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Notification - SMTP Settings


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I have some problems setting up notifications via Gmail. What ever I try, I get error "Test result: Authorization failed".


Preset service: Gmail

Sending email address: [email protected]

Mail server: smtp.gmail.com

Mail server port: 465

Use SSL/TLS: Yes


Define a TLS certificate: No

Authentication method: Login

Username: [email protected]

Password: 64 characters (no # in password) - Tried with shorter password and no luck.


Gmail account settings:

Allow less secure apps: On

POP3 and IMAP enabled.


I tried with different e-mail provider and it worked, but I want to use gmail address since I use it in other apps for notifications (in CouchPotato the same mail and same settings works).


Any ideas what am I doing wrong?

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In Logs I get 2 errors:

Sep 26 20:50:56 Alfheimr sSMTP[14849]: Creating SSL connection to host

Sep 26 20:50:56 Alfheimr sSMTP[14849]: SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256

Sep 26 20:50:56 Alfheimr sSMTP[14849]: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/14257 ft3sm9487967wib.17 - gsmtp)


Sep 26 20:43:18 Alfheimr sSMTP[12839]: Creating SSL connection to host

Sep 26 20:43:18 Alfheimr sSMTP[12839]: SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256

Sep 26 20:43:19 Alfheimr sSMTP[12839]: Authorization failed (534 5.7.14 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 p20sm9484949wie.5 - gsmtp)


Tried everything in suggested links and no luck.

If I enter wrong password, I get the same error and Log entry is the same.


unRAID version: 6.1.2.

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unRAID upgraded to 6.1.3.


SMTP Settings that I tried:

- 465 + SSL/TLS

- 587 + STARTTLS

- TLS certificate always "No"

- Mail server: always "smtp.gmail.com"

- Authentication method: Login (Username: [email protected] (tried with mynotificationmail (without @gmail.com)) + Password: mypassword)

- Authentication method: tried with None (Test result: 530 5.5.1 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/14257 fz1sm12624287wic.8 - gsmtp) and CRAM-MD5 (Test result: Authorization failed)


Gmail settings:

- Allow less secure apps: On

- POP3 and IMAP: enabled

- 2-Step verification: Off

- unlock Captcha: done


I always get same error: "Test result: Authorization failed"


I created new Gmail account. It works. Same settings as previous account...?  :o



It seems, that there is problem with some characters in password (don't know which). Old password contained characters: (within "") " , + : $ = ' ` . * ? ". New password contain just letters (lower and upper case), numbers and brackets " [ ] { } ( ) < > " and it works.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

I cannot get Gmail notification working with anything I try.


My password are plain letters and numbers. No funny characters. I am on v. 6.1.9 of unRAID.


I do not have 2 step authentication. When I click the link above, Google tells me "The setting you are looking for is not available for your account"


Here are two of the many combinations I have tried:






Any help is greatly appreciated.





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I cannot get Gmail notification working with anything I try.


maybe this:


Found the culprit. I had to change a setting allowing less secure access to my account. While logged into your Gmail account use this link.




I'm going to personally setup a unRAID email account that forwards to my primary account and use it for notifications.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
On 2016-03-10 at 4:51 PM, johnnie.black said:


maybe this:



No help here. Try Google with 2 factor and account without. Test Yahoo mail, no luck. Try same settings the abow member has:



Hm, i succes when I change the settings in IE Explorer instead of Google Chrome. In Chrome the new settings with the app password don't have effect.

Edited by stormense
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  • 4 months later...

hmm... maybe there's still a problem with wrong authentication method used by unRAID.


before i recognized that, my setup looked like:

email-server was not using SSL/TLS and allowed a bunch of authentication methods, like CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, Kerberos…


after i saw these errors, the setup had changed to this:

email-server was setup to accept TLS, but also non-TLS connections, but i disabled the LOGIN authentication.

nothing else changed (same account, same passwords).


but, because of the now disabled LOGIN authentication method, unRAID server yells "Server didn't like our AUTH LOGIN (504 Authentication method not enabled)" – yeah, right, because i configured you to use CRAM-MD5.


so it was using all the time the "LOGIN" authentication method, despite me setting it to use CRAM-MD5. i've used the "Custom" preset, because i run my own email-server (postfix).

i run this server for years and it cares about quite alot of domains/users. everthing works for everybody, only unRAID seems to misbehave here – it simply doesn't use the choosen authentication method.


the email-server log, when unRAID tries to send email (or me hitting the "Test"-button).


Creating SSL connection to host

SSL connection using DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
Server didn't like our AUTH LOGIN (504 Authentication method not enabled)

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/27/2015 at 2:41 PM, Vaseer said:

unRAID upgraded to 6.1.3.


SMTP Settings that I tried:

- 465 + SSL/TLS

- 587 + STARTTLS

- TLS certificate always "No"

- Mail server: always "smtp.gmail.com"

- Authentication method: Login (Username: [email protected] (tried with mynotificationmail (without @gmail.com)) + Password: mypassword)

- Authentication method: tried with None (Test result: 530 5.5.1 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/14257 fz1sm12624287wic.8 - gsmtp) and CRAM-MD5 (Test result: Authorization failed)


Gmail settings:

- Allow less secure apps: On

- POP3 and IMAP: enabled

- 2-Step verification: Off

- unlock Captcha: done


I always get same error: "Test result: Authorization failed"


I created new Gmail account. It works. Same settings as previous account...?  :o



It seems, that there is problem with some characters in password (don't know which). Old password contained characters: (within "") " , + : $ = ' ` . * ? ". New password contain just letters (lower and upper case), numbers and brackets " [ ] { } ( ) < > " and it works.

Thank you I spend all day with related problem and the result is change the password without specific character...
Unraid 6.9.2, the password was -> =/+P+L4zS5MDw5sZ

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  • 7 months later...
On 11/20/2015 at 9:57 PM, CyberMew said:

If you have 2 step turned on, just go to https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords?pli=1 to generate an app password

This helped me.  Thanks.  In 2022 Gmail changed to no longer allow insecure apps.  So now I tried "2 factor authentication" but still could not get it to work, until I tried your link.  


To others: it will give you a password that you then paste into the unraid settings for "Notifications", at the "SMTP Settings" section for email. 


Sadly, once you paste it, I don't think there is any way to ever see it again, but If I understood Google correctly on the window that generated the password, you never need to know it again and should not write it down, so I guess it is OK that I cannot see it and cannot use it again.

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46 minutes ago, xrqp said:

you never need to know it again and should not write it down, so I guess it is OK that I cannot see it and cannot use it again.

Technically true, but it's convenient for me to first paste it into a password manager or other secure storage for use on other devices. Yes, you can generate a new one whenever you need it, and revoke old ones just as easily, but I find it convenient to reuse 1 password across multiple older devices and do the revoke and reissue dance only when absolutely necessary.

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