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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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Hey guys, 


Seem to have a critical failure on my sonarr


[v2.0.0.5322] System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): database disk image is malformed

database disk image is malformed

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x00083] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x0003c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult () [0x0016b] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior behave) [0x00090] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0

at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand,System.Data.CommandBehavior)

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x0000c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0

at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader () [0x00000] in <dae9d897f85e430e83bbd1fe4277bb5b>:0

at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()

at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] entityList, System.Boolean useAltName) [0x0006b] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:567

at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] entityList) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:546

at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:537

at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsRepository.SeriesStatistics () [0x00053] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsRepository.cs:35

at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsService.SeriesStatistics () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsService.cs:23

at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.AllSeries () [0x0001d] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:99

at NzbDrone.Api.REST.RestModule`1[TResource].<set_GetResourceAll>b__32_0 (System.Object options) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\REST\RestModule.cs:111

at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.CallSite.Target(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,System.Func`2<object, object>,object)

at Nancy.Routing.Route+<>c__DisplayClass4.<Wrap>b__3 (System.Object parameters, System.Threading.CancellationToken context) [0x00049] in <63c44d6f8d7e4f339a987bf9eb94d931>:0

I have been trying to fix this all day


What I have done:

moved backup DB's from the 27th and 20th, I get the same error on the 27th but the 20th was working for a bit, but then crashed and reverted to the above error


exported the nzbdrone.db to dump.sql - remove the transaction and error from the top and bottom of the file and then imported it into a .db


cat dump.sql | sqlite3 nzbdrone.db


but it ultimately failed with errors, I tried it anyway but the log just told me "Epic Fail" - I'm going to try this process again but does anyone else have an better idea?




Edited by Addy
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On 6/6/2019 at 10:44 PM, CHBMB said:

What's your docker run configuration?

(See the docker FAQ)

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

sorry mate, 

here it is 

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='sonarr' --net='bridge' --cpuset-cpus='3,7' -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8989:8989/tcp' -v '/dev/rtc':'/dev/rtc':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/UnsortedTorrents/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/UnsortedTorrents/complete/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/UnsortedTorrents/':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/sonarr':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/sonarr' 

The command finished successfully!

I put the backup back in the directory and did a update.. hopefully that gets me going


but if anyone has any idea what could have caused it



This seems to be a issue with my sqlite3 instance (


This is my plex now, FML. 


Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.832 [0x151bdffff700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, database corruption at line 79051 of [bf8c1b2b7a]
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.832 [0x151bdffff700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, statement aborts at 9: [select statistics_bandwidth.id as 'statistics_bandwidth_id', statistics_bandwidth.account_id as 'statistics_bandwidth_account_id', statistics_bandwidth.device_id as 'statistics_bandwidt
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.832 [0x151bdffff700] ERROR - Thread: Uncaught exception running async task which was spawned by thread 0x151bfd3ea700: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: database disk image is malformed
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.832 [0x151bfd7ec700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, database corruption at line 79051 of [bf8c1b2b7a]
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.832 [0x151bfd7ec700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, statement aborts at 9: [select statistics_bandwidth.id as 'statistics_bandwidth_id', statistics_bandwidth.account_id as 'statistics_bandwidth_account_id', statistics_bandwidth.device_id as 'statistics_bandwidt
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.832 [0x151bfd7ec700] ERROR - Thread: Uncaught exception running async task which was spawned by thread 0x151bfd5eb700: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: database disk image is malformed
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.833 [0x151bfc330700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, database corruption at line 79051 of [bf8c1b2b7a]
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.833 [0x151bfc330700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, statement aborts at 9: [select statistics_bandwidth.id as 'statistics_bandwidth_id', statistics_bandwidth.account_id as 'statistics_bandwidth_account_id', statistics_bandwidth.device_id as 'statistics_bandwidt
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.833 [0x151bfc330700] ERROR - Thread: Uncaught exception running async task which was spawned by thread 0x151bfd5eb700: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: database disk image is malformed
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.834 [0x151bd63f1700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, database corruption at line 79051 of [bf8c1b2b7a]
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.834 [0x151bd63f1700] ERROR - SQLITE3:(nil), 11, statement aborts at 9: [select statistics_bandwidth.id as 'statistics_bandwidth_id', statistics_bandwidth.account_id as 'statistics_bandwidth_account_id', statistics_bandwidth.device_id as 'statistics_bandwidt
Jun 07, 2019 20:28:47.834 [0x151bd63f1700] ERROR - Thread: Uncaught exception running async task which was spawned by thread 0x151bfd5eb700: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: database disk image is malformed

Moving my appdata for sonarr and plex to disk 1 seems to be the issue.. bizar (still had to restore another backup of the db)

Edited by Addy
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I am also getting the database disk image is malformed all i have done is left sonarr running and after a complete re install (following the same error this morning) i have not changed any settings i  literally added all the shows back and added the indexers and download client it added 3 shows that had been downloaded then the error came up

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4 hours ago, CHBMB said:


@Chrism2015 I'll assume the same advice for you, but you haven't posted enough information to say for sure.

I dont have a cache disk and below is the full error i get 

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): database disk image is malformed database disk image is malformed at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x00083] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x0003c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult () [0x0016b] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior behave) [0x00090] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand,System.Data.CommandBehavior) at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x0000c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteScalar (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x00006] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteScalar () [0x00006] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0 at Marr.Data.QGen.InsertQueryBuilder`1[T].Execute () [0x00046] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\QGen\InsertQueryBuilder.cs:140 at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Insert[T] (T entity) [0x0005d] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:728 at NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.BasicRepository`1[TModel].Insert (TModel model) [0x0002d] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Datastore\BasicRepository.cs:111 at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandQueueManager.Push[TCommand] (TCommand command, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandPriority priority, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandTrigger trigger) [0x0013d] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Commands\CommandQueueManager.cs:82 at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandQueueManager.Push (System.String commandName, System.Nullable`1[T] lastExecutionTime, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandPriority priority, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandTrigger trigger) [0x000b7] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Commands\CommandQueueManager.cs:95 at NzbDrone.Core.Jobs.Scheduler.ExecuteCommands () [0x00043] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Jobs\Scheduler.cs:42 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x0000f] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00000] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0

Edited by Chrism2015
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Help plz i have 2 errors with sonar that load the website but it loads forever and have ver and no numbers after it the only 2 errors i get are


[Error] NzbDroneErrorPipeline: [GET /api/series]

[Fatal] NzbDroneErrorPipeline: Request Failed. GET /api/series


[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ ()
| | ___ _ __
| | / __| | | / \
| | \__ \ | | | () |
|_| |___/ |_| \__/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
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User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: executing...
[custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[Info] Bootstrap: Starting Sonarr - /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe - Version

[Info] AppFolderInfo: Data directory is being overridden to [/config]
[Info] Router: Application mode: Interactive
[Info] MigrationLogger: *** Migrating data source=/config/nzbdrone.db;cache size=-10000;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***
[Info] MigrationLogger: *** Migrating data source=/config/logs.db;cache size=-10000;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***
[Info] OwinHostController: Listening on the following URLs:
[Info] OwinHostController: http://*:8989/
[Info] NancyBootstrapper: Starting Web Server
[Warn] DownloadMonitoringService: Unable to retrieve queue and history items from Nzbget

[v2.0.0.5322] NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadClientUnavailableException: Unable to connect to NzbGet. Error: ConnectFailure (Connection refused): '' ---> System.Net.WebException: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection refused): '' ---> System.Net.WebException: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection refused) ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Connection refused

at System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncResult.CheckIfThrowDelayedException () [0x00014] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0002c] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions+<>c.<ConnectAsync>b__2_1 (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x00006] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func`2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action`1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x00019] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

at System.Net.WebConnection.Connect (System.Net.WebOperation operation, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x0019b] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.WebConnection.Connect (System.Net.WebOperation operation, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00217] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Net.WebConnection.InitConnection (System.Net.WebOperation operation, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000cc] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Net.WebOperation.Run () [0x0009a] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Net.WebCompletionSource`1[T].WaitForCompletion () [0x00094] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream () [0x00016] in <e8eb3d7a311640f484845e45cbec8973>:0

one.Common.Http.Dispatchers.ManagedHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x000ef] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\Dispatchers\ManagedHttpDispatcher.cs:68
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.Dispatchers.ManagedHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x001c3] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\Dispatchers\ManagedHttpDispatcher.cs:102
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.Dispatchers.FallbackHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x000b5] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\Dispatchers\FallbackHttpDispatcher.cs:53
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.ExecuteRequest (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookieContainer) [0x0007e] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:121
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00008] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:57
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.NzbgetProxy.ProcessRequest[T] (NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.NzbgetSettings settings, System.String method, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00037] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Nzbget\NzbgetProxy.cs:241
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.NzbgetProxy.ProcessRequest[T] (NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.NzbgetSettings settings, System.String method, System.Object[] parameters) [0x0007e] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Nzbget\NzbgetProxy.cs:254
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.NzbgetProxy.GetGlobalStatus (NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.NzbgetSettings settings) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Nzbget\NzbgetProxy.cs:134
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.Nzbget.GetQueue () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Nzbget\Nzbget.cs:56
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Nzbget.Nzbget.GetItems () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Nzbget\Nzbget.cs:185
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TrackedDownloads.DownloadMonitoringService.ProcessClientDownloads (NzbDrone.Core.Download.IDownloadClient downloadClient) [0x0000c] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\TrackedDownloads\DownloadMonitoringService.cs:89

[Info] RssSyncService: Starting RSS Sync
[Info] DownloadDecisionMaker: Processing 198 releases
[Info] RssSyncService: RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 198, Reports grabbed: 0
[Error] NzbDroneErrorPipeline: [GET /api/series]

[v2.0.0.5322] System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): database disk image is malformed
database disk image is malformed
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x00083] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x0003c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult () [0x0016b] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior behave) [0x00090] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand,System.Data.CommandBehavior)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x0000c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader () [0x00000] in <dae9d897f85e430e83bbd1fe4277bb5b>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] entityList, System.Boolean useAltName) [0x0006b] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:567
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] entityList) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:546
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:537
at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsRepository.SeriesStatistics () [0x00053] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsRepository.cs:35
at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsService.SeriesStatistics () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsService.cs:23
at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.AllSeries () [0x0001d] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:99
at NzbDrone.Api.REST.RestModule`1[TResource].<set_GetResourceAll>b__32_0 (System.Object options) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\REST\RestModule.cs:111
at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.CallSite.Target(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,System.Func`2<object, object>,object)
at Nancy.Routing.Route+<>c__DisplayClass4.<Wrap>b__3 (System.Object parameters, System.Threading.CancellationToken context) [0x00049] in <63c44d6f8d7e4f339a987bf9eb94d931>:0

[Fatal] NzbDroneErrorPipeline: Request Failed. GET /api/series

[v2.0.0.5322] System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): database disk image is malformed
database disk image is malformed
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x00083] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x0003c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult () [0x0016b] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior behave) [0x00090] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand,System.Data.CommandBehavior)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x0000c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader () [0x00000] in <dae9d897f85e430e83bbd1fe4277bb5b>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader()
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] entityList, System.Boolean useAltName) [0x0006b] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:567
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] entityList) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:546
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Query[T] (System.String sql) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:537
at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsRepository.SeriesStatistics () [0x00053] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsRepository.cs:35
at NzbDrone.Core.SeriesStats.SeriesStatisticsService.SeriesStatistics () [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\SeriesStats\SeriesStatisticsService.cs:23
at NzbDrone.Api.Series.SeriesModule.AllSeries () [0x0001d] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\Series\SeriesModule.cs:99
at NzbDrone.Api.REST.RestModule`1[TResource].<set_GetResourceAll>b__32_0 (System.Object options) [0x00000] in C:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Api\REST\RestModule.cs:111
at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.CallSite.Target(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,System.Func`2<object, object>,object)
at Nancy.Routing.Route+<>c__DisplayClass4.<Wrap>b__3 (System.Object parameters, System.Threading.CancellationToken context) [0x00049] in <63c44d6f8d7e4f339a987bf9eb94d931>:0


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@Chrism2015 @evocraigst

You guys might want to ready my post


Change your appdata for sonarr/plex or whatever else uses DB to our cache drive OR just one of your disks.. sqlite3 is spazzing out over the new version more than usual I guess


You will then need to use a backup, I was unable to repair my database

Edited by Addy
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13 hours ago, Addy said:


@Chrism2015 @evocraigst

You guys might want to ready my post


Change your appdata for sonarr/plex or whatever else uses DB to our cache drive OR just one of your disks.. sqlite3 is spazzing out over the new version more than usual I guess


You will then need to use a backup, I was unable to repair my database

i only have the one disk installed in the server so it is set to one disk

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On 6/15/2019 at 5:39 AM, Chrism2015 said:

i only have the one disk installed in the server so it is set to one disk

yeah this may not be the answer, my sonarr corrupted again today, fkn pain in the ass - surely I dont need to install a cache drive @CHBMB

Surely the config I have should be good enough?


Edited by Addy
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I have lost access to all my shares today, the /mnt/user/ folder is missing and the dashboard is reporting no shares however if i ssh onto the server their is a folder called user0 that has all the folders in and the files and i haven't made any changes just tried to use plex and noticed that it was saying the files were missing then went on the dashboard and nothing.


i do appear to be missing the folders for 2 vm's which are still running somehow  

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I have lost access to all my shares today, the /mnt/user/ folder is missing and the dashboard is reporting no shares however if i ssh onto the server their is a folder called user0 that has all the folders in and the files and i haven't made any changes just tried to use plex and noticed that it was saying the files were missing then went on the dashboard and nothing.
i do appear to be missing the folders for 2 vm's which are still running somehow  
Probably best to post in general support

Sent via telekinesis

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong or this is just normal operation. I'm sure this happened to someone here.


I was downloading a batch for an Anime show. Most of the times I download the files manually and then import. 

This time sonarr automatically picked the batch and started downloading. But when it finished, it deleted everything and just left one episode.


Using the file activity plugin I have attached the log for that particular portion. Also this picture for the history log in sonarr. 





batch download.txt

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11 hours ago, gacpac said:

Maybe I'm doing something wrong or this is just normal operation. I'm sure this happened to someone here.


I was downloading a batch for an Anime show. Most of the times I download the files manually and then import. 

This time sonarr automatically picked the batch and started downloading. But when it finished, it deleted everything and just left one episode.


Using the file activity plugin I have attached the log for that particular portion. Also this picture for the history log in sonarr. 





batch download.txt 15.6 kB · 1 download

Wth. so right now I downloaded the files again in the location so sonarr sees it. It finished. The application saw it but deleted everything .-. this doesn't make sense

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I have been using lsiodev/sonarr-preview for more than a year with no problems. Only yesterday I noticed, that this image has been deprecated for months now.
I like v3 way better than v2, and I want to keep using it. I gather, I need to switch back to the main image and use the preview tag.


If I recreate all of the new container settings exactly as they are now, except the repository (off course) would change from lsiodev/sonarr-preview to linuxserver/sonarr:preview - would everything just work?

Or do I need to take some additional steps?

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I have been using lsiodev/sonarr-preview for more than a year with no problems. Only yesterday I noticed, that this image has been deprecated for months now.
I like v3 way better than v2, and I want to keep using it. I gather, I need to switch back to the main image and use the preview tag.
If I recreate all of the new container settings exactly as they are now, except the repository (off course) would change from lsiodev/sonarr-preview to linuxserver/sonarr:preview - would everything just work?
Or do I need to take some additional steps?
It should just work, but just bear in mind we don't support the preview branch at all. Backup before you do anything else.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

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  • 4 weeks later...



I just updated to V3 as mentioned above, all is great (much better UI) except I cannot connect to rutorrent on my seedbox anymore?  I had a screenshot of the settings and they are the same in radarr any ideas what could cause that in upgrading to V3?


Thanks in Advance!

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9 hours ago, LumberJackGeek said:

Hi everyone,


Thanks for the work on this! However I realized I am currently stuck on a very old build, what do I need to do to update?



Mono Version





Change from the `lsiodev/sonarr-preview` to `linuxserver/sonarr:preview`

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I've just moved Sonarr over to Unraid and am having trouble finding and moving files after they complete downloading.  I have a user share for downloads.  Inside the downloads folder I have a complete and incomplete folder.  I've been able to successfully download into the complete folder using both Deluge and SABnzbd from Sonarr.  No matter how long I wait thought Sonarr doesn't see the complete files and doesn't move them.


Here are the logs from Sonarr



And here is the docker config



Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong?


Edited by faulty_lamp
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