adding it to a config file?

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On 3/1/2019 at 12:48 AM, mikela said:

Should we just leave it as is and ignore the message until 6.7 release?  It doesn't seem to be causing any problems with the exception of the warning messages.

I had the same issue, upgraded to 6.6.7 and the plugin was still complaining. I uninstalled the plugin with a view to re-installing and can no longer find the 'dynamix.system.stats.plg' plugin at all!


Has it been pulled. I found this plugin to be very useful?

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1 minute ago, yakuzah said:

I had the same issue, upgraded to 6.6.7 and the plugin was still complaining. I uninstalled the plugin with a view to re-installing and can no longer find the 'dynamix.system.stats.plg' plugin at all!


Has it been pulled. I found this plugin to be very useful?

6.6.7 is still lower than 6.7, which is in -RC5 state at the moment.  AFAIK, Community Applications will only return results compatible with your version.  Either wait until 6.7 is out or install 6.7-RC5.

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1 minute ago, Cessquill said:

6.6.7 is still lower than 6.7, which is in -RC5 state at the moment.  AFAIK, Community Applications will only return results compatible with your version.  Either wait until 6.7 is out or install 6.7-RC5.

Thanks for the quick reply, is there a way to install the older plugin please?

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Running UnRaid 6.6.7 on DELL T3500 and having an issue setting up Fan Auto Control plugin.


When I go into settings for the plugin and hit 'DETECT' for 'PWM Fan' nothing happens, also the 'PWM Controller' drop down says 'none'.


I know this motherboard does have a PWM controller, in Windows I'm able to run SpeedFan and have software controlled fans. 


What else can I try to get the plugin to work?



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I am seeing what appears to be fan RPMs displayed under the motherboard temperature area. I am on the latest BIOS now (F3, this was taken before I updated) and still have the RPMs showing up in the temp area. Diagnostics: node-diagnostics-20190305-1449.zip


Perl is installed and up to date.


This does not happen on my server at home which is also on RC5  with the Dynamix system temp plugin but with a different motherboard.





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I might be hitting my head against a wall, but I have been trying to get the S3 Sleep to work on my workstation.

I am able to put the Unraid to sleep but I would also like to automatic have the option to wake it or put it to sleep.


I have just googled my motherboard and I have discovered that the board doesn't support WOL.  to make this work would I need a board that has the function. my current board is Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. - Z390 UD WOL 

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I have 3 questions about the S3 sleep plugin.

  1. If I set the plugin to not invoke sleep from 00:00 to 10:00, assuming all conditions has been met and it shutdown the server at 10:00, will it automatically turn back on at 00:00?
  2. What's the correct definition of array inactivity? When all disks are spun down (cache included or not) or if there's no activity in the array (no reads/writes transfers)? I'm not sure if I should follow @SpaceInvaderOne's youtube video definition of this or the plugin's description.
  3. If the array is running and if I set the plugin to shutdown, again assuming all conditions are met and it invoked the plugin to shutdown, will it safely stop the array first or it'll behave as Unraid's way of shutting down (which is to not safely stop array, services, etc...)

About the system buttons,

  • Same to question 3 above, will shutdown button invoke safe shutdown or no?

Hope these are easy questions to answer. Thanks!

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On 3/8/2019 at 2:21 PM, Rendeaust said:
  1. If I set the plugin to not invoke sleep from 00:00 to 10:00, assuming all conditions has been met and it shutdown the server at 10:00, will it automatically turn back on at 00:00?

So far as i am aware the S3 sleep plugin does not have any native support for waking up the server on a schedule. When I last used it, I had the "Before Sleep" commands feature to run a small script to program an RTC wakeup alarm. Support for RTC wakeup can be a pain though.

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Love this stat plugin!  I was wondering if you'd ever thought to add a GPU utilization graph to the CPU / Memory / Traffic / Disk configuration.


I've been watching my GPU with watch nvidia-smi and while that works, a visual graph here would be easier on the eyes (not to mention fewer windows open).

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First, thnx for an awesome collection of tools! I'm using several of these, they were easy to setup and are working perfectly. The only one I had slight trouble was the Auto Fan Control aka System Autofan.


Dynamix Auto Fan Control

This seems to support controlling only one fan? I have three fans behind my drives and I already ordered an Akasa 1 -> 3 pwm fan splitter for this purpose. Just trying to make sure I've understood this plugin correctly.


I also had to insert "modprobe nct6775" command in my go script to have my fan sensors detected. I have newish Asus Prime Z390M-PLUS motherboard. It was kind of hard to find which sensor module to use since basically none of the threads with "unraid fan control" did not help. Once I had realised that "sensors", "sensors-detect" and "modprobe" were the magic commands, things got a bit easier. However in my case the "sensors-detect" did not find the nct6775, instead I found it on Asus's forums. Is there a writeup on this matter somewhere? Google for sure does not return it among 20ish first hits.

Edited by henris
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It supports one fan channel, yes. Splitters are fine as long as they only return one PWM signal back to the motherboard.


Some of the cheap ones are simply 4-pin connectors chained one after another and they all share the same PWM signal line. It is usually advised that you find the PWM line and break it on the splitter upstream from the first fan so that only the first fan returns the PWM signal to the board. If yo udon't, the board can get confused as the tach signal looks noisy and it cannot read the correct speed.

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