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[Support] A75G Repo

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On 9/5/2023 at 4:32 AM, djgizmo said:

It's because this docker template is boogered.  LibreNMS docker container (for the past year) install now expects a full docker stack now, which runs 2 installations of LibreNMS, with one of them as the dedicated poller.    A76 refuses to update his template to accommodate.  


Hello once more,

As previously mentioned, since you're actively following this thread, if you're aware of any issues, kindly consider either submitting a pull request or offering the necessary configuration changes.

Edited by A75G
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6 hours ago, A75G said:

Hello once more,

As previously mentioned, since you're actively following this thread, if you're aware of any issues, kindly consider either submitting a pull request or offering the necessary configuration changes.

I would if I was a programmer, but I'm not. I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out where that was coming from, but I was unable to find the issue, but it seems to be in kernel.php.

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On 2/10/2023 at 5:23 AM, kteach said:

I am trying to install Moodle for my School. Everything seems right, but when I try to run the installed docker this is what I get.


"moodle 21:13:56.29 Welcome to the Bitnami moodle container
moodle 21:13:56.29 Subscribe to project updates by watching https://github.com/bitnami/containers
moodle 21:13:56.29 Submit issues and feature requests at https://github.com/bitnami/containers/issues
moodle 21:13:56.29 
moodle 21:13:56.29 INFO  ==> ** Starting Moodle setup **
realpath: /bitnami/apache/conf: No such file or directory
moodle 21:13:56.89 INFO  ==> Configuring Apache ServerTokens directive
moodle 21:13:57.04 INFO  ==> Configuring PHP options
moodle 21:13:57.04 INFO  ==> Setting PHP expose_php option
moodle 21:13:57.17 INFO  ==> Setting PHP memory_limit option
moodle 21:13:57.19 INFO  ==> Validating settings in MYSQL_CLIENT_* env vars
moodle 21:13:57.22 INFO  ==> Validating settings in POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_* env vars
moodle 21:13:57.30 INFO  ==> Restoring persisted Moodle installation
moodle 21:13:57.75 INFO  ==> Trying to connect to the database server
grep: /opt/bitnami/moodle/config.php: No such file or directory"


Any ideas? I have 14 other containers running just fine. Including similar packages, like WordPress. This ... just doesn't run.

I have similar problems. My version system is Unraided v.6.11.5 And I tried with MariaDB and Mysql as database and both produce the same errors. Can somebody help me?




Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 18-02-27 Nas_UpdateContainer.png


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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to get Moodle working. Ran into similar issues from previous replies. Followed M1L4's summarized post and got to Moodle instantly shutting down every time. Not seeing solutions on Github either, just couple of folks that supposedly got it running. Not seeing any files in the folder or table in the database created. Could not seem to get rid of this error either.


realpath: /bitnami/apache/conf: No such file or directory


Unraid Version: 6.11.0



Looks like an easy way to get an LMS running, so any help would be much appreciated! Here is the latest screen grab in logs:

Screenshot 2023-09-24 235502.png

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On 9/14/2021 at 5:27 PM, zacc said:



i have problems with my ngnix and psitransfer.

my config in swag for a proxy reverse subfolder redirect me back to my root.


location /psitransfer {
    rewrite ^/psitransfer/?(.*)$ /$1;
	proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_redirect off;
    set $upstream_app psitransfer;
    set $upstream_port 3000;
    set $upstream_proto http;
    proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port/psitransfer;


Hello, I find the psitransfer tool interesting, but I need help for customization, since in unraid I do not see how to edit the configuration in the folders mentioned in the psitransfer thread




I only find read-only files with VI editor in terminal mode from unraid, nor do I see folders in the psitransfer installation under unraid, there is nothing in appdata in cache either. I just want to change the name of "PsiTransfer" in the html of the web server for a different one, nothing else, neither icons nor logos.


Thank you very much for the help,  greetings to all!

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Hello, I find the psitransfer tool interesting, but I need help for customization, since in unraid I do not see how to edit the configuration in the folders mentioned in the psitransfer thread






I only find read-only files with VI editor in terminal mode from unraid, nor do I see folders in the psitransfer installation under unraid, there is nothing in appdata in cache either. I just want to change the name of "PsiTransfer" in the html of the web server for a different one, nothing else, neither icons nor logos.


Thank you very much for the help,  greetings to all!

Edited by NexusEFR
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I'm still pretty new to Unraid, but have 20 years of Linux experience. Yesterday I tried to install the app Linkding per Docker, where the description says:

Creating user by using console "python manage.py createsuperuser --username=joe [email protected]"


After that, it should ask for  a password. However, I get the following error:

'python: can't open 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory'



I didn't believe it, so I checked with mlocate and indeed there is no 'manage.py' in the installation of Unraid. Google wasn't really helpful there, but suggested changing to the directory where the file is located. I would appreciate any help telling me where 'manage.py' should be and how to get it there. Thanks in advance for reading.

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10 minutes ago, linuxdevil said:

I'm still pretty new to Unraid, but have 20 years of Linux experience. Yesterday I tried to install the app Linkding per Docker, where the description says:

Creating user by using console "python manage.py createsuperuser --username=joe [email protected]"


After that, it should ask for  a password. However, I get the following error:

'python: can't open 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory'



I didn't believe it, so I checked with mlocate and indeed there is no 'manage.py' in the installation of Unraid. Google wasn't really helpful there, but suggested changing to the directory where the file is located. I would appreciate any help telling me where 'manage.py' should be and how to get it there. Thanks in advance for reading.

You have to execute that command in the docker container, not in unraid. 

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On 9/25/2023 at 5:34 PM, NexusEFR said:

Hello, I find the psitransfer tool interesting, but I need help for customization, since in unraid I do not see how to edit the configuration in the folders mentioned in the psitransfer thread






I only find read-only files with VI editor in terminal mode from unraid, nor do I see folders in the psitransfer installation under unraid, there is nothing in appdata in cache either. I just want to change the name of "PsiTransfer" in the html of the web server for a different one, nothing else, neither icons nor logos.


Thank you very much for the help,  greetings to all!

Buff nobody can help me? ;-(

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1 hour ago, NexusEFR said:

Buff nobody can help me? ;-(

Pretty simple your issue. 

you mount /temporary from the container to /mnt/cache/appdata/psitransfer/public on unraid. (make sure that public folder has write from everyone)

Start the container

inside the container cp -r /app/public/* /temporary

stop the container

edit the template and change the mount from
/temporary to /app/public/

and youre done.

You can edit the .css files in /appdata/psitransfer/public/assets

and the pug files for your header issue in


(after youre done you can remove the allow write from everyone again)

Edited by Mainfrezzer
  • Thanks 1
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On 9/28/2023 at 8:15 PM, Mainfrezzer said:


Pretty simple your issue. 

you mount /temporary from the container to /mnt/cache/appdata/psitransfer/public on unraid. (make sure that public folder has write from everyone)

Start the container

inside the container cp -r /app/public/* /temporary

stop the container

edit the template and change the mount from
/temporary to /app/public/

and youre done.

You can edit the .css files in /appdata/psitransfer/public/assets

and the pug files for your header issue in


(after youre done you can remove the allow write from everyone again)

Thank you very much Mainfrezzer!! Yesterday I managed to perform your steps and although it cost me a little (I'm still learning linux-docker) your solution worked perfectly!


For now I have been able to change in upload.pug and download.pug the text of "PsiTransfer" for another, and although I can not find the file that contains the text of "Password for uploading" (I protected it with this function) it is already good progress. And if I can change the logo of the cloud everything would be perfect.


I just hope that updating the docker in Unraid doesn't bring everything back to how it was before. 


I thank you for your dedication to answer me step by step, again. Best regards

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Hi everybody,


sorry if its a stupid question. But I'm trying to setup keycloak behind a reverse proxy (NginxProxyManager in my case). On my local network everything is fine but if I try to access keycloak via my domain the admin gui won't load. A bit of googling got me the following reasonable hint:


docker exec keycloak /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect "/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=default:write-attribute(name=proxy-address-forwarding, value=true)"


Sadly in the docker jboss-cli.sh isn't present under /opt/bitnami/keycloak/bin nor can I find it anywhere else. Any hints, please?

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salut a tous le monde

j'arrive pas a comprendre pourquoi sa fonctionne pas si vous avez une idée

merci d'avance

2023-10-05.17:31:33 [STARTING] /etc/services.available/04-scheduling/run ** [scheduling] [1] Starting cron
2023-10-05.17:31:38 [DEBUG] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] Wait Time: 22 Target time: 1696519920 Current Time: 1696519898
2023-10-05.17:31:38 [INFO] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] Next Backup at 2023-10-05 17:32:00 CEST
+ true
+ mkdir -p /tmp/backups
++ date +%s
+ backup_start_time=1696519920
++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %T %Z'
+ print_debug 'Backup routines started time: 2023-10-05 17:32:00 CEST'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:00 [DEBUG] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] Backup routines started time: 2023-10-05 17:32:00 CEST
+ case "${dbtype,,}" in
+ check_availability
+ var_false FALSE
+ '[' false = false ']'
+ case "$dbtype" in
+ counter=0
+ transform_file_var DB_PASS
+ local variables
++ echo DB_PASS
++ tr ' ' '\n'
+ variables=DB_PASS
+ for variable in $variables
+ '[' -v DB_PASS_FILE ']'
+ unset file_variable
+ unset variables
+ export MYSQL_PWD=mon pass
+ MYSQL_PWD=mon pass
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (5 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:08 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (5 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (10 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:16 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (10 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (15 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:24 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (15 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (20 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:32 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (20 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (25 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:41 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (25 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (30 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:49 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (30 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (35 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:32:57 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (35 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (40 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:33:05 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (40 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (45 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:33:13 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (45 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5
+ ((  counter+=5  ))
+ print_warn 'MySQL/MariaDB Server '\'''\'' is not accessible, retrying.. (50 seconds so far)'
+ output_off
+ '[' true = true ']'
+ set +x
2023-10-05.17:33:21 [WARN] /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run ** [db-backup] MySQL/MariaDB Server '' is not accessible, retrying.. (50 seconds so far)
+ mysqladmin -udatabase-backup -P3306 -h192.168.0.2 status
+ sleep 5

Edited by vmlinuz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Im trying to setup Changedetection.io to use a chrome based browser, but i cant really find any clear instructions so i figured id ask here. i have installed the browserless container by Masterwishx and added a constant variable to my container with the name WEBDRIVER_URL and the value: which is the ip and port to the Host Port/WebUI for Browserless. However when i select the "WebDriver Chrome/Javascript via ''" option under Request, i get a error message saying: "Content fetcher 'html_webdriver' did not respond properly, unable to use it. Message:Error

Cannot POST /session"

Havent been able to find any information on what to do next. Is anyone here able to help me out?

Think i figured it out, the variable name should be: PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL
And the value should be: ws://yourIP:yourPORT/?stealth=1&--disable-web-security=true
Which seems to have worked

Edited by whyktor
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On 9/5/2023 at 2:28 PM, A75G said:

Hello once more,

As previously mentioned, since you're actively following this thread, if you're aware of any issues, kindly consider either submitting a pull request or offering the necessary configuration changes.


Hi Team,


I figured out a workaround to get the poller up and running within this docker container.


I edited this file "/etc/cont-init.d/07-svc-cron.sh"


and added the below under echo "Creating LibreNMS cron artisan schedule:run"


echo "Creating LibreNMS poller scheduler"
echo "*/5  *    * * * /opt/librenms/cronic /opt/librenms/poller-wrapper.py 16" >>${CRONTAB_PATH}/librenms


Hope this helps people getting this one up and running.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning,


I'm sorry if this question has been asked, and answer, before but i haven't found it.


I'm trying to enable health check's on keyclock but it seams I'm doing something wrong.


Can anyone help me and "show" me where and what variables should i create.


I've found env variables:



but also that i need to run "RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/kc.sh build"


thank you guys.

Edited by jpm
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/23/2023 at 12:18 PM, Tolete said:


I have added the variable according to the PHP Configuration to @A75G Template, but the Maximum uploaded file size remains the same.



Has anyone been able to change/increase the 'Maximum uploaded file size' on Moodle?


Yes I was able to increase upload max file size this morning after scouring everywhere. ChatGPT had the answer and I copy pasted the response lol.
1. You'll need to open terminal in Unraid
2. type in
docker exec -it your_moodle_container_name /bin/bash

(replace your_moodle_container_name with the actual name of your moodle container)
3. Find the Path to php.ini:

Use the php -i command to display the PHP configuration. Look for the "Loaded Configuration File" line to find the path to the php.ini file by typing

php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"

Note down the path displayed. It might look like /opt/bitnami/php/etc/php.ini or similar.
Edit php.ini Using sed:
4. Now, use the sed command with the correct path to edit the php.ini file:
bash by typing

sed -i 's/upload_max_filesize = .*/upload_max_filesize = 1G/' /opt/bitnami/php/etc/php.ini
sed -i 's/post_max_size = .*/post_max_size = 1G/' /opt/bitnami/php/etc/php.ini

whereas 40MB was nowhere near enough for the tutorial videos I am uploading I went with 1G instead of the 40MB, please adjust accordingly.

5.Restart the Docker


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However now I am buggered with another issue......SMTP email sending in moodle

I have the correct webmail roundcube settings setup within the container as well as the interface as well
ssl is enabled
so port 465
correct email sender and password and still nothing, i have used the mail pluggin as well as still get a  'moodle is unable to communicated with your email provider' . anyone find a solution to this or is it just me having this issue?

Edited by S3v3nD34dly51ns
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