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6 minutes ago, mweis said:



anyone have the collabora docker running on nginx reverseproxy on a subdomain with the letsencrypt lsio docker?

i wanna run the collabora package on office.xxx.de, my nextcloud runs fine on cloud.xxx.de i cant find any solution which is working :(

this was covered some pages back in this topic: 


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On 1/25/2018 at 10:47 AM, kostecki said:


You're absolutely right - of course you are. I had to jump through a million hoops, but i have it installed and it works perfectly at bridging Dropbox and Nextcloud.

Thanks for proving me wrong!

Any steps or info on where these hoops are to jump through? I can't seem to get composer installed inside the nextcloud docker image. I have tried everything I could find. I know need to install php with the The phar extension is missing.
Install it or recompile php without --disable-phar

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I was currently on Nextcloud 13.05 and the next newest update wasa 14.3, so following the instructions about a page back I initiated the update to 14.03 from within nextcloud itself. That was about 12 hours ago, and when I got to login all I get is 


"This Nextcloud instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while.

This page will refresh itself when the Nextcloud instance is available again.

Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly.

Thank you for your patience."


The logs are also unhelpful as the only warnings are:


PHP Warning: require_once(/config/www/nextcloud/lib/versioncheck.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php on line 37
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/config/www/nextcloud/lib/versioncheck.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php7') in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php on line 37



Any asssstance would be greatly appreciated. This instance was set up using SPO's instructions.


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I've installed this Nextcloud docker with the intention of replacing OneDrive. (Nextcloud doesn't have the same functionality, but it seems to be close enough for my purposes.) However, copying data from my Windows PC is taking forever because the PC first has to download many of the files and then they get copied to my unRAID server, and I'm doing this through the NC Windows client, which is also a little slow.


I do have the OneDrive files backed up on a Synology NAS and I thought it would be easy enough to copy those files to the NC folders on the unRAID server and then use the Windows NC client to sync for the latest changes. However, it's now clear to me that NC doesn't just "see" those files and they have to somehow be made visible (which they would be if they were copied via the client).


Digging around, there seems to be an NC command "occ" that would allow NC to scan the relevant unRAID folder and make the copied file visible to NC. Unfortunately I can't invoke the occ command. I went into the terminal for the NC docker, and tried to run "sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan", where www-data is the "HTTP user and group", according to the NC documentation, for certain Linux distros. My problem is I don't know what I should use instead of www-data for the NC docker (assuming I'm even on the right track). If I use www-data I get an "unknown user" error message.


Can anyone help?


(Plan B is to copy the files from the Synology NAS to the NC folders on the unRAID server, and then reinstall the MariaDB docker. But this is a one-time solution, if it even works.)

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1 hour ago, Bugman1400 said:

I get the following message when trying to open the Nextcloud Web GUI. The server log only shows that the Nextcloud docker loaded successfully. I have Mariadb installed and set up but, I don't think the Nextcloud Web GUI is necessarily dependent on that.



Same, I'm getting 500 errors all of a sudden. Looking at github there were no commits though.


Think my mariaDB went down... so there's an issue with that now instead as I can't get it back up.

Edited by phiyuku
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On 11/4/2018 at 6:32 AM, AncientVale said:



I was currently on Nextcloud 13.05 and the next newest update wasa 14.3, so following the instructions about a page back I initiated the update to 14.03 from within nextcloud itself. That was about 12 hours ago, and when I got to login all I get is 


"This Nextcloud instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while.

This page will refresh itself when the Nextcloud instance is available again.

Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly.

Thank you for your patience."


The logs are also unhelpful as the only warnings are:


PHP Warning: require_once(/config/www/nextcloud/lib/versioncheck.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php on line 37
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/config/www/nextcloud/lib/versioncheck.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php7') in /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php on line 37



Any asssstance would be greatly appreciated. This instance was set up using SPO's instructions.



I am having the exact same issue.  After doing some digging I was able to correct this issue by doing the following:


From the console of the nextcloud container console run the following command from within the /config/www/nextcloud directory:


sudo -u abc php occ maintenance:mode --off


Rebooted the container and I was able to log back into the old version.

Edited by chalk
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To answer my own question from a few posts ago, I needed to use "abc" instead of "www-data". The occ command needs to be run from the /config/www/nextcloud directory, and I needed to add the username as a parameter for files:scan.


(I initially got a message saying "The current PHP memory limit is below the recommended value of 512MB". Some quick googling and appending "memory_limit = 512M" to php-local.ini fixed this.)


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2 hours ago, airbillion said:

I have this error in my Nextcloud logs every few minutes:


Infocli Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for distributed cache 10 minutes ago

Infocli Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache 10 minutes ago


Is this something that I can fix or should be worried about?





This may be of help to you:


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I am having a strange issue with the android app atm. I currently keeps getting upload failures with the android app only saying that the server is in maintenance mode. I tried puttying in and doing the following commands


docker exec -it nextcloud bash

sudo -uabc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off


but it says that the server isnt in maintenance mode. 


Just to inform you i had been trying to the the end to end encryption up and running just before this started to occur but gave up and removed all the encryption apps. I now have the following under encryption settings 


No encryption module loaded, please enable an encryption module in the app menu.


and i cant untick the encryption box. Any help?? 



 have full access using the windows app and webgui. just appears to be an app issue. 


Edited by tazire
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13 hours ago, tazire said:

I am having a strange issue with the android app atm. I currently keeps getting upload failures with the android app only saying that the server is in maintenance mode. I tried puttying in and doing the following commands


docker exec -it nextcloud bash

sudo -uabc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off


but it says that the server isnt in maintenance mode. 


Just to inform you i had been trying to the the end to end encryption up and running just before this started to occur but gave up and removed all the encryption apps. I now have the following under encryption settings 


No encryption module loaded, please enable an encryption module in the app menu.


and i cant untick the encryption box. Any help?? 



 have full access using the windows app and webgui. just appears to be an app issue. 


Check config.php for maintanence = false

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yea it shows false... also when i put /status.php in the address bar here is the output




Since this issue i uninstalled the nextcloud app and reinstalled it and strangely enough it just crashes on install and everytime i try to open the app after it crashes. and i get the same result each time i uninstall and reinstall. I might just shelve this until monday as i have a new phone arriving then and a fully fresh install might be able to shed a bit more light on it... possibly something strange in the config of the app on my phone thats just lingering there. As i said everything else seems to be working. Well other than being able to get the encryption working. 



Just a random bit of information I have found while messing with this. I had the memory_limit issue where i had to put memory_limit 512M in the php-local file but I couldnt edit this using notepad++ as i didnt have permissions. It appears that the permissions of the php folder and contents have changed. or is that just standard? I managed to edit it using the CA config editor. I have full access to all other folders in the nextcloud appdata. Might be nothing but just found it strange.  

Edited by tazire
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2 hours ago, tazire said:

yea it shows false... also when i put /status.php in the address bar here is the output




Since this issue i uninstalled the nextcloud app and reinstalled it and strangely enough it just crashes on install and everytime i try to open the app after it crashes. and i get the same result each time i uninstall and reinstall. I might just shelve this until monday as i have a new phone arriving then and a fully fresh install might be able to shed a bit more light on it... possibly something strange in the config of the app on my phone thats just lingering there. As i said everything else seems to be working. Well other than being able to get the encryption working. 



Just a random bit of information I have found while messing with this. I had the memory_limit issue where i had to put memory_limit 512M in the php-local file but I couldnt edit this using notepad++ as i didnt have permissions. It appears that the permissions of the php folder and contents have changed. or is that just standard? I managed to edit it using the CA config editor. I have full access to all other folders in the nextcloud appdata. Might be nothing but just found it strange.  



I have seen this occur when the cache of the android app refused to clear properly.   I had to remove the account,  clear the app data and cache, then uninstall and reinstall to fix.  You having a new phone will fix it.


As for the random info,  the folder and file are locked to access when the docker is running,  was the docker running when you tried N++?   If so, after you edited it with CAConfig or even VI it would have allowed N++ to edit it.  If not, then I am not sure why the lock remained.

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Just a PSA in case this affects anyone else, but I'm noticing now that my Nextcloud instance excessively writes to my cache drives.  My SSD cache drives are only used for docker appdata (all of my user shares, including the target for /data, have caching disabled).  With only the letsencrypt, mariadb, and nextcloud dockers running, I'm currently seeing over 6 million written LBAs per hour.  That's just over 20GB/hr, and with no user uploads.  iotop seems to show that it's mysqld that's responsible for the excessive writes so Nextcloud is the cause.  Naturally, stopping the Nextcloud docker reduces the writes dramatically.   Is anyone else seeing this?


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18 hours ago, fmp4m said:



I have seen this occur when the cache of the android app refused to clear properly.   I had to remove the account,  clear the app data and cache, then uninstall and reinstall to fix.  You having a new phone will fix it.


As for the random info,  the folder and file are locked to access when the docker is running,  was the docker running when you tried N++?   If so, after you edited it with CAConfig or even VI it would have allowed N++ to edit it.  If not, then I am not sure why the lock remained.

In relation to the android app there is some issue with the play store storing some residual files also. It was causing the same issue on the new phone. I ended up going with the beta app just to get myself up and running. Only problem is im not sure if this will auto update now. Probably not a question for this forum really. but your info so far was helpful. 


In relation to the random info. I couldnt edit it after I edited it with CAConfig either. I actually cant do anything with the php folder at all.  

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On 11/4/2018 at 3:44 PM, phiyuku said:

Same, I'm getting 500 errors all of a sudden. Looking at github there were no commits though.


Think my mariaDB went down... so there's an issue with that now instead as I can't get it back up.

please check MariaDb docker thread, I had your same issue as other people, you need to delete one log file in mariadb appdata folder to solve the issue!

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