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Docker FAQ feedback

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Questions for FAQ more for authors:

1). Mapping USB device so Container can use the USB device?  Will unRaid need drivers for the USB device or just the Container?  Pass by bus or what USB shows up in unRAID?  I.e. /dev/ttyUSB1

2). Let a Container see unRAID system stats like CPU %, Bandwidth, ram, disk % etc.


Bumping this for knowledgeable authors ...

Didn't see the post until now... I'll answer the device part later when I'm around a computer.

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How to set up a docker using an image from Docker Hub?  :)


It would be mighty helpful to me. :)

Community Applications has a feature for this.


After some exploring it's unclear to me how I could utilize the community applications to access a private docker repository. Is it possible to access the docker command line through the Unraid WebGUI?

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How to set up a docker using an image from Docker Hub?  :)


It would be mighty helpful to me. :)

Community Applications has a feature for this.


After some exploring it's unclear to me how I could utilize the community applications to access a private docker repository. Is it possible to access the docker command line through the Unraid WebGUI?

Turn on docker hub searches within CA settings.  As long as the container is on docker hub it will do it's best to scrape the relevan info and add it after you search for the app.


From the command line you would have to issue a docker run command


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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  • 1 month later...

What do I do when I see 'layers from manifest don't match image configuration' during a docker app installation?


I have a theory as to why this is actually happening, unfortunately I am unable to replicate this issue so I cannot test the theory.


As to the solution, you will need to delete your docker.img file and recreate it again.  You can then reinstall your docker apps through Community Application's Previous Apps section or via the my* templates.  Your apps will be back the exact same way as before, with no adjustment of the volume mappings, ports, etc required.


this post: https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/1439#issuecomment-237999672


has the fix which worked perfectly for me without having to reinstall everything...

The existing layers may be an important piece of the puzzle. I think what's happening is that one of the existing layers was downloaded by an older version of Docker that did not save tar-split metadata. The migration to content-addressability computed an ID for the layer, but this doesn't match the ID that comes directly from the tar. The migration also prepopulated the mapping between the layer digest and the artifact digest in


. Pulling another image that uses the affected layer will try to use this layer digest from the migration, but that digest turns out to be wrong, so the pull fails.


If this is correct, deleting


should fix your problem pulling maxpowa/npomf:latest. This is just a cache, so it should be safe to remove (removing it will just cause extra data to be transfered during pushes and pulls until the cache is repopulated).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to run a container from docker hub, how do I interpret the instructions.


Using the duplicati container as an example.


Basically looking at the instructions:


docker run --rm -it \
    -v /root/.config/Duplicati/:/root/.config/Duplicati/ \
    -v /data:/data \
    -e DUPLICATI_PASS=duplicatiPass \
    -p 8200:8200 \


--rm = remove the container when exits (Not sure we want that) But if you did then you could add it into the extra parameters box

-it = open an interactive pseudoterminal (Not sure why with a webui) But if you did then you could add it into the extra parameters box

-v /root/.config/Duplicati/:/root/.config/Duplicati/ = map a volume host:container therefore I would suggest -v /mnt/cache/appdata/duplicati:/root/.config/Duplicati

-v /data:/data = map a volume host:container therefore I would suggest -v /mnt/user/share:/data

-e DUPLICATI_PASS=duplicatiPass = Set webui password

e MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS=UTF-8 = Encoding - Leave at UTF-8

-p 8200:8200 = Port mapping container:port

intersoftlab/duplicati:canary = dockerhub repository/image:tag


Pasting all that into Unraid:




And hey presto...



Maybe add another reference link to this post:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37732.msg349938#msg349938  which uses a dockerfile as a basis
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One problem, lionelhutz post leads with a URL that has now gone 404.

Yeah that is a problem...  (the mediabrowser user no longer exists on dockerHub).  I suggested it for CHBMB to post in because I've seen a fair amount of container's that don't have the explicit directions that CHBMB is relying on but do have the dockerfile (if they are automated builds [most are]) which in most cases lists the required ports / volumes


Up to you, but what if you take the liberty of changing his original posting and reference this url instead:  https://hub.docker.com/r/jacobalberty/mediabrowser/~/dockerfile/


The ports and volumes on that dockerfile match Lionel's example, only the repository doesn't match (which Lionel doesn't show in the dockerfile - only in the unRaid settings.


Or we can just leave well enough alone, ditch CHBMB's second post, keep mine which is the automated attempt at parsing the dockerfile.  Kind of an advanced subject anyways where we have to expect the user to have some sort of knowledge of how to read the directions / dockerfile on dockerHub anyways...

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  • 2 months later...

Regarding this post in the FAQ (I'm getting this error trying to update my Plex docker app, using the linuxserver/plex image):


What do I do when I see 'layers from manifest don't match image configuration' during a docker app installation?


I have a theory as to why this is actually happening, unfortunately I am unable to replicate this issue so I cannot test the theory. EDIT:  I know whats happening.  The details however aren't important (its caused by the docker API itself, not unRaid)


As to the solution, you will need to delete your docker.img file and recreate it again.  You can then reinstall your docker apps through Community Application's Previous Apps section or via the my* templates.  Your apps will be back the exact same way as before, with no adjustment of the volume mappings, ports, etc required.


This is a one-time operation.


Could we put some more details in about where to find the docker.img file I need to delete, and a quick step by step on how to reinstall it afterward (or at least a link to more detailed instructions)? I am barely managing to remember how to work a unix commandline from back in my uni days, and sometimes it feels like my unRAID server is held together with nothing more than hope. Not sure where to look to find docker.img - I had a quick poke around in /var/lib/docker but couldn't find it.

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Regarding this post in the FAQ (I'm getting this error trying to update my Plex docker app, using the linuxserver/plex image):


What do I do when I see 'layers from manifest don't match image configuration' during a docker app installation?


I have a theory as to why this is actually happening, unfortunately I am unable to replicate this issue so I cannot test the theory. EDIT:  I know whats happening.  The details however aren't important (its caused by the docker API itself, not unRaid)


As to the solution, you will need to delete your docker.img file and recreate it again.  You can then reinstall your docker apps through Community Application's Previous Apps section or via the my* templates.  Your apps will be back the exact same way as before, with no adjustment of the volume mappings, ports, etc required.


This is a one-time operation.


Could we put some more details in about where to find the docker.img file I need to delete, and a quick step by step on how to reinstall it afterward (or at least a link to more detailed instructions)? I am barely managing to remember how to work a unix commandline from back in my uni days, and sometimes it feels like my unRAID server is held together with nothing more than hope. Not sure where to look to find docker.img - I had a quick poke around in /var/lib/docker but couldn't find it.


Settings ==> Docker ==> Advanced Toggle


The docker.img is wherever you have configured it to be...

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Regarding this post in the FAQ (I'm getting this error trying to update my Plex docker app, using the linuxserver/plex image):


What do I do when I see 'layers from manifest don't match image configuration' during a docker app installation?


I have a theory as to why this is actually happening, unfortunately I am unable to replicate this issue so I cannot test the theory. EDIT:  I know whats happening.  The details however aren't important (its caused by the docker API itself, not unRaid)


As to the solution, you will need to delete your docker.img file and recreate it again.  You can then reinstall your docker apps through Community Application's Previous Apps section or via the my* templates.  Your apps will be back the exact same way as before, with no adjustment of the volume mappings, ports, etc required.


This is a one-time operation.


Could we put some more details in about where to find the docker.img file I need to delete, and a quick step by step on how to reinstall it afterward (or at least a link to more detailed instructions)? I am barely managing to remember how to work a unix commandline from back in my uni days, and sometimes it feels like my unRAID server is held together with nothing more than hope. Not sure where to look to find docker.img - I had a quick poke around in /var/lib/docker but couldn't find it.


No need to do any of that. Use the Web UI and the Docker Settings page once Docker is stopped by changing "Docker Enabled" to No and clicking Apply, then checking the "Delete Image File" checkbox.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

Can you please add the following to the FAQ, I just spent about 36 hours tackling it and no one here had an answer for me...even though the answer was buried in the Linuxserver.io Plex thread.


When the appdata share is set to cache-only and the user (or container) sets the appdata path to /mnt/user/appdata instead of /mnt/cache/appdata FUSE freaks out and complains that all SQLite databases are corrupt, no matter what the container is or how many times you recreate the data. This seems to only affect SQLite since all files are written correctly, except that the SQLite databases are empty.

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I was going to post this in the defect reports section when I saw that someone had posted a similar issue to what I had experienced, but their issue was because of DirectIO, which I also have enabled. I asked that user to use /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user and their issues were resolved as well :D 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Squid,


this is a great thread. Thanks for all your hard work. I have read through and implemented a Minimserver Docker that I found at Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/tromatik/docker-minimserver/


My /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-minimserver.xml looks like so:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
  <Overview>MinimServer is a new UPnP AV music server with a number of innovative features...</Overview>
  <Category>Media Servers:</Category>
  <Description>MinimServer is a new UPnP AV music server with a number of innovative features...</Description>
  <Config Name="Host Port 1" Target="9790" Default="9790" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 9790" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">9790</Config>
  <Config Name="Host Port 2" Target="9791" Default="9791" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 9791" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">9791</Config>
  <Config Name="Host Path 1" Target="/media" Default="/mnt/user/" Mode="ro" Description="Container Path: /media" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/iTunes/Music/</Config>

The config page is attached below. Container is starting well and working as expected. I have 2 remaining questions:

  • is there any way to add a nice icon that is located somewhere on /boot
  • where are the config files? I am not sure that this Docker is surviving a reboot

Would be great if you can explain how to do that. Thanks a lot.



Edited by EdgarWallace
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  • 3 months later...

the FAQ has been updated to include log rotation for docker containers. If I turn this feature on now, does affect existing containers? i.e. should I expect it to go through my existing (overly large) log files and rotate them out based on the options I chose? Or do you need to reinstall the container for log rotation to apply?

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  • 2 months later...

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