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11 minutes ago, BVD said:


Right after an update, the cache will usually need to be rebuilt, as the DB indices are updated and the existing cache is essentially no longer 'valid' (the cache doesn't get it's existing contents updated). I'd give it some time and re-evaluate.

Ah, ok, I will do that then.



As to the phone details, you can configure them manually as well within config.php (same place you put the DB connection information etc) 👍

The problem was that I did not find it in that file... I dont know why. After i used the command, a line got added to the end of that config tho, or I was blind, its on the last line now tho.
Its faster to just use that command anyway, if you do it straight away and dont do like me and first open the cofig, then dont find it, then find the command on internet and then do it.


OR you could just probably add the line yourself completely.

Edited by Mihle
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6 hours ago, bastl said:

Renaming the "default" file in "/config/nginx/site-confs" and restarting the docker at first wasn't the solution. Looks like Nextcloud is reading every file in that path when started up. Docker log showed the following and the web ui never came up.




So I removed the old default file from that path, restarted the docker and tada, Nextcloud was back and the errors are gone

Thank You! that is what I did wrong. Seems like the name of the file dont matter for Nextcloud, I now moved the old renamed file one step up in the file structure and it worked :)




with resetting the file, the  "Strict-Transport-Security“-HTTP-Header"  setting also was reset and had to be uncommented again. Same happened for "client_max_body_size" which i had configured to 10G before, by default it is set to 512M now. An upload with a 2GB testfile went trough. Weird 🤨


Just curious, what do the "Strict-Transport-Security“-HTTP-Header" do? Dont seem like that one even was in my old file.

Edited by Mihle
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7 hours ago, BVD said:


That's calling out the SMB PHP module, which I'd assume is an installed plugin - if you uninstall the plugin prior to your upgrade, do you still have issues?


How would I uninstall said plugin without the Nextcloud UI? 🤔


And you said "prior to your upgrade", are you suggesting it'd be possible to downgrade to the last version? (If it is, I'd gladly stick with 21.0.0 for a while)


Thank you for the answer!

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You'll just have to restore your backup is all, if you find no way to manually remove the plugin - though I'd assume theres a php file somewhere that you could edit out the reference to it manually to address. Youd have to do a little poking around in that one though, restoring your backup would definitely be far simpler and quicker

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7 minutes ago, BVD said:


You'll just have to restore your backup is all, if you find no way to manually remove the plugin - though I'd assume theres a php file somewhere that you could edit out the reference to it manually to address. Youd have to do a little poking around in that one though, restoring your backup would definitely be far simpler and quicker


I'll look through some files, in case I'll find the correct one that has the reference in it.


I'd be more than happy to just restore my old backup though, but I'm just not sure how to do that? Is there a command for it that you put in the terminal, or..? (I'm sorry, I've just built my first server some months ago. All of this is rather new to me)

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I'm going to assume you've probably not taken a backup prior to the upgrade then, as it's not something that's automatically done... I'll try to take a look in the morning to see where the plugin/hub configuration is loaded from - I've an idea that you could simply remove that file from the directory and restart the container in order for it to be regenerated, but I'm not certain and it's about 0130 here. Will try to remember to check it out once I wake up

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4 minutes ago, BVD said:

I'm going to assume you've probably not taken a backup prior to the upgrade then, as it's not something that's automatically done... I'll try to take a look in the morning to see where the plugin/hub configuration is loaded from - I've an idea that you could simply remove that file from the directory and restart the container in order for it to be regenerated, but I'm not certain and it's about 0130 here. Will try to remember to check it out once I wake up

Update proccess includes a backup.. It stores it in /data/updater-randomhash/backups/nextcloud-backupedversion

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11 hours ago, Mihle said:

Just curious, what do the "Strict-Transport-Security“-HTTP-Header" do? Dont seem like that one even was in my old file.

Quote from Wikipedia:


HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism that helps to protect websites against man-in-the-middle attacks such as protocol downgrade attacks[1] and cookie hijacking. It allows web servers to declare that web browsers (or other complying user agents) should automatically interact with it using only HTTPS connections, which provide Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL), unlike the insecure HTTP used alone. HSTS is an IETF standards track protocol and is specified in RFC 6797.


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On 2/26/2021 at 11:13 AM, skois said:

Right now this link is dead. I'll check it later. 
here is the new issue i created. If you want you can do a comment there with your steps. and if you have the error still.


Edit* Check the issue for the solution.
TL?DR? Update docker, delete /config/nginx/site-confs/default, restart docker, Go to Settings > Overview, (for chrome) Press F12 and while having dev tools open right click refresh button and click emtpy cache and hard reload.


Thank you so much, these steps are what I needed to remove my last errors and get back to all checks passed.  Much appreciated!


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Updated to Nextcloud 21 yesterday through the terminal. Everything went fine and there are no errors in any of the log files. Regardless I get the following message:




I have checked the logs in on the Docker Icon and the following locations:





 The console still works fine and happily accepts commands.


Any ideas of what is wrong would be much appreciated.

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17 hours ago, Ntouchable said:

Updated to Nextcloud 21 yesterday through the terminal. Everything went fine and there are no errors in any of the log files. Regardless I get the following message:




I have checked the logs in on the Docker Icon and the following locations:





 The console still works fine and happily accepts commands.


Any ideas of what is wrong would be much appreciated.


I got the same error when I updated to 21.0.1, and for me, it turned out to be the "external storage" application (which I'm using to get access to SMB shares in the Nextcloud app)


I got this fixed by simply removing the "files_external" folder found in:


However, now I can't see the External Storages- application within the appstore of NC, so I'm trying to figure out how to re-install said app in order to access the SMB shares once again.


Haven't done a-lot of testing yet, but I think I got everything to work now!


Ok so, I downloaded the tar/zip file for NextCloud 21.0.0 from their website:



I then manually moved two folders into the NextCloud installation folder.

So, in your Unraid server, navigate to:



1. You see a folder named "lib" in there, remove it.

2. Open your tar/zip file you just downloaded, navigate to the same folder, and move the "lib" folder from the tar/zip file to replace your removed "lib" folder.

3. Do the same to the "3rdparty\icewind" folder.


And that seemed to do the trick for me!


Sorry for the bad explanation, I'm just getting a bit tired at this point, hah!

Edited by REllU
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9 hours ago, REllU said:


I got the same error when I updated to 21.0.1, and for me, it turned out to be the "external storage" application (which I'm using to get access to SMB shares in the Nextcloud app)


I got this fixed by simply removing the "files_external" folder found in:


However, now I can't see the External Storages- application within the appstore of NC, so I'm trying to figure out how to re-install said app in order to access the SMB shares once again.


Haven't done a-lot of testing yet, but I think I got everything to work now!


Ok so, I downloaded the tar/zip file for NextCloud 21.0.0 from their website:



I then manually moved two folders into the NextCloud installation folder.

So, in your Unraid server, navigate to:



1. You see a folder named "lib" in there, remove it.

2. Open your tar/zip file you just downloaded, navigate to the same folder, and move the "lib" folder from the tar/zip file to replace your removed "lib" folder.

3. Do the same to the "3rdparty\icewind" folder.


And that seemed to do the trick for me!


Sorry for the bad explanation, I'm just getting a bit tired at this point, hah!


Explanation was perfect. Worked for me ... once I realised you specifically need to use the 21.0.0 files you mentioned.

Thank you very much for sharing your solution.



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hello everyone, my first post here and new to unraid. 

hope I'm posting right,

I'm trying to setup a nextcloud docker on unraid with reverse proxy, and I tried to update from gui. after upgrade it tells me "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log." 

I researched already but I'm a noob and can't get forward.

I'm stucked, any help would be appreciated

nextcloud.log updater.log

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Not sure if the is the correct place to ask but my UNRAID Nextcloud is suddenly broken and will not connect.  I get this error "This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3.
You are currently running 7.4.15."  Nextcloud is a good app and would hate to have to remove it.  Anyone have any answers to this problem?

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9 hours ago, tcm2Lions said:

Not sure if the is the correct place to ask but my UNRAID Nextcloud is suddenly broken and will not connect.  I get this error "This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3.
You are currently running 7.4.15."  Nextcloud is a good app and would hate to have to remove it.  Anyone have any answers to this problem?

There might be a couple of hundred post about the same issue in this thread, so a search would be welcome 😉

In short, you haven't updated nextcloud in a long time.

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13 hours ago, mo679 said:

hello everyone, my first post here and new to unraid. 

hope I'm posting right,

I'm trying to setup a nextcloud docker on unraid with reverse proxy, and I tried to update from gui. after upgrade it tells me "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log." 

I researched already but I'm a noob and can't get forward.

I'm stucked, any help would be appreciated

nextcloud.log 29.92 kB · 0 downloads updater.log 19.84 kB · 1 download

nextcloud connected again to webui after server reboot. i thought docker restart to be same. 

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2021/04/12 06:25:56 [error] 563#563: *1131 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Doctrine\DBAL\Exception: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Host is unreachable in /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/Connection.php:85


Ubiquiti router lost network settings and Unraid got a new IP. I was able to fix all other problems but the only thing left is Nextcloud. I'm getting this error in the error.log. 


Any ideas where I can check settings for the DB connection?

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13 minutes ago, sem1845 said:

2021/04/12 06:25:56 [error] 563#563: *1131 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Doctrine\DBAL\Exception: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Host is unreachable in /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/Connection.php:85


Ubiquiti router lost network settings and Unraid got a new IP. I was able to fix all other problems but the only thing left is Nextcloud. I'm getting this error in the error.log. 


Any ideas where I can check settings for the DB connection?

change the ip also there.

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11 hours ago, saarg said:

There might be a couple of hundred post about the same issue in this thread, so a search would be welcome 😉

In short, you haven't updated nextcloud in a long time.

Thanks for the response but I have updated Nextcloud through the Unraid Docker GUI.  Is there somewhere else I should upgrade?

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On 5/28/2017 at 1:08 PM, CHBMB said:

Got to the bottom of this one:


Edit /config/letsencrypt/nginx/site-confs/nextcloud

	location / {
	proxy_max_temp_file_size 2048m;
	include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;

Change 2048m to a size that works for you.


From here.


If your site is behind a nginx frontend (for example a loadbalancer):

By default, downloads will be limited to 1GB due to proxy_buffering and proxy_max_temp_file_size on the frontend.

  • If you can access the frontend’s configuration, disable proxy_buffering or increase proxy_max_temp_file_size from the default 1GB.
  • If you do not have access to the frontend, set the X-Accel-Buffering header to add_header X-Accel-Buffering no; on your backend server.

I think I have exact same issue with combo of nextcloud v21 and nginx proxy manager. Everything works like a breeze except that every file more than 1gb downloaded remotely stops after 1gb. Can someone please explain me like i'm 4-yr old which files in nextcloud and/or in NPM should I edit to get rid of this limitation once and for all. Many thanks in advance.


EDIT: so basically I found the solution myself. No need to edit any files in nextcloud.

In order to get rid of 1gb download limitation :

1. go to NPM Proxy Host tab.

2. Click '3 dots' and click 'Edit' in your nextcloud proxy host.

3. Go to advances tab and put the following:

proxy_request_buffering off;
proxy_buffering off; 

4. Click Save


That's it. Enjoy no more stupid limitations on the file size downloaded. Tested 13gb file from remote location and it worked like a charm. Hopefully someone finds it useful for their setup.

Edited by Januszmirek
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On 3/1/2021 at 7:40 AM, capt.shitface said:

No. I deleted the Docker and used CA CLEANUP APPDATA to clean-up appdata. Then reinstalled. Not too much work because database and /data is not affected.
Be ware, 2FFA didn't work after reinstall, i had to use backup-codes to login and the "reinstall and re-activate" 2FFA. 


On 3/1/2021 at 1:19 PM, capt.shitface said:


I run MariaDB docker. I just connected to that, logged in with my user/admin-account with backup codes. 

Also deleted the "upgrade-xxxxxx" folder in /data
Ofcourse all the settings in Nextcloud (apps etc.) was gone, but users and data was OK


Dear TBoneStaek,


This is the way.


If you run into the same problem again 45 days later, this is the way.


Signed, smarter-than-March, April TBoneStaek.

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