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[Support] for atribe's repo Docker images

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13 hours ago, falconexe said:

No worries! Good Luck. Let us know what you find out. It may help someone else in the future.

Previously what I had noticed was a popup window in chrome asking something along the lines of "Are you sure you want to leave this page?"  with a leave and cancel button.  As though I had started writing an email or something and tried to close the browser before I sent / saved it or such.  If I hit cancel the popup would just come back.  Leave button would dump me to the grafana login screen.

Started doing some testing opened up 3 browser windows

Chrome, Chrome Incognito Mode, Edge

logged into all of them and put up the same dashboard with in a few seconds of each other.

~10 min later Edge had dropped me back out to the login screen.

~30 min the Incognito window did the same.

then around ~40 min the normal chrome window did the same, I actually visually caught that one.   1 second Its on my dashboard the next at the login screen



Edited by snowmirage
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Well it’s most likely not Grafana because if it was a single internal setting, they should all log out around the same timeout. Very odd. I have my Grafana dashboards up 24/7 and the only time I ever have to log in again, is if I clear browser history (cookies). 🤷🏻‍♂️

Try another computer.

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Tried another test had the same dashboard up in a normal chrome window for right around 20 min and was kicked to the grafana login screen.  This time I was running a Wireshark capture looking at the network traffic thought maybe I'd see the TCP / HTTP session get reset or something but no such luck.

I'll have to give this some more thought still can't figure out what could be causing this behavior.  I'll try on another machine shortly maybe that will give some clue.

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On 10/10/2020 at 3:02 PM, falconexe said:

Well it’s most likely not Grafana because if it was a single internal setting, they should all log out around the same timeout. Very odd. I have my Grafana dashboards up 24/7 and the only time I ever have to log in again, is if I clear browser history (cookies). 🤷🏻‍♂️

Try another computer.

I'm seeing the same behavior on 2 other computers.  I started to try to look at the logs for grafana but haven't found them yet.

opening the console for the docker container I don't see a grafana.log file inside of /var/log/grafana  in fact I don't see any files in there.  Maybe they aren't visible to the grafana user?

/usr/share/grafana $ cd /var/log/grafana/
/var/log/grafana $ ls -lh
total 0      
/var/log/grafana $ 

/usr/share/grafana $ cd /var/log/grafana/
/var/log/grafana $ ls -lh
total 0      
/var/log/grafana $ 

I found a few topics that pointed me to a still active bug in grafana that maybe is related


but appears to be way back Version 6.1.4   we look to be on 7.2.1

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1 hour ago, snowmirage said:

I'm seeing the same behavior on 2 other computers.  I started to try to look at the logs for grafana but haven't found them yet.

opening the console for the docker container I don't see a grafana.log file inside of /var/log/grafana  in fact I don't see any files in there.  Maybe they aren't visible to the grafana user?

/usr/share/grafana $ cd /var/log/grafana/
/var/log/grafana $ ls -lh
total 0      
/var/log/grafana $ 

/usr/share/grafana $ cd /var/log/grafana/
/var/log/grafana $ ls -lh
total 0      
/var/log/grafana $ 

I found a few topics that pointed me to a still active bug in grafana that maybe is related


but appears to be way back Version 6.1.4   we look to be on 7.2.1


You can always right click on the Grafana docker and view the log there from the UNRAID GUI. 


One difference is that I DO NOT use GUS, and manually installed all 3 dockers. I cannot attest to which version of Grafana is included in GUS, but you may want to confirm with Testdasi on that. Glad you found some breadcrumbs to follow at least. Let us know if you get it resolved.

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I'm having a rough time trying to sort out my databases with the correct name and all, since it's a pain to use the commands.

I really tried looking at the documentation, but for some reason, it's not working.

After spending some time on Google, I found out that some command works if I type 

influx -execute 

before the command database command.
Like this:

influx -execute 'SHOW DATABASES'

And when you're creating a user with the quotation marks, it doesn't work.

Can someone link me the correct documentation, or tell me how it's done properly?

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7 hours ago, Nanobug said:

I'm having a rough time trying to sort out my databases with the correct name and all, since it's a pain to use the commands.

I really tried looking at the documentation, but for some reason, it's not working.

After spending some time on Google, I found out that some command works if I type 

influx -execute 

before the command database command.
Like this:

influx -execute 'SHOW DATABASES'

And when you're creating a user with the quotation marks, it doesn't work.

Can someone link me the correct documentation, or tell me how it's done properly?

You can use this tool to view and manage influxdb database https://github.com/CymaticLabs/InfluxDBStudio/releases

I use it and like it better than the command line.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having an issue randomly after using telegrapf for a year it wont start. I get this message:

Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not exist: []


But I did not make any changes to Smartctl and I don't know how to install or change this path it always worked fine.


2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.16.1
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Loaded inputs: cpu disk diskio docker hddtemp kernel mem net processes sensors smart swap system
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Loaded processors:
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! Tags enabled: host=UNRAID
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:1s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"UNRAID", Flush Interval:10s
2020-11-01T21:12:12Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not exist: []

Edited by Rasta
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I'm having some weird issue where I can't connect to the docker for my InfluxDB using the unRaid console. It connects for a second and then flashes up "connection refused" and I get a black screen with a white cursor that doesn't allow me to type anything.


I need to alter some settings on my database, how do I do this now? :/

Edited by rickydg
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/12/2020 at 12:14 PM, snowmirage said:

I'm seeing the same behavior on 2 other computers.  I started to try to look at the logs for grafana but haven't found them yet.

opening the console for the docker container I don't see a grafana.log file inside of /var/log/grafana  in fact I don't see any files in there.  Maybe they aren't visible to the grafana user?

/usr/share/grafana $ cd /var/log/grafana/
/var/log/grafana $ ls -lh
total 0      
/var/log/grafana $ 

/usr/share/grafana $ cd /var/log/grafana/
/var/log/grafana $ ls -lh
total 0      
/var/log/grafana $ 

I found a few topics that pointed me to a still active bug in grafana that maybe is related


but appears to be way back Version 6.1.4   we look to be on 7.2.1

I've started running into this issue ever since the latest large update (I guess to v7? The one that completely changed the webui theme)

Basically, after a random but long (this last time was 4 days) amount of time Grafana goes back to the login screen. This is what I assume is the error messages related to it:

t=2020-12-06T03:10:23-0600 lvl=eror msg="Failed to send usage stats" logger=metrics err="Post \"https://stats.grafana.org/grafana-usage-report\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
t=2020-12-06T04:06:20-0600 lvl=eror msg="Failed to look up user based on cookie" logger=context error="user token not found"
t=2020-12-06T04:06:20-0600 lvl=eror msg="Failed to look up user based on cookie" logger=context error="user token not found"

Unfortunately, the Grafana devs don't seem to be seeing the same issues on any of their systems so it's probably some kind of "quirk" of the multitudes of personal-run instances and circumstances. Doesn't help us that have the issue though, and definitely shouldn't be happening and didn't in the past.


According to a response near the end of this github issue, increasing that "token_rotation_interval_minutes" value to something large (like 7 days) helps mitigate the issue somewhat.  But I too can't find the config file (custom.ini? since supposedly we're not to modify grafana.ini) mentioned in their documentation.  Is there a way to modify that config setting using the docker setup variables, or at the very least find and modify the config file used through the container's console?


Would changing the "GF_PATHS_CONFIG" environment variable to point to a modified config in it's appdata be enough?

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Just upgraded to Version: 6.9.0-rc1 and Telegraf has broken with the following error.


Everything was working fine before hand


Anybody else found this has happened or perhaps has a solution ??



[telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not


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1 hour ago, JaseNZ said:

Just upgraded to Version: 6.9.0-rc1 and Telegraf has broken with the following error.


Everything was working fine before hand


Anybody else found this has happened or perhaps has a solution ??



I just changed from telegraf:alpine to telegraf:latest in the xml, see if changing to that image fixes things.

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1 minute ago, atribe said:

I just changed from telegraf:alpine to telegraf:latest in the xml, see if changing to that image fixes things.

Yeah I did that quite some time ago to resolve that same issue and have been on latest for ages now. Seems something has changed with the upgrade to RC1

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I am also getting 

[telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not exist: []

Switching to :latest does not fix the problem. I have also tried :1.16 and :1.16.3 with the same result.

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As of last week telegraf will no longer start: [telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not exist: []


I have the .conf using sudo for execution, and PATH is fine. which smartctl shows /usr/sbin/smartctl, the binary runs just fine without adding the path to the command as well. echo $PATH includes /usr/sbin/.


what's going on?


EDIT: I see users above already mentioned this. I'm on 6.8.3 however

Edited by Unoid
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It appears the upgrade to RC2 has resolved this issue and I now have temps back. There is still one error persisting though although I do not see it affecting anything.

2020-12-19T22:22:49Z W! [inputs.smart] nvme not found: verify that nvme is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config) to gather vendor specific attributes: provided path does not exist: []


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/18/2020 at 11:25 AM, Unoid said:

As of last week telegraf will no longer start: [telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not exist: []


I have the .conf using sudo for execution, and PATH is fine. which smartctl shows /usr/sbin/smartctl, the binary runs just fine without adding the path to the command as well. echo $PATH includes /usr/sbin/.


what's going on?


EDIT: I see users above already mentioned this. I'm on 6.8.3 however

I'm having the same issue.  I am referencing the /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl file in the docker container.  


Just get this over and over.  

2021-01-11T23:06:10Z E! [inputs.smart] Error in plugin: failed to run command '/rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl [--scan]': fork/exec /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl: no such file or directory -

Edited by Eviseration
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2 hours ago, Eviseration said:

I'm having the same issue.  I am referencing the /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl file in the docker container.  


Just get this over and over.  

2021-01-11T23:06:10Z E! [inputs.smart] Error in plugin: failed to run command '/rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl [--scan]': fork/exec /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl: no such file or directory -

Try putting this into the post arguments. but first remove the reference /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl file in the docker container.


/bin/sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade &&  apt-get -y install smartmontools && apt-get -y install lm-sensors && apt-get -y install nvme-cli && telegraf'


Edited by JaseNZ
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Anyone that can help me get access to my influxdb remotely? I want to be able to add some metrics from my VPS to InfluxDB, but I'm struggling with connecting. 


I've forwarded port 8086 in my firewall to my Unraid server which is set up with the same port. I don't understand but I still cant get to it. Is there anything I need to change in the influxdb configuration files?


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8 minutes ago, Fredrick said:

Anyone that can help me get access to my influxdb remotely? I want to be able to add some metrics from my VPS to InfluxDB, but I'm struggling with connecting. 


I've forwarded port 8086 in my firewall to my Unraid server which is set up with the same port. I don't understand but I still cant get to it. Is there anything I need to change in the influxdb configuration files?


Try using InfluxDB Studio to trouble shoot the connection. https://github.com/CymaticLabs/InfluxDBStudio If you can figure out how to connect to it manually you should be able to figure the rest out.

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This is with a Debian bare-metal VPS without GUI so I dont think thats an option unfortunately. I'm trying to contact my influxdb-server using this command:

curl -G http://MY-IP:8086/query -u username:password --data-urlencode "q=SHOW DATABASES"


The same command works when trying from another computer on the same network, then by using the local IP. I'm obviously using my global IP when trying from VPS. Same username and password works locally.


EDIT: Got it! It was my port forwarding that was off, damn Unifi changing the entire UI between each time I edit settings..

Edited by Fredrick
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