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[Support] for atribe's repo Docker images

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Afternoon All,

I'm trying to embed some graphs into home assistant, and it looks like this docker version doesn't use grafana.ini but environmental variables (unless i've understood it wrong.) according to this page i need to add some settings, do i add each one of these lines as a variable in the docker image?


From what I understand these changes allow full unauthenticated access to the grafana pages, which i obviously do not want. I do access and view the graphs using an external URL on occasion, and find it really helpful to be able to do this. can I allow one IP address (my home assistant IP) to pull the data from grafana, but still keep other addresses secure?


Thanks in advance.


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You should be able to add any Grafana configuration option (https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/main/conf/defaults.ini) from the ini file as an environment variable. The name always has the following format: GF_name of the section (shown in square brackets in the ini file)_name of the option.

It might work if you put home assistant on the same docker network as grafana and do not expose the grafana UI port to the host. But maybe iFrames still won't work with it, because they have to be seen by the host as well. I have not tested this myself.
Otherwise it could be solved with a firewall config in the Grafana container but I don't have enough experience with that.

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Influxdb v2: Wrong settings for volume mount and WebGUI (:latest docker container)

Please check.
I think these settings should be corrected for influx v2 (this is now :latest version of docker container):

correct container path is now: /var/lib/influxdb2 (2 is added at the end of path)

webUI should redirect to port 8086 for influx administration UI. example: http://someIP:8086

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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning, I'm trying to migrate my influxdb to v2 from 1.8. I've followed the information here but i'm not sure that the data has converted, I dont see any major disk activity, and don't see anything in the logs. I want to try and retain the few years of data i have if possible. I've added the following to my docker image: I've created a copy of the influx folder and called it influxdb2, and setup another instance of the influx docker, giving it a different name and mapping the above fodler so I can keep 1.8 connected to HomeAssistant until i've made sure that I'm doing the process correctly. Any advice on how i can migrate the data please?



EDIT: There was a .bolt, so I removed that and now the logs are showing that it is doing something.


Edited by karldonteljames
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On 12/23/2021 at 8:21 PM, mattbridges said:

I'm recently (last few days) running into an error with the Glances container. 

docker.errors.ImageNotFound: 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/040acfe07efced14a30c3992ff559b883c6920800b2f291f7f28650d3857860d/json: Not Found ("no such image: 040acfe07efced14a30c3992ff559b883c6920800b2f291f7f28650d3857860d: No such image: sha256:040acfe07efced14a30c3992ff559b883c6920800b2f291f7f28650d3857860d")

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction please?


Getting the exact same error. I also tried both the :dev and the :latest docker tag versions and they both respond the same.

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For some reason, grafana latest is pulling 7.5.13 for me.

I think I had 8.3.3 installed last, but after it updated overnight, I got a bunch of error messages pop up on my dashboard such as "Templating Failed to upgrade legacy queries", and all my panels had null data sources.

I saw that it was now running 7.5.13

I changed the tag to 8.3.4 and now it seems to be working as normal again.

Does anyone know why this happened?

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ok embarrassing question. But HOW do I create a database with the Influx CLI.  I'm dropping into the console for the InfluxDB container. using influx just gives me lots of options but nothing obvious to connect to then be able to create a database.   I have created an initial user (I'm assuming this will be my admin user), org and bucket(s) plus access token for the bucket I have created. I've created a bucket for home assistant as I want all my sensor data to go there (which I have confirmed working).   But when I go to add a data store in grafana to pull data from influx it asks for a database name too.


This is the howto I have been following. It specifies a database called home_assistant.  I can't seem to be able to create one.  I MUST be doing something really dumb somewhere along the line.


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3 hours ago, unraid-user said:

ok embarrassing question. But HOW do I create a database with the Influx CLI.  I'm dropping into the console for the InfluxDB container. using influx just gives me lots of options but nothing obvious to connect to then be able to create a database.   I have created an initial user (I'm assuming this will be my admin user), org and bucket(s) plus access token for the bucket I have created. I've created a bucket for home assistant as I want all my sensor data to go there (which I have confirmed working).   But when I go to add a data store in grafana to pull data from influx it asks for a database name too.


This is the howto I have been following. It specifies a database called home_assistant.  I can't seem to be able to create one.  I MUST be doing something really dumb somewhere along the line.



I had some similar issues when my InfluxDB docker updated to v2.  Some of my home automation and sensors were all written with 1.8 endpoints and Grafana Dashboards built.



I managed to get some of my data working after using this page: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/influxql/

But in the end, I found it much simpler for myself to just have two InfluxDB instances instead, one back on the 1.8 version for all my home automation, Telegraf, other dockers and basic data.  Then I have another one using the newer 2.1 for my external web enabled things that I handle myself and can update with new endpoints for data writing and update all my Grafana dashboards.  It does mean a little bit of extra tweaking in Grafana based on which version you are accessing and remembering the differences in the queries, but it was much easier to have two InfluxDB versions then convert all my older data that isn't publicly accessible anyway.


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8 hours ago, axipher said:


I had some similar issues when my InfluxDB docker updated to v2.  Some of my home automation and sensors were all written with 1.8 endpoints and Grafana Dashboards built.



I managed to get some of my data working after using this page: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/influxql/

But in the end, I found it much simpler for myself to just have two InfluxDB instances instead, one back on the 1.8 version for all my home automation, Telegraf, other dockers and basic data.  Then I have another one using the newer 2.1 for my external web enabled things that I handle myself and can update with new endpoints for data writing and update all my Grafana dashboards.  It does mean a little bit of extra tweaking in Grafana based on which version you are accessing and remembering the differences in the queries, but it was much easier to have two InfluxDB versions then convert all my older data that isn't publicly accessible anyway.



oh wow.  That's been a massive help. Thank you so much. I'll have a play this afternoon.  I thought I was going mad not being able to find the option.  :)

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3 hours ago, unraid-user said:


oh wow.  That's been a massive help. Thank you so much. I'll have a play this afternoon.  I thought I was going mad not being able to find the option.  :)


The change to V2 sent me through a few loops as well since this is on my hobby side so I was more or less blind-sided by it and was playing catch-up which made it feel harder than it was.


Good luck on your adventure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello together

I updated my Unraid to 6.10.0-rc2 yesterday and so far everything looks good, only after the update my Prometheus and Grafana container did not start anymore. After some searching I found a solution for Prometheus and everything works again. Unfortunately I haven't found a solution for Grafana yet.

Error message from the log:


logger=sqlstore t=2022-02-03T09:50:10.37+0100 lvl=info msg="Connecting to DB" dbtype=sqlite3
logger=migrator t=2022-02-03T09:50:10.38+0100 lvl=eror msg="failed to determine the status of alerting engine. Enable either legacy or unified alerting explicitly and try again" err="failed to verify if the 'alert' table exists: unable to open database file: permission denied"


Does anyone have an idea or tip what this could be?



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On 12/17/2021 at 4:13 AM, greenflash24 said:


Yes, with telegraf 1.20.2 i am also using these post arguments, but starting from telegraf 1.20.3 the container does not run with the root-user anymore (for security reasons), so the installation of additional packages is no longer possible. At least i don't know a soloution for this problem.


Thats why i currently have to pin the image to the 1.20.2 tag and i am not able to install smartmontools while using the latest tag.


The way I fix that is I have 2 config file, one with the smarttool and one without. I upgrade my telegraf instance and switch the config file (else it doesn't boot). I start telegraf.


After, I start a shell from unraid (not the docker).

connect to telegraf container as root
docker exec -it --user root telegraf /bin/bash

apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade &&  apt-get -y install smartmontools && apt-get -y install lm-sensors && apt-get -y install nvme-cli
chmod u+s /usr/sbin/nvme
chmod u+s /usr/sbin/smartctl

stop container
edit telegraf.conf and put smart back on
start container


Problem with that, it's needed on each update of telegraf. Because of that, autoupdate are turned off.

One could make a script that does this after everyupdate using community script.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/24/2021 at 9:50 AM, Nodiaque said:

Am I the only one that just lost everything after the latest upgrade of influxdb?


same thing just happened to me. and happens every time i update the container.  you ever find a fix?

Edited by pokmiuhy
added additional context.
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I'm not able to start Grafana container on Unraid 6.9.2 after install. It immediately fails with an "Execution Error: Server Error" and doesn't generate any logs. I'm using the below defaults, but swapping in my server IP after the "http://" in the Key 1 field. I do not have any other containers using port 3000.



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On 2/3/2022 at 3:27 AM, Marzel said:

Hello together

I updated my Unraid to 6.10.0-rc2 yesterday and so far everything looks good, only after the update my Prometheus and Grafana container did not start anymore. After some searching I found a solution for Prometheus and everything works again. Unfortunately I haven't found a solution for Grafana yet.

Error message from the log:


logger=sqlstore t=2022-02-03T09:50:10.37+0100 lvl=info msg="Connecting to DB" dbtype=sqlite3
logger=migrator t=2022-02-03T09:50:10.38+0100 lvl=eror msg="failed to determine the status of alerting engine. Enable either legacy or unified alerting explicitly and try again" err="failed to verify if the 'alert' table exists: unable to open database file: permission denied"


Does anyone have an idea or tip what this could be?



@Marzel I am having the same issue? Did you fix it and get the container started? If you did, could you please share what worked for you?

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On 3/12/2022 at 8:29 PM, pokmiuhy said:


same thing just happened to me. and happens every time i update the container.  you ever find a fix?


I re-setup everything 3 days ago, and my user and Org's are gone.... again for like the 3rd time. What is going on. The logs are just full of "authorization not found" (of course, because the user is gone). Why do I keep losing everything here.

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My install stopped working after upgrading to v6.10.0-rc3 as well... not sure where to start as downgrading the telegraf version didnt work like it has in the past.


ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied
ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied


is the error i get.


EDIT: ended up getting it back up and running via the following version:  telegraf:1.20.2-alpine

Edited by DisposableHero
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My InfluxDB/Telegraf setup has stopped producing any docker-related statistics (e.g. docker_container_cpu), since some time late last October.  Any ideas what could be going on?

I didn't change the configuration and I did not upgrade to InfluxDB v2 - repo points at influxdb:1.8-alpine.

I checked my telegraf.conf, [[inputs.docker]] is not commented out.

I used Chronograf to do some data exploration and got the same lack of results, see attached screenshot.

Any suggestions for what else I could check?  My dockers themselves are still working just fine.

unRAID version is 6.8.3, I tried rebooting but the problem persists.


Thanks for any tips!

Chronograf - docker_container_cpu.png

Edited by servidude
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Hate to reply to myself, but... I think I've figured out what's going on.  Looking through my Telegraf logs I get lots of messages like:

E! [inputs.docker] Error in plugin: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/json?filters=%7B%22status%22%3A%7B%22running%22%3Atrue%7D%7D&limit=0": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

The permissions seem OK though:

# ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 Mar 29 00:04 /var/run/docker.sock=

I've seen some advice about doing a chmod 666, but that seems a bit insecure...

root is a member of the docker group, so I'm not sure why I'm getting "permission denied".  Which user is Telegraf trying to run as?


Edit: Problem solved!!  Turns out Telegraf 1.20.3 (and beyond) breaks some things by no longer running as root.  The simplest solution is to just pin your repo to telegraf:1.20.2-alpine.  Thanks @axipher for your helpful post!

Edited by servidude
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Got a big issue with my InfluxDB:


When I opened the website interface 5 minutes ago, it acted like I've never configured it.

After creating everything from scratch, I realized all of my buckets and users/tokens are gone.

What happened, how can something like this happen?

I configured my InfluxDB docker about 2  weeks ago and used it for data from telegraf and homeassistant.

Only gave tokens the privileges they needed...


Btw, I'm using the "Auto Update Applications"-Plugin.


I had a power loss, can this purge a whole installation of InfluxDB?

Edited by jakami99
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