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file browser in webui

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  • 3 weeks later...

+1, that's the most blatant feature lacking when you want to switch from, let's say, Synology DSM or Qnap QTS operating systems, Filebrowser in docker is too much limited (no permissions editor). Even Truenas is planning a file browser in a -not so near- future release of Scale: https://jira.ixsystems.com/browse/NAS-109580
So, please, I know it's a lot of work but it would be really great.

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I have doublecmd (double commander) in a container, and connect to it from a linux or a windows console with xming.

It allows me to manage files among different unraid servers (mounted network drives mapped on the unraid host, added as volumes to the container)

It's like mc, but it allows queing of copy/move/delete/... actions into different queues.


it's a miniproject by some russian dude (I think), but it's something that I've been using for years now, managing multiple nasses.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


Yes, this is the most useful feature that lacking right now, yes I use docker and mc, mc can only support some basic op, none of these come close to Synology or even Qnap.


When I control 2 of my NAS( one DS918+ and one unraid) from remote location, I truly feel how a simple file manager set 2 OS apart, the experence is not even at same level:


I can easily serach, copy, cut and past 1000+ files in DSM via a nice web UI,  with all the files transfer happening in the local machine itself, turn off my laptop and go to sleep.


in unraid it's nearly impossible, at lest I can't find a way to do that. 



Edited by xyzeratul
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  • 3 months later...

I just made the switch from Qnap to unRaid and this really bothers me. For me it’s an essential feature to cp,mv,rm files from my smartphone or tablet. Solutions like midnight commander are just not usable with this way. 
Plus I think an App for that would appear to potential Switchers coming from the competition. 

Im currently trying several different options. Yesterday I tried Nextcloud and it was just buggy. Moving a 50Gb file from cache to a cache enabled share took way too long. Then I tried a 7Gb file which resulted in an error that it couldn’t be moved but it still was. And the whole container crashed…

A very lightweight a beautiful solution is https://filebrowser.org

I’d be absolutely happy if there was an app for that!


Another solution I’ll be testing over the weekend is tonido.


It was mentioned that SMB 3 can do these operations without moving the files through a client but it doesn’t work on “files” on iOS. Maybe I configured something wrong?


I also tried FE File Explorer on iOS but it doesn’t support moving between shares -.-



Tonido seems very useful! It does exactly what I want. Sadly you don't see your favourites when moving files so you have to go through "\" then scroll down to "unRaid" and then select your share.


Just need to be sure that all remote connections are disabled as I dont what all my shares exposed to the internet. 



Sadly Tonido creates .tonidodb files for indexing and it cant be disabled. Also, while not a biggie the UI seems quite outdated and more importantly development has stopped. 

So I'm back at Filebrowser I linked above. The fact that an App is missing, really bothers me. For now I just made a bookmark of it on my home screen. 

Maybe I'll look into how to build a web app or pay somebody on fiverr to do that for me. 

Edited by Sledgehamma
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a created a file manager plugin, which I will release when the next Unraid 6.10 version comes out,


This plugin extends the already present Browse function of Unraid with file management operations, such as copy, move, rename, delete and download.


Operations can be performed on either folders and/or files and objects can be selected using a selection box at the left (in case multiple objects need to be copied or moved for example) or by clicking on a selection popup to an operation on a single object.


All operations need to be confirmed before proceeding, this should avoid accidental mistakes. The file manager gives direct access to all resources on the array and pools and should be handled with care.


Below two screenshots to give a first impression. Once released more info will be given in the plugins section.





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Unlike generic file managers, this file manager is Unraid aware and takes the specialties of Unraid in to consideration.

Within the file manager the user performs either a disk-to-disk operation or a share-to-share operation, this is specifically done to protect the user against the so-called "Copy" bug.


This file manager version is a first iteration, and further development will be done based on user feedback, hence the availability as a plugin, which allows for continuous updates.


Edited by bonienl
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10 minutes ago, Squid said:

Then you know people will complain that the speed in doing this is slow if it's within the same share (or it's within 2 different shares both with the same use cache settings.

Either way, there will be people complaining.

I guess that you have to make a choice. Including both would be super confusing for most users.

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19 minutes ago, Squid said:

Then you know people will complain that the speed in doing this is slow if it's within the same share (or it's within 2 different shares both with the same use cache settings.


You need to be smart in using "Move" or "Rename". In the latter case nothing is moved and the folder or file is just renamed instantly.


As a protection the file manager doesn't allow renaming of User Shares, because it will destroy the associated share settings. A User Share is renamed using the Share Settings page instead.


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20 minutes ago, bonienl said:

You need to be smart in using "Move" or "Rename". In the latter case nothing is moved and the folder or file is just renamed instantly.

If it's the same share, then "move" does the rename.

If it's a different share, then ideally "move" looks at the include / exclude / use cache settings and if everything identical then it renames.

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On 12/31/2017 at 8:49 PM, JonathanM said:

rather the core features stay lightweight,

One thought I had, Is something similar to the unraid gui mode, where just like this, the user could be presented with a option to run as, with light features, or download the extra features (temporary or permanently) that enable browsing files and having flash features.

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On 11/27/2021 at 11:11 AM, bonienl said:

Unlike generic file managers, this file manager is Unraid aware and takes the specialties of Unraid in to consideration.

Within the file manager the user performs either a disk-to-disk operation or a share-to-share operation, this is specifically done to protect the user against the so-called "Copy" bug.


This file manager version is a first iteration, and further development will be done based on user feedback, hence the availability as a plugin, which allows for continuous updates.



It sounds to me like this is more or less a scaled down version of unBalance, but from within the webUI. Is that correct? It is obviously missing some of the functionality of unBalance, like gather, but the way it works essentially seems the same. 


Edit: actually, this might have more functionality than unBalance. I don't remember, but I don't believe that had share to share moves?

Edited by jebusfreek666
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