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Unraid OS version 6.10.0 available

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36 minutes ago, Lelo said:

Is there somewhere a changelog from RC8 to final release?


Everything seems to work fine!

I have not seen one that explicitly gives any changes since rc8


You could possibly compare the rc8 log to the latest stable one to look for changes.

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Just updated to 6.10 stable and I have multiple docker containers that will no longer start.

Anyone else had an issue with containers not starting?


Anecdotally, appears to be related to any container that has the docker socket specified i.e. "/var/run/docker.sock"

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plugin: updating: unRAIDServer.plg
plugin: downloading: https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.10.0-x86_64.zip ... done
plugin: downloading: https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.10.0-x86_64.md5 ... done
boot device shows 224825344 free but upgrade needs 309918020
plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1


I guess my 1G flash need replacing....

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I updated from 6.9.2, got this message when starting the array: "Your flash drive is corrupted or offline. Post your diagnostics in the forum for help. See also here". Everything seems to be working normal.


Edit: Plex (official docker container) is not working after the update.

Container log is showing this every few seconds:

Error: Unable to set up server: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: attempt to write a readonly database (N4soci10soci_errorE)
Stopping Plex Media Server.
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]


Edit 2: scrutiny container is also having issues (not working at all, I won't post logs in this thread).

Edited by Ademar
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12 minutes ago, JorgeB said:


Follow here for possible solutions or fix:




I have already reviewed that and I see nothing in there that offers any sort of clear things to try. The only thing I was able to glean from that is some people aid to try to SSH to the server and edit a file but did not explain exactly how to do that.

Edited by BrandonV
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8 minutes ago, BrandonV said:

I have already reviewed that and I see nothing in there that offers any sort of clear things to try.

Yes, but when there's one it should be posted there, and I'm going to re-open the report since it's not really solved.



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35 minutes ago, BrandonV said:

You would think that after ALL the RC versions they released, they would have the bugs worked out of this but I guess not.


Ha, as a software dev I can say with certainty that is not how it works.  QA (Quality Assurance) and UA (User Acceptance) Testing tend to happen with a very small subset of the actual people that will end up using the product/service.  You will almost ALWAYS find bugs once "stable" is released to the masses.

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31 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Only what's reported can be fixed, once a release goes stable it starts being used by many more users, so a few new issues are expected/inevitable.

I get that however total loss of access to the unRAID GUI is not a minor problem. So hopefully there is a fix soon but if people can not get to their servers then it is going to be very challenging to resolve.  


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59 minutes ago, BrandonV said:

I have already reviewed that and I see nothing in there that offers any sort of clear things to try. The only thing I was able to glean from that is some people aid to try to SSH to the server and edit a file but did not explain exactly how to do that.


Open the file /boot/config/ident.cfg with command

nano /boot/config/ident.cfg

and change:


Save with ctrl-X and answer Y.


Reload nginx with command:

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx reload


then try to login to the Gui using http://tower (your server name)

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Unfortunately, my server also stopped working since the upgrade.


It upgraded well. I then restarted it. I can no longer access the GUI. In fact, the server no longer register in the network (i.e., I cannot see the server IP in my router).


Unfortunately, I am running headless, so cannot see the error message.


Any idea how to troubleshoot?

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Upgraded the main server from 6.9.2 without issues.  OPNsense VM and Win10 VM started fine as well as all my dockers.


Time to install Win11 VM :)


One note, I had SSL disabled before the upgrade.


Thanks guys!


Edited by craigr
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