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[Plugin] Docker Folder

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On 6/7/2022 at 11:36 AM, thecode said:


I didn't notice it until you mentioned it, I can confirm it is broken and while testing it I found out that the logs icon is also broken.

Trying to view logs for a VM will open a window with the following error: `Error: No such container:  ....`

Same here 6.10.3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uninstalled the old, installed Squid's fixed version.  Went to recreate my folders, created one:






I no longer see the apps in the folder to the right in the main docker list.  Clicking the arrow to expand and I see the dockers in the folder.


What am I missing?

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34 minutes ago, JasonK said:

Uninstalled the old, installed Squid's fixed version.  Went to recreate my folders, created one:






I no longer see the apps in the folder to the right in the main docker list.  Clicking the arrow to expand and I see the dockers in the folder.


What am I missing?


Edit the folder, enable advanced settings and select the type your want (one of the Icon types):



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Not sure if it is docker folder problem or the docker queue list.

Having problem with traccar on start , cant find database becose its starting by log even befor first docker app starting ...

so i need manually reboot it .

its not reallly traccar problem i think but docker queue list , like its not starting when his docker list turn.


traccar docker should start after filebrowser ,but its missing in logs . and by his log its starting some seconds befor first docker container start. is it possible at all ?

How to fix it ?









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54 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:

Not sure if it is docker folder problem or the docker queue list.

Having problem with traccar on start , cant find database becose its starting by log even befor first docker app starting ...

so i need manually reboot it .

its not reallly traccar problem i think but docker queue list , like its not starting when his docker list turn.


traccar docker should start after filebrowser ,but its missing in logs . and by his log its starting some seconds befor first docker container start. is it possible at all ?

How to fix it ?


This is not related to docker folder, it does not change the docker startup or control anything.

If you enable "Advanced View" you can set a delay at startup, here is an example for a container that is depended on other containers so I added 20 seconds delay:




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15 minutes ago, thecode said:

This is not related to docker folder


Thats why i wrote docker queue list problem , i already using advansed view and delay cant be used , i tryed it for Filebrowser that starts befor tarccar container but the traccar some how starting befor first container in list ! you can see it by logs ... :(

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3 hours ago, JonathanM said:

remove restart always


Thanks for hint, now its working !

So we should not use any restart policy in Unraid ? 


I was thinking restart policies affect only on already running dockers ?

but also founded in docker docs:

(The container will also always start on daemon startup)

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34 minutes ago, Squid said:

--restart always if the container crashes will restart the container.  If it is continually crashing, it will continually restart with the result you were seeing.



i power off server every to night.

So it auto boots in morning ...

But the problem was that it was starting befor 1st container i think becose => ( (The container will also always start on daemon startup) from docker docs)


so it cant connect to mariadb, but it was every time restared befor and connected at the end .(on second try i think)


But some days ago it stopped after first try and was not connected and not restarted.

and when i removed (restart always) it was simply started when his turn on list with no problem ....


PS:  from docker docs i think container should work some time for --restart always will restart container ?!?

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sorry if i made all very complicate, in simple words:


--restart always on traccar stoped working after last update , befor it was restarted container but also was started on daemon boot and becose it connected to mariadb on second try after restart.

so i was need to force update container for it will work again or delete it for container will boot on his order like @JonathanM told .

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21 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:

sorry if i made all very complicate, in simple words:


--restart always on traccar stoped working after last update , befor it was restarted container but also was started on daemon boot and becose it connected to mariadb on second try after restart.

so i was need to force update container for it will work again or delete it for container will boot on his order like @JonathanM told .

I think you should take this to another thread. Having this discussion here does not help people waiting for updates about Docker Folder and on the other hand no one with a similar problem to you will look here.

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24 minutes ago, thecode said:

I think you should take this to another thread


Sorry that i posted here , didnt know exacly where its belong , to some docker thread, but anyway i dont have more discussion about it. 

and im also absolutly loving Docker Folder Plugin and want it to improoving ...

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  • 1 month later...


I just updated Unraid and switched to this version of docker folders.

Everything works great so I'm really grateful for the continuation of this plugin! Thank you for that!

However I do have an issue... I can't expand the VM folders.. I tried removing the file so a new one would be generated but it still doesn't work :(

I do see an error in the web console.. Any idea how I can fix this?

Screenshot 2022-08-23 202751.png

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