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4 hours ago, ssinseeme said:

Saarge. Your answers have been always hints. Do you want to help here or give a hard time. Of course I search google and read forums before I post. The answers I found did not work for me me. That’s why I am seeking this forum help. If you want to help I appreciate it but it you don’t. Don’t give me hints that don’t lead anywhere. 

I gave you a pretty specific tip, but with that attitude I don't care to help you anymore.

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OK this is driving me nuts, I cannot figure out why Nextcloud is so slow.  It takes about 30+ seconds to load each page, accessing it from inside my own network.



To try and solve this: I wiped my entire nextcloud installation, including all folders and appdata, even the database in MariaDB. 


I then created a DB and installed the container fresh.  It completed setup, but it's still slow as molasses.  The CPU/Memory do not even blip and all other containers function fine, so I know it's not a performance issue.


The Container log is fine - no errors.  The only errors I see in Nextcloud's "logging" tab in Setttings are:




I tried googling and the only thing I came across is bruteforce protection, but I checked the DB table and it's empty, so that's not it.


Can anyone help me figure out what the issue is? I've seen a few other posts that mention this without a resolution.




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On 6/7/2020 at 2:54 PM, goose1701 said:

Having some weird issues with the web UI being incredibly slow after the last couple of upgrades. I know it's not bandwidth or speed issues with my server, because for instance my Jellyfin and Airsonic servers are as snappy as ever running on the same machine. I have my own domain of which nextcloud is a sub on going through let's encrypt, but I know that's not an issue either, since the aforementioned Jellyfin and Airsonic servers are also sub domains of the same also through let's encrypt.


Nextcloud docker logs are clean. All checks passed on the Security and Setup section. Though this does pop up in the logging section, not sure if it's related:




Hey there, did you figure out what your issue was? I am having the same problem

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1 hour ago, goose1701 said:

Nope. I see there's quite a few people who are having this issue too, but no solutions yet unfortunately.

I was reading on reddit that some dude solved this by using Postgres instead of MariaDB, but I'm having trouble creating a user in Postgres to test this: https://old.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/fy7na5/nextcloud_login_and_navigation_extremely_slow/


Are you able to try this?


Edit: Fixed!


Ok, I don't know why but the cause of the slowdown was MariaDB.  Following the above reddit post, I downloaded Postgres 11 and set up the db using the following commands:


su - postgres
createuser --interactive --pwprompt
[enter desired name e.g. nextcloud]
[enter desired password]
[confirm desired password]
[Superuser?: n]
[create databases?: n]
[create more roles?: n]
createdb nextcloud
GRANT permissions ON DATABASE nextcloud TO nextcloud


Then selected Postgres on the Nextcloud setup page and entered the details. 


The page actually loads like normal, finally.

Edited by Coolsaber57
  • Thanks 1
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On 5/15/2020 at 11:08 AM, saarg said:

It's better to go ask Nextcloud why they chose to add an ubuntu only binary.

There is nothing we can do about it.

I would kindly ask for advise:


I was never successful in having the Collabora or Onlyoffice Docker running with my Nextcloud install and having read @saarg post is not giving big hope. The Collabora support replied on my question that I am getting an error message by accessing the build-in Collabora app:


linuxserver.io Nextcloud docker is based on Alpine which uses musl libc instead of glibc - and AppImages do not work with musl libc:

I would like to stick to my linuxserver.io Nextcloud install that is running rock solid since years rather than using another Nextcloud container. Is there a small chance that the issues will be resolved from your linuxserver.io side? Really, that is a question, NOT a complaint. Thank you.

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On 6/14/2020 at 8:28 PM, saarg said:

Using the command line.

Could you point me in the direction I need to go?

I get what your trying to say and where to go to add this, but I don't know what I should be typing.  I've done searching but the info comes back as permissions for shares and not inside the app data folder.


I have read/write permission as far as this location;



If I try to make any modifications in;



This is where I lose the permission. 

Edited by daveo132
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3 hours ago, EdgarWallace said:

I would kindly ask for advise:


I was never successful in having the Collabora or Onlyoffice Docker running with my Nextcloud install and having read @saarg post is not giving big hope. The Collabora support replied on my question that I am getting an error message by accessing the build-in Collabora app:


linuxserver.io Nextcloud docker is based on Alpine which uses musl libc instead of glibc - and AppImages do not work with musl libc:

I would like to stick to my linuxserver.io Nextcloud install that is running rock solid since years rather than using another Nextcloud container. Is there a small chance that the issues will be resolved from your linuxserver.io side? Really, that is a question, NOT a complaint. Thank you.

Nothing we can do to fix the only office stuff. Don't wait for a fix, as it won't come. Just use a separate container for it.


What does appimage got to do with this?

  • Thanks 1
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On 6/17/2020 at 7:03 AM, Coolsaber57 said:

I was reading on reddit that some dude solved this by using Postgres instead of MariaDB, but I'm having trouble creating a user in Postgres to test this: https://old.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/fy7na5/nextcloud_login_and_navigation_extremely_slow/


Are you able to try this?


Edit: Fixed!


Ok, I don't know why but the cause of the slowdown was MariaDB.  Following the above reddit post, I downloaded Postgres 11 and set up the db using the following commands:


su - postgres
createuser --interactive --pwprompt
[enter desired name e.g. nextcloud]
[enter desired password]
[confirm desired password]
[Superuser?: n]
[create databases?: n]
[create more roles?: n]
createdb nextcloud
GRANT permissions ON DATABASE nextcloud TO nextcloud


Then selected Postgres on the Nextcloud setup page and entered the details. 


The page actually loads like normal, finally.

Awesome. If I get time I will be giving this a shot tonight(too bad you have to start over from scratch on the Nextcloud install though), if not definitely this weekend. Glad to at least know what the problem is now.


That indeed worked! Fantastic.

Edited by goose1701
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12 hours ago, saarg said:

Nothing we can do to fix the only office stuff. Don't wait for a fix, as it won't come. Just use a separate container for it.


What does appimage got to do with this?

Thanks a lot @saarg

I just need one of these apps Collabora would be perfectly fine. I got the link from Collabora. AppImages does not run on Alpine which is the root cause that integrated Collabora app isn‘t running on Alpine Dockers....at least how I understood it.

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On 6/9/2020 at 6:12 PM, tomibi said:

I have the same Problem with my nextcloud. It looks like the Document Server updated app to not work properly.
I solved this by disabled the "Document Server" with the terminal.
Open the nexcloud terminal window and type this command

Lists all your current isntalled apps
  occ app:list

then I searched for the Document Server and used this command to disable it.
occ app:disable  documentserver_community

Now I can login to nextcloud and see the user interface again.

I just spotted that Document server 0.1.7 is out - has anyone successfully upgraded from 0.1.5?

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On 6/14/2020 at 3:03 AM, saarg said:

Have you tried to find the folder that grows inside the container?

I'll look into that, thanks.

On 6/15/2020 at 6:18 PM, TheIstar said:

Since it is only when downloading/uploading it might just be the temp folder.
Did you set proxy_temp_path in your nginx config in your reverse proxy? Are you even using a reverse proxy?

I am using a reverse proxy, LetsEncrypt to be specific. Which config file are you specifically referring to? If I add that line to my proxy.conf file under letsencrypt\nginx, it will create the folder I specify when a transfer starts, but it won't actually use it and continues to remain empty. It'll still use the docker.img as its temp.


I mentioned that I use the "external storages" in Nextcloud, which mount the /mnt/user/ folders, then I share those to my Nextcloud users - does this have any negative impact of when trying to use the temp path?

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29 minutes ago, capt.shitface said:

Okay! Thank you so much!
Do you happen to know where i do that in Nextcloud?

Fairly sure you have the wrong end of the stick here, but if you are dead set on changing it, I believe it's in the appdata/nextcloud/nginx/site-confs/default file.


Not sure why you even want to change the port since the container has access to any port it wants on that IP, it's not like it's going to conflict with another service, which is the normal reason to change ports.

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I've installed Nextcloud, Mariadb, Letsencrypt and following spaceinvaders video for installing with reverse proxy.  I'm also using duckdns.org where I created okavangonextcloud


Had some issues with letsencrypt failing but after logging into my provider's modem, forward port 80 and 443 for TCP to my router device, then in my router forwarding port 80 and 443 to 180 and 1443, this allowed letsencrypt to be successful.

I set the external port as 80 and internal port as 180, then same for 443


Problem is after following the instructions to the very end, when I try to access nextcloud via the webgui link in unraid, it tells me the site can't be reached 

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.  ( I can see the ip in the browser shows as

I also tried connecting from using a vpn and get the same error.


If in my router I set the external and internal port to 180 and 1443, I get a diff error when trying to access nextcloud via teh unraid webgui.  


I get 

This site can’t be reached

okavangonextcloud’s server IP address could not be found. (url shows as https://okavangonextcloud/apps/files/)


I went over spacerinvaders video 3 times and can't figure out where the problem lies.  I was hoping to get some assistance....


Edited by DigitalDivide
forgot something
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