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[Support] for atribe's repo Docker images

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Hi guys,


Please how do i add additional Plugins , themes into the Grafana Docker? Is is possible to extend to "online" library or each plugin needs to be copied somewhere into the docker?


If so please how/where?



Seems like found here :D https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/cli/#plugins-commands

Docker tab - right click on Grafana and run Console, each plugin has also ready commands https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/yesoreyeram-boomtheme-panel/installation


All sorted


One more question still persist if i can somehow extend the local repository - to be able to see online via UI somehow?




Edited by killeriq
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Hi all,


I hope you can help me with telegraf, I cant seem to get it to get metrics from my eth0 or eth1 or br0. I followed the guide provided by atribe, yet not metrics is to be found I don't even have a header that could look like network statistics. I have mem, CPU, disk, docker etc but nothing about network. Funny thing... I can get the docker network usage, but I think it is snatched from the docker sub-system.



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56 minutes ago, Alphahelix said:

Hi all,


I hope you can help me with telegraf, I cant seem to get it to get metrics from my eth0 or eth1 or br0. I followed the guide provided by atribe, yet not metrics is to be found I don't even have a header that could look like network statistics. I have mem, CPU, disk, docker etc but nothing about network. Funny thing... I can get the docker network usage, but I think it is snatched from the docker sub-system.



Have you made sure [[inputs.net]] is uncommented. If you go to your grafana config file and look for the following and remove the two ## in front of [[inputs.net]]


# # Read metrics about network interface usage
# #[[inputs.net]]

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Working through moving my Grafana dashboard to Unraid and I'm having trouble getting a basic Unraid disk util graph to work.  Is the Telegraf "disk" for the array?  Or do I need something else to grab the array stats?  I'm trying the "used_percent" and getting weird results.


***Edit - might have just figured it out.  Doing a fstype instead seems to get the info I need.

Edited by Bitbass
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After passing my video card through to Telegraf and selecting the option for the gpu as below I get this error. Anybody able to assist in this. --runtime=nvidia is in the container settings so this has not seemed to have helped.


E! [inputs.nvidia_smi] Error in plugin: fork/exec /usr/bin/nvidia-smi: no such file or directory



# # Pulls statistics from nvidia GPUs attached to the host
#   ## Optional: path to nvidia-smi binary, defaults to $PATH via exec.LookPath
##  bin_path = "/usr/bin/nvidia-smi"
#   ## Optional: timeout for GPU polling
#   # timeout = "5s"


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For telegraf - is there a clean way to get it to use the telegraf.d for additional plugins?


I passed 

--config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d

as a post argument, but then in logs I get:


2020-03-20T19:42:08Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.13.4
2020-03-20T19:42:08Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
2020-03-20T19:42:08Z W! Telegraf is not permitted to read /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d

all of the following are owned by nobody:users and have 777 permissions right now

  • /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf
  • /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf
  • /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.d
  • /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.d/etcetera.conf


So I am unsure as to why it is not permitted to read the telegraf.d directory

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  • 2 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, J89eu said:

Hi, for the Telegraf  docker, how can I install the input plugin APCUPSD? https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/apcupsd


Seems it's part of the standard feature set but I can't see it in the telegraf conf file



If you can't find it, just add it.

  # A list of running apcupsd server to connect to.
  # If not provided will default to tcp://
  servers = ["tcp://"]

  ## Timeout for dialing server.
  timeout = "5s"


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Running Grafana and I'm having a problem with displaying to a Chromecast proxy.  This is not a problem with the container, but rather a problem with the new version of Grafana.  I want to do some troubleshooting and it was suggested I check the nginx access log.  Where do I find that?  I went into the console and looked in /var/log/grafana and it was empty.

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Checking on Telegraf and I'm having a problem there with the array utilization reporting.  Where can I find the array percent utilization?  My previous comment about using the mean of fstype isn't work right.  I think it's averaging the disk utilization across all XFS disks.  The math doesn't work out the same.  It's coming up as 66% utilized when the array is actually close to 68%.

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I've just replaced my UPS and the new UPS provides information that the old one didn't so Grafana should be more accurate. For example, nompower, loadpct, timeleft etc.


However, something isn't quite right, as Grafana is actually reporting less and I'm thinking it's something to do with apcupsd still reporting the old information from the old UPS and not updating Influx with the new information?


I've added a number of screenshots from what apcupsd shows, Grafana, Influx set up, Influx data sources and if I remove the nompower from the apcupsd-influx-exporter (this UPS reports nompower, the old on didn't), the log file.

Can anyone assist please?


Many thanks and stay safe!

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 17.35.34.png

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I believe its because your new UPS is reporting LOADPCT as "16.0 percent" instead of just "16.0".


So your UPS is actually providing a String Value to the formula when it needs just an Integer or a Float number.  You might have to dig in the Grafana Dashboard code and help files to figure out how to strip that string value of the " percent" from the end of it in that formula.  Or maybe someone here can help with that.


I had to do a custom User Script using CA User Scripts Plugin and the NUT-Settings Plugin instead of the built-in UPS Settings for my Eaton Rack-mount UPS because it was not providing any of the normally named tags and I had to modify all the Grafana charts to look for the new variables, but I didn't have to do any string manipulation like your new UPS would require.



Hopefully I can at least point you in the right direction.

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2 hours ago, WannabeMKII said:

I've just replaced my UPS and the new UPS provides information that the old one didn't so Grafana should be more accurate. For example, nompower, loadpct, timeleft etc.


However, something isn't quite right, as Grafana is actually reporting less and I'm thinking it's something to do with apcupsd still reporting the old information from the old UPS and not updating Influx with the new information?


I've added a number of screenshots from what apcupsd shows, Grafana, Influx set up, Influx data sources and if I remove the nompower from the apcupsd-influx-exporter (this UPS reports nompower, the old on didn't), the log file.

Can anyone assist please?


Many thanks and stay safe!

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 17.35.34.png

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 17.36.07.png

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 17.42.07.png

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 17.44.17.png

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 17.47.20.png

Do you have the WATTS variable set in the apcupsd-influxdb-exporter docker? image.thumb.png.5c1cd68243862520c7d9134c9caadf79.png

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8 minutes ago, axipher said:

I believe its because your new UPS is reporting LOADPCT as "16.0 percent" instead of just "16.0".


So your UPS is actually providing a String Value to the formula when it needs just an Integer or a Float number.  You might have to dig in the Grafana Dashboard code and help files to figure out how to strip that string value of the " percent" from the end of it in that formula.  Or maybe someone here can help with that.


I had to do a custom User Script using CA User Scripts Plugin and the NUT-Settings Plugin instead of the built-in UPS Settings for my Eaton Rack-mount UPS because it was not providing any of the normally named tags and I had to modify all the Grafana charts to look for the new variables, but I didn't have to do any string manipulation like your new UPS would require.



Hopefully I can at least point you in the right direction.

Ouch, that sounds complicated. I'm hoping there's a more 'straightforward' solution...

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I am moving from a native install (without docker) on a VM to this docker-image on UNRAID and so far everything is good.

But I am not that experienced with docker, so I got this issue:


In my original installation I made some edits in /etc/grafana/grafana.ini which I want to move to the docker-container as well.

reporting_enabled = false
check_for_updates = false

admin_user = [censored]
admin_password = [censored]

allow_sign_up = false

enabled = true
org_name = Main Org.
org_role = Viewer

With this settings i managed that users could browse grafana without login, but login was required for editing the dashboards. In addition it turned off analytics.


I know i can edit the file also within the docker-container but as far as I know, this is not the proper way to do it. is it?


The part that the admin password is set via "Container Variable" is especially confusing for me. Now every username does work, as long as the admin-password is right.!?

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10 minutes ago, Greyberry said:



I am moving from a native install (without docker) on a VM to this docker-image on UNRAID and so far everything is good.

But I am not that experienced with docker, so I got this issue:


In my original installation I made some edits in /etc/grafana/grafana.ini which I want to move to the docker-container as well.

reporting_enabled = false
check_for_updates = false

admin_user = [censored]
admin_password = [censored]

allow_sign_up = false

enabled = true
org_name = Main Org.
org_role = Viewer

With this settings i managed that users could browse grafana without login, but login was required for editing the dashboards. In addition it turned off analytics.


I know i can edit the file also within the docker-container but as far as I know, this is not the proper way to do it. is it?


The part that the admin password is set via "Container Variable" is especially confusing for me. Now every username does work, as long as the admin-password is right.!?

Use environment variables in the docker setup to set all of these.

See the docs: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/installation/configuration/#configure-with-environment-variables

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