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[Plugin] CA Fix Common Problems

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1 hour ago, Helmonder said:

The file old.network-rules.cfg is flagged as corrupted, it does not look corrupted to me.. I actually replaced my flashdrive after the notification (had a new one lying around and I had not taken the moment to do it), also after replacement a new scan gives the same error.. So its not corruption of the drive but something that is triggered on the content:


# PCI device 0x8086:0x1533 (igb)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="ac:1f:6b:94:71:62", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth3                                                      "

# PCI device 0x8086:0x1533 (igb)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="ac:1f:6b:94:71:63", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1                                                      "

# PCI device 0x15b3:0x6750 (mlx4_core)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:02:c9:52:e9:60", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth2                                                      "

# PCI device 0x15b3:0x6750 (mlx4_core)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:02:c9:52:e9:61", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth4                                                      "


For the moment I will not worry about the message. Unless someone sees something wrong here ?


You must have a eth0 assignment in this file. The above file is missing this.


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21 hours ago, bonienl said:


You must have a eth0 assignment in this file. The above file is missing this.



Okay... but its not in there.. and the array is functioning fine, I do have an eth0 and it also survives reboots... What would be the best cause to get rid of this message ?

Delete the file ?  I do not think there is a way to "recreate" it ?


Maybe I am thinking about this wrong... Is this a copy of the file I created myself ?  And is FCP just checking every file ?  The naming convention is how I would call a file before editting it for some reason.. Cannot remember it but could be true..

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I am seeing below message regarding corrupt file.  How can I confirm if it is false positive?


Your flash drive has possible corruption on /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.lighttpd.cfg


I can open file and it appears OK to me.  Below are the contents.  Attaching Diagnostics as well.



# User customizations
# Add your own settings here. These won't get overwritten upon reboot



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7 minutes ago, B_Sinn3d said:

Your flash drive has possible corruption on /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.lighttpd.cfg


Pretty sure that you had in the past on that flash drive run SimpleFeatures and installed the lighttpd plugin.  Delete or rename from being a .cfg file

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Pretty sure that you had in the past on that flash drive run SimpleFeatures and installed the lighttpd plugin.  Delete or rename from being a .cfg file

The contents have gone through quite a few version of unRaid.  I have deleted the file.


I appreciate you, Squid.

Edited by B_Sinn3d
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Hello Folks,

My unraid server started showing the following FCP error "Your flash drive has possible corruption on /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.schedules/dynamix.schedules.cfg. Post your diagnostics in the forum for more assistance".


I have downloaded the diagnostics report (attached here)...and I am keeping the server ON until I have captured all information, screenshots, diagnostics, copy config files and formulated a plan on how to fix the issue before I reboot the server and find that it wont reboot for whatever reason.


Appreciate any help or guidance on how to proceed forward. Thanks in advance.



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/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)


Hi everyone, having some trouble with my server wondering if anyone would have some insight. I am getting the "/var/log is getting full" error so something is definitely spamming error messages there, but I can't actually get in there to see what the error is. Things are often hanging in the web UI with unending loading animations, opening a web terminal it goes into an infinite loop of "disconnected" / "reconnected" and I can't use that for anything, and trying to download diagnostics from Fix Common Problems hangs as well -- opening browser console I just see infinite error messages "WebSocket connection to 'ws://joeserver/sub/var' failed" and "[SET_MY_SERVERS_ERROR]: 'Disconnected from Unraid API'". The only thing I have been able to get out of it was a single email sent to myself reading


cron for user root /usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.daily 1> /dev/null

error: error setting owner of /var/log/nginx/error.log to uid 0 and gid 0: Operation not permitted


I'm sorry this description is so vague, I can reboot the server and it will run without issue for a day or two before /var/log fills up again, I can try to download diagnostics after a reboot if that seems like it'd work.

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Hi Team,


Sorry if it's already posted somewhere, but i can't find it.


As i have issues with my unraid server (randomly reboots) i wanted to put "fix common problems" in troubleshooting mode.


However i can not find how to put it in troubleshooting mode: seems there must be a button somewhere?




Can someone help me on how to put in troubleshooting mode?





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2 hours ago, ISwearItIsNotMe said:

I got the "Invalid folder root share contained within /mnt" error but I don't really know what folder is out of place here.


Here is a screenshot of /mnt via krusader.


Ive attached my logs as well.


Any help would be appreciated because i have no idea what I am doing.




unraid-server-diagnostics-20220311-1205.zipunraid-server-diagnostics-20220311-1205.zip 113.11 kB · 0 downloads



I have a similar problem after updating to rc3 today as well.




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Hi all, I just updated to the latest Unraid rc3 and I noticed this error.  I don't like to mess with a good think, so I proceed with caution with my beloved media server.  I received this error via Fix Common Problems, and I'm not sure how to correct it (if necessary)


any further explanation/help would be appreciated.




Edited by Walter S
double image
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1 hour ago, maverick said:

not able to remove folder rootshare

Don't try to remove it.  It is created by latest Unassigned Devices.  FCP needs to be updated to not flag this as an invalid folder.


The "invalid folder..." message can be ignored and no harm is caused.

Edited by Hoopster
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For about a month I was getting this error from FCP-

* Wrong DNS entry for host

I was assuming that it was referencing some issue with my self-signed certificate issued by pfsense. I never got a chance to investigate it until this weekend but now the warning no longer occurs when I run FCP. Was it just a false positive? I'm planning to update to the latest RC but wanted to correct any errors first.

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Hello all,

I have the "Invalid folder rootshare contained within /mnt" error on my system. I have attached the diagnostic logs and a print screen of the FCP page. The funny thing is everything was working fine and this problem only occurred after a reboot of the system. Since this problem has occurred, Plex is not able to find the media on the drives. Any assistance you can provide to help me locate and fix this issue would be greatly appreciated.

tower-diagnostics-20220311-1956.zip screenshot-Fix Common Problems 2022.03.11-20_01_35.pdf

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