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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nextcloud

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Hey! I am new to Unraid and accordingly to nextcloud. 


I have been trying to install nextcloud (linuxsserverio) on my Unraid server. Along with MariaDB and I followed exactly the steps in Space Invader One's video. Up to the point 9:14 (https://youtu.be/id4GcVZ5qBA?t=554).


But as soon as I try to log in again the next day to continue with the setup I get the error "Wrong username or password".

I have checked the data several times and also completely rebuilt nextcloud & MariaDB (including cache clean).


However, I keep getting the same error. Also resetting the password via terminal as mentioned in your documentation does not work. Screenshots attached.


What can I do to get nextcloud to work? Thank you!


Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-11 um 12.57.02.png

Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-11 um 13.02.34.png

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Hi, I have been running this container for years, installed using the spaceinvader one guide but today installed fresh on a new server and need to be able to upload files several gigabytes in size.  Is this file the only one I need to modify to enable that option?






Thank you

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I’ve tried searching online but had no luck. 

I am trying to add a file to Nextcloud by linking it from another unRAID share. I’ve successfully created the link to the file inside the Nextcloud share using Krusader, and then updated the Nextcloud database, but the file is not on the folder where it is supposed to be. Is there any way to do this?



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Hello I'm pretty new to unraid.

I've setup nextcloud and everything is working. There is a plugin for nextcloud called MediaDC which requires python 3.6.8 or higher.
It seems like its capable of installing this dependency on its own but it returns result_code: 127 when it runs.

Basically, how would you add this dependency to an existing docker container?

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Need a hand, trying to confirm whether or not Nextcloud and ClamAV are playing nicely together.


Nextcloud + 'Antivirus for files' app



ClamAV; I went with 'mkodockx/docker-clamav:alpine' repositoryav2.png.4a749abbb8b8836174c31654e2d7594d.png


next I went to the Nextcloud container and used the --link flag under 'Extra Parameters:'

-not sure if this is required still or deprecated.

--link ClamAV:ClamAV


I guess I'm expecting ClamAV to scan any file uploaded. I tested by simply uploading both non-infected and EICAR test files. I guess i can check the ClamAV logs, but will or is there a visual indication that the file is getting scan by ClamAV?

Edited by Tolete
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On 1/13/2021 at 10:16 PM, MadOne627 said:

Thats it. I can now get to it internally with the LAN IP:Port and can get to it via web address via WAN. Thanks for your guidance skols!

Been a while but after learning a few things about networking in the past year or so, I now know exactly what the issue was. I believe skols said my router did not support loopbacking. At the time i just followed your workaround and it worked great for a while. Recently I have been trying to get a collabora server up and running. In order to use the unraid docker container, you are required to use of the nextcloud.myaddress.com to work properly. After a bunch of research and breaking my router a few times, (my wife is a saint) i figured it out. You can not use loopbacking behind a second router, the open wrt guys do a great job explaining it here. The section titled "OpenWrt as cascaded router behind another router (double NAT)" applies to my issue. Thought i would come back an share in case someone else is trying to do this. I was forced by my isp at the time to use there router and  cascade all my firewall changes down to my personal router. Lead to a bunch of issues. If your isp was like mine this may lead to you have the same issue i was having.


Thanks again for your help a year ago guys. I have gotten a ton of mileage out of this tool.

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Hey guys,


I have a problem since today:




This is showing locally and on my url I configured using nginx proxy.


Everything was working fine yesterday. I didn't change anything. My other reverse proxies are working fine.


Any ideas?

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I'm getting an Unable to Connect error and then an Internal Server Error when I try again to connect to my Nextcloud docker.


Had some major PSU issues recently resulting is false HDD failures and errors. Replaced PSU, MB, CPU and RAM and rebuilt the server and the array. IP address has changed as well, perhaps this has something to do with it?


Initially none of my dockers worked, but after a couple of reboots they are all working except for NC and Transmission.


Thanks for your help!

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Hello all.  Have had container running fine for a few years, using SpaceInvaderOne's install video.  Noticed that there was an update today and went to update.  From the update screen, it was getting stuck at 'deleting old data'.  Sometimes it takes a while to do some of the steps, so I closed the browser and walked away.  Now, when I try to get in, I keep getting 'update in process'.  Any instructions on how to get back in would be appreciated, or should I just wait it out for a while (it has been about an hour now).

I did check the config file and showed that the maintenance mode = true, and changed it to false, but no chane with the "update in process".


Edited by ZosoPage1963
add "maintenance mode=false
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On 3/24/2022 at 8:29 AM, ZosoPage1963 said:

Hello all.  Have had container running fine for a few years, using SpaceInvaderOne's install video.  Noticed that there was an update today and went to update.  From the update screen, it was getting stuck at 'deleting old data'.  Sometimes it takes a while to do some of the steps, so I closed the browser and walked away.  Now, when I try to get in, I keep getting 'update in process'.  Any instructions on how to get back in would be appreciated, or should I just wait it out for a while (it has been about an hour now).

I did check the config file and showed that the maintenance mode = true, and changed it to false, but no chane with the "update in process".


ended up reinstalling the container, didn't find a good fix to get past this error. (for those that may see this in the future).

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Would someone please explain difference between “linuxserver/nextcloud:latest” and “lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud”


I have been seeing LSCR thing a bit off and on but do dockers need to be changing or what is the change from one to the other about? Should I be changing tags on stuff or? 

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Apparently I lost my admin password.  I was auto-logging in for 15 months so who knows.   That being said, I tried many different commands that I've googled to reset my admin password with no luck.  


As far as I can tell I have everything from nextcloud backed up, so I deleted the container and reinstalled but it looks like its still pulling old info.  Is there any way to do a clean install or is there an obvious way to reset passwords that I'm missing?

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Am I crazy, or did Nextcloud URLs always show "dir=" and "fileid=" in the URL?  I'm using Chrome on regular PC and running this docker for a couple years with no problems.  I first noticed in Nextcloud 22 but it does the same thing in Nextcloud 23.  I don't think I've made any significant configuration changes.  Has it been there all along and and I just never noticed?




Maybe an app changed something?  Any help would be appreciated.

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Good afternoon, all. Does anyone know how to fix this error? I have searched in google and cannot find anyone with a resolution. Someone just resolve it by not using linuxserver/nextcloud and using the nextcloud container.


2022/04/03 18:29:17 [error] 454#454: *57 upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /settings/ajax/checksetup HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "your domain here.com"


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13 hours ago, Archonw said:

@tallbill of course you can reset the admin passwort. 

Open the console for this container. 

Follow the official documentation. 





Yeah I've tried that and several variants with no luck.  


Unknown user: www-data

error initializing audit plug sudoers_audit

Edited by tallbill
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15 hours ago, alturismo said:


1st google hit




and lsio NC uses abc as user


I'm not sure why you must be smug about it.  Its a big assumption that I didn't google the problem or try the first several solutions that I found.  Clearly I don't understand the context of all linux commands so its difficult to parse multiple threads on the subject, especially considering that I tried many things already posted.


I tried many variants and yes I just discovered the switch to abc and everything worked.


So thanks and sorry for the rant.  Just trying to learn.

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Copying files directly into Nextcloud


Using Sopaceinvader's video.

I want to move files from a previous install of Nextcloud.

I use the following command, the new install still does not recognise the files or add them even though the command seems to run.


sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/console.php files:scan --all


Any ideas or tricks?

Thanks in advance. There are gigs of files to move over.

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