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after reverting back to 




now im seen this on home page


Error parsing column 42 (MediaInfo={ "containerFormat": "MPEG-4", "videoFormat": "h264", "videoCodecID": "x264", "videoProfile": "[email protected]", "videoBitrate": 2500000, "videoBitDepth": 8, "videoMultiViewCount": 0, "videoColourPrimaries": "", "videoTransferCharacteristics": "bt709", "videoHdrFormat": "none", "height": 816, "width": 1920, "audioFormat": "aac", "audioBitrate": 224000, "runTime": "01:44:04.2860000", "audioStreamCount": 1, "audioChannels": 6, "audioChannelPositions": "5.1", "videoFps": 23.976, "audioLanguages": [], "subtitles": [], "scanType": "Progressive", "schemaRevision": 5 } - String)




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9 minutes ago, Tolete said:

after reverting back to 




now im seen this on home page


Error parsing column 42 (MediaInfo={ "containerFormat": "MPEG-4", "videoFormat": "h264", "videoCodecID": "x264", "videoProfile": "[email protected]", "videoBitrate": 2500000, "videoBitDepth": 8, "videoMultiViewCount": 0, "videoColourPrimaries": "", "videoTransferCharacteristics": "bt709", "videoHdrFormat": "none", "height": 816, "width": 1920, "audioFormat": "aac", "audioBitrate": 224000, "runTime": "01:44:04.2860000", "audioStreamCount": 1, "audioChannels": 6, "audioChannelPositions": "5.1", "videoFps": 23.976, "audioLanguages": [], "subtitles": [], "scanType": "Progressive", "schemaRevision": 5 } - String)





same for me, library empty, just the same error you're getting

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I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend no one update their Radarr until this gets sorted out. You are likely going to end up with an unusable instance if you apply this update, even after rolling back. It seems to do something fucky with the database causing it to become corrupted.

EDIT: After reading the reddit post and the comments on this thread, I decided to go ahead and apply the update since I was fairly confident my database was in decent shape. The update applied without issue and all of my data is safely intact. While I would still exercise caution before updating (back up your appdata folder and do a backup in the Radarr UI for good measure), it should be relatively safe for most people.

Edited by dcarpenter85
Correcting my previous statement based on new information
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8 minutes ago, binhex said:

@daan_SVK @Tolete looks like the upgrade of the db partially happened when you upgraded to the latest version of radarr leaving things in a broken state when you roll back, not great!. solution is to either wipe your db, go to latest and reimport everything (ideal but time consuming) or restore your config for radarr from backup.


I restored from backup and it seems OK. 


thanks once again. 


what's the plan going forward with the update? 


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11 minutes ago, daan_SVK said:

what's the plan going forward with the update? 

the plan is somebody with this issue (i dont have it as i dont use this image personally) needs to post an issue on radarr's github repo so the radarr dev's are aware of it, give as much detail as possible, see my earlier post requesting this:-



just to be crystal clear here - the image is fine, if you start from a clean slate the container will start, its the upgrade of the db form the previous release to the now current release thats broken, this is out of my control.

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9 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

As you are seeing, it's not a universal thing, my container upgraded without incident.


thanks for that!, you are the first user that has confirmed a successful upgrade (without restoring from backup), so it looks like any prior corruption in the db (probably due to earlier versions of radarr) will cause the migration to fail, so it is going to be a case of backup your config, cross your fingers, sacrifice a couple of goats in your back garden and then press the button!.

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21 hours ago, binhex said:

@daan_SVK @Tolete looks like the upgrade of the db partially happened when you upgraded to the latest version of radarr leaving things in a broken state when you roll back, not great!. solution is to either wipe your db, go to latest and reimport everything (ideal but time consuming) or restore your config for radarr from backup.


so for wiping db just

rm -R /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr/radarr.db


repull latest and reimport media?



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5 minutes ago, Tolete said:


so for wiping db just

rm -R /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr/radarr.db


repull latest and reimport media?



yep that should work, if i were you though i would simply rename the radarr.db to something like radarr.db.old JUST incase you need it rather than deleting it.

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2 hours ago, binhex said:

yep that should work, if i were you though i would simply rename the radarr.db to something like radarr.db.old JUST incase you need it rather than deleting it.

the official Radarr forum has a few other things that can be attempted to repair corruption in existing database, I might try to do that before starting anew. The step by step guide is here: 


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On 2/2/2022 at 2:29 PM, tjb_altf4 said:

Upgraded without issue.


Same here. Worth noting that I followed the link in the post below before I updated & went up to step 14 without seeing any errors. Not sure if that's an indicator of how the migration is likely to go or just coincidence. From sounds of things, I would've expected some errors during the process at some point if the db was corrupt in any way. 


On 2/2/2022 at 4:25 PM, daan_SVK said:

the official Radarr forum has a few other things that can be attempted to repair corruption in existing database, I might try to do that before starting anew. The step by step guide is here: 



Edited by xxDeadbolt
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Hi all - I can see others have been recently having malformed database issues after an upgrade. I have had similar problems, and have restored the appdata files including the DB from my CA Backup/Restore Plugin. I have done this for three different backups going back three months, and all of these are somehow still coming up with malformed database errors in the logs.

Am I screwed and need to start from scratch or is there any other steps I might be missing?


Edited by nametaken_thisonetoo
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