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Unraid OS version 6.8.1 available


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Upgrade seemed to work, but... system won't boot, it's in a loop

Undef symbol FAIL: openConsole
Failed to load libutil.c32
Failed to load COM32 file menu.c32

I'm going to go with the assumption that my USB stick is corrupt and hope to recover. But...any suggestions or insights are appreciated.

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5 minutes ago, rbroberts said:

I'm going to go with the assumption that my USB stick is corrupt and hope to recover. But...any suggestions or insights are appreciated.

Well, that's disappointing. I just pulled the USB stick and and ran chkdsk on it from my Windows 10 laptop; chkdsk reports it is just fine.

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8 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

try running makebootable again would be my first choice.

No joy on that. make_bootable.bat ran normally, looks like it worked, but it's going into exactly the same loop.

Based on this page: https://wiki.unraid.net/Files_on_v6_boot_drive, I can't see anything obvious I'm missing, the files in syslinux look normal. menu.c32 is there.  I've not no clue at this point.

 Volume in drive D is UNRAID
 Volume Serial Number is 1EC4-B638

 Directory of D:\

01/11/2020  03:17 AM         7,483,392 bzfirmware
01/11/2020  03:17 AM         4,682,400 bzimage
01/13/2018  01:23 AM    <DIR>          EFI
01/13/2020  09:55 PM    <DIR>          config
01/11/2020  03:22 AM                65 bzfirmware.sha256
01/11/2020  03:22 AM                65 bzimage.sha256
01/11/2020  03:17 AM         9,515,008 bzmodules
01/11/2020  03:22 AM                65 bzmodules.sha256
01/13/2020  09:54 PM    <DIR>          syslinux
01/03/2017  01:42 AM    <DIR>          custom
04/13/2017  05:14 AM            14,322 readvz
10/21/2019  08:42 AM    <DIR>          logs
01/13/2020  09:54 PM    <DIR>          previous
01/11/2020  03:22 AM       129,684,628 bzroot
01/11/2020  03:19 AM        71,207,536 bzroot-gui
01/11/2020  03:22 AM                65 bzroot-gui.sha256
01/11/2020  03:22 AM                65 bzroot.sha256
01/11/2020  03:17 AM             1,760 make_bootable.bat
01/11/2020  03:17 AM             3,291 make_bootable_linux
10/21/2018  02:14 AM    <DIR>          preclear_reports
01/11/2020  03:17 AM             2,428 make_bootable_mac
01/11/2020  03:17 AM           150,024 memtest
01/11/2020  03:17 AM            14,391 changes.txt
01/11/2020  03:17 AM             7,975 license.txt
01/11/2020  03:17 AM               492 syslinux.cfg-
              18 File(s)    222,767,972 bytes
               7 Dir(s)  31,198,527,488 bytes free
 Volume in drive D is UNRAID
 Volume Serial Number is 1EC4-B638

 Directory of D:\syslinux

12/17/2016  08:19 PM    <DIR>          .
12/17/2016  08:19 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/12/2018  11:23 PM           122,308 ldlinux.c32
01/12/2018  11:23 PM           186,500 libcom32.c32
01/12/2018  11:23 PM            24,148 libutil.c32
01/12/2018  11:23 PM             1,767 make_bootable_mac.sh
01/12/2018  11:23 PM            10,772 mboot.c32
01/12/2018  11:23 PM               447 mbr.bin
01/12/2018  11:23 PM            26,596 menu.c32
01/12/2018  11:23 PM           238,836 syslinux
01/12/2018  11:23 PM               492 syslinux.cfg
01/12/2018  11:23 PM           243,712 syslinux.exe
01/12/2018  11:23 PM             1,654 make_bootable_linux.sh
01/12/2018  11:23 PM           272,848 syslinux_linux
              12 File(s)      1,130,080 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  31,198,527,488 bytes free


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Is anyone else experiencing slower copy speeds? Previously I was on 6.5.3 and upgraded to 6.7.2, but went back to 6.5.3 because copying speeds from my SSD cache drive to the array went down substantially: from about 74 MB/s to  52 MB/s. Now I've upgraded from 6.5.3 to 6.8.1 and unfortunately am experiencing the same slow copy speeds (in fact possibly even slightly slower).

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I have a quick question: To be cautious as a lot of us have invested lots of time in our Unraid setups and configuration, what would be the best suggestion to backup unraid before attempting an upgrade? Just in case something goes wrong. Also, are there any suggestions on running chkdsk or anything before attempting the update?



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1 minute ago, mwoods98 said:

I have a quick question: To be cautious as a lot of us have invested lots of time in our Unraid setups and configuration, what would be the best suggestion to backup unraid before attempting an upgrade? Just in case something goes wrong. Also, are there any suggestions on running chkdsk or anything before attempting the update?



I just download a backup of flash. That contains everything you need to revert to the current OS if you can’t access the webUI after an upgrade.

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3 minutes ago, mwoods98 said:

@wgstarks Would that be as simple as just browsing to the flash drive and just copying everything over? to a backup folder? 

It's as simple as browsing to Flash page via Main and clicking Flash Backup button.  This downloads a zip file containing everything on your usb flash boot device.  You can then use this file to feed into the USB Creator tool.

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8 minutes ago, klevans69 said:

6.8.1 won't boot unless I use safe mode.

Which tells you that its a plugin interfering (probably way out of date or something)

9 minutes ago, klevans69 said:

How do I fix

What's the contents of /config/plugins on the flash drive?

9 minutes ago, klevans69 said:

downgrade back to 6.8.0?

Tools - Upgrade OS will allow you to downgrade

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