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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Radarr

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I'm struggling to get 2 copies of this container running at the same time through a VPN container. I want to have a Radarr and Radarr 4K containers so I can get 2 copies, one for LAN and one for when I'm watching externally from my network. 


I've posted more details here: https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/ln40gk/help_with_2_radarr_containers_for_4k/



I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or maybe it's the containers I'm using (Binhex-qbit VPN) but I can't seem to get both running through VPN properly.


Can anyone help me or at least tell me if I'm wasting my time?

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Hey fellas! 


I am hoping someone here can help me figure out what is going on with my install of RADARR. I have a fresh new UnRaid server and I am just getting all my dockers up and running. Everything is running great with the exception of my Linuxserver Radarr I keep getting this error in the logs. I wanted to test it out to make sure it was downloading and moving files correctly but its not.




My Sonarr is working just fine though so I am not sure what gives. Here are the configs on my dockers 




My deluge setup




and my SabNZB setup




If anyone has any insight as to what is causing this please let me know! Thank you!

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4 hours ago, Squid said:

Your path mappings between Radarr and Deluge don't match


See https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086



 Hey Squid,


Thanks for the reply. Please forgive my noobness, I read the post you linked and I am still a bit confused. I guess what is throwing me off is that I have Deluge, SabNZB, and Sonarr working correctly. There are no issues with the TV side of things. Everything points to my drive mappings being incorrect but I am not sure where they are incorrect. 


I have a dedicated downloads share that I created on the cache drive the looks like this



--- completed

--- Incomplete

--- Unzipped Torrents


Deluge, SabNZB, and Sonarr are mapped to that Downloads folder. So I am confused as to how radarr is not working if I have everything mapped to the right location. Unless I am supposed to map the /Downloads in the radarr container to /mnt/cache/Downloads/completed 


I can see the files that are being downloaded in the 'incomplete' folder and they are moved to the completed folder once they are done. sorry for being such a noob I am still new to all this :)



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31 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Both sides of the mappings must match, not just the host side.


okay, I understand that but where is my mapping wrong? This is what I am trying to get to ... besides the /Download option in the container no where in radarr does it let me tell it where the download folder is. 


Am i suppose to configure a remote mapping under the download client section??? 


I never had to do any of this when I setup my Unraid 6.8.3 server ... I've had so many issues to fix on 6.9

Edited by SiRMarlon
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12 hours ago, SiRMarlon said:




33 minutes ago, SiRMarlon said:

where is my mapping wrong?

/data <-> /mnt/cache/Downloads -> deluge, sab, and sonarr


is not the same as


/downloads <->/mnt/cache/Downloads -> radarr


data != downloads, those are currently different. They must be the same.

1 hour ago, jonathanm said:

Both sides of the mappings must match, not just the host side.


36 minutes ago, SiRMarlon said:


I never had to do any of this when I setup my Unraid 6.8.3 server ... I've had so many issues to fix on 6.9

Nothing with regards to container path mapping has changed, it's been this way since docker was added to Unraid.

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4 hours ago, jonathanm said:


/data <-> /mnt/cache/Downloads -> deluge, sab, and sonarr


is not the same as


/downloads <->/mnt/cache/Downloads -> radarr


data != downloads, those are currently different. They must be the same.


okay so am I supposed to change the container side on Radarr from "/Downloads" to "/Data" so it matches? is the issue because I am using different docker versions? I am using Binhex on the other dockers instead of LinuxServer




Went into the container and changed the container path from /downloads to /data and now it works. 



Edited by SiRMarlon
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I'm trying to configure Radarr currently to hook up to my seedbox for downloading. Radarr is hosted locally on Unraid and I have tested the connection to the Seedbox works as intended. I have added a remote path mapping to handle this external host with "Remote Path" set to the downloads path on the Seedbox and "Local Path" set to where SyncThing will eventually download it to the Unraid server. This gives me a warning saying:



You are using docker; download client Nzbget Whatbox places downloads in /mnt/mpathp/ryphez/nzbget/downloads/completed/Movies but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.


Any help would be great!

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Having two issues with the new version of Radarr, can't seem to track down what is happening. 


1. The search is atrocious.  If it finds anything at all, it will take 5 minutes, and then return random stuff. I see this constantly in the logs, searching for titles, tmbd, or imdb:

2021-3-1 17:00:13.6|Warn|SkyHookProxy|The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.: 'https://radarrapi.servarr.com/v1/search?q=fast%2B%26%2Bfurious&year='

[v3.0.1.4259] System.Net.WebException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.: 'https://radarrapi.servarr.com/v1/search?q=fast%2B%26%2Bfurious&year='
 ---> System.Net.WebException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.
 ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
 ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.
 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---


2. My indexers are constantly being "shut off for being un available".  I have reset api keys, check them, and they work perfectly find for Sonarr... yet i see this all the time. (Screen shot attached). 


This is the error log, which I can't understand given that running the same creds on Sonarr works just fine.

2021-3-1 17:04:02.0|Warn|Newznab|Unable to connect to indexer

[v3.0.1.4259] System.Net.WebException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.: 'https://api.nzbgeek.info/api?t=movie&cat=2000,2010,2020,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050,2060&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100'
 ---> System.Net.WebException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.
 ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
 ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: Connection reset by peer.
 ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer


I must be missing something simple here... 

Package Version by linuxserver.io
.NET Core
Yes (3.1.10)
DB Migration
AppData directory
Startup directory
2d 07:48:58


radarr 1.PNG

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I have updated and I have received this error and I can't find a solution for it?



Test was aborted due to an error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.: 'https://###.###.#.#:8080/api?mode=get_config&apikey=##############&output=json'[/quote]


Does anyone have any ideas?


Thanks :)

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1 hour ago, Rick Sanchez said:

I have updated and I have received this error and I can't find a solution for it?



Test was aborted due to an error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.: 'https://###.###.#.#:8080/api?mode=get_config&apikey=##############&output=json'[/quote]


Does anyone have any ideas?


Thanks :)


do you have Radarr trying to connect to SAB over SSL? I believe 8080 is not the SSL port ... this is how mine is ... removed my API key for picture purposes. But make sure you have your SAB API in there. 


8081 is the regular port I assigned because 8080 was being used by one of my other dockers. 



Edited by SiRMarlon
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I was recently checking the status of my radarr as there was some issues with the downloading of the movies i was monitoring.

I noticed that "all the download clients are unavailable due to failures' - (I also noticed that i have issues with my sonarr and lidarr too)image.thumb.png.837d4ebcb1ca2edd32844b0e0e362193.png

I went to check the setting and both my delugevpn and sabnzb failed on testing

in the system status i noted

Sabnzbd image.png





I am not sure how i can go about solving this issue, is it the radarr or the deluge and sabnzbd?

I have checked my paths and disabled SSL, I tried disabling certification validation for local addresses too


I have not change any settings for quite a while, but i do have auto update on for all my docker apps.

i did set up a reverse proxy previously in letencrypt but i havent moved over to swag. I have tried to but wasnt able to set it up properly.

in the log files it mentions

For Sabnzbd

For Deluge


Radarr Version

Package Version by linuxserver.io


sry if i didnt provide enough information, not sure what is needed to troubleshoot this. mostly i follow guides from spaceinvader one when i set up so not sure why now got issues.


Thanks in advanced for the help!


Edited by neilster
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On 12/2/2020 at 2:46 PM, psynoz said:

UnRaid, Docker, Radarr, "Folder is not writable by user ***" :/ Any clues on how to troubleshoot?

If I enter the container shell i'm perfectly able to create files and folders in the target folder.

Running Sonarr (by hotio), Plex, Bazarr, using same target folder (which is a windows SMB). works just fine with no issues, but all versions of Radarr fails with this error: "Folder is not writable by user **" where depends on who release the container.

Example of a container build (this is by hotio, but error is the same on all tried releases of Radarr, including the one by linuxserver.

"root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='radarr' --net='br0' -e TZ="Europe/Paris" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'TCP_PORT_7878'='7878' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'UMASK'='002' -e 'ARGS'='' -e 'DEBUG'='no' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/radarr':'/config':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/SERVER.INT.CONTOSO.COM_mount':'/media':'rw' 'hotio/radarr' 71598c7ea19bd54d2bb8b81f6cd8699248dd67af3439ebc989f6e8894f4edbb7"

I am having a similar issue after updating to Unraid 6.9


Edit: switching to nightly build and rebooting my system fixed it for me

Edited by Aeonofgods
problem fixed
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Hi, I have some 4,000 movies on my Plex server.  I've never given them their own folder.  They're just simply in my Movies folder.

Knowing that in order for radarr to function properly, each movie needs to have it's own folder within my movies folder... is there an easy or simple way to automate the creation and moving of each file into it's own subfolder?

I ask before I'm trying to use bazarr for subtitles.  Obviously it works with TV Shows/Sonarr... but I need to figure this out for radarr.

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Ok can a fresh pair of eyes have a look at this before i go mad! lol

Getting the classic error below.

DownloadedMovieImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /Downloads/completed/movies/...


Paths as below.




NZBget is doing what it should but Radarr is not renaming and moving Films folder.

Edited by turnipisum
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Weird issue I am running into ...

I have had Radarr setup and running in Unraid, Swag and Organizr using my custom network for a long time - no problems.

I recently setup another container for Radarr - called it 'radarr4k' - set the urlbase to 'radarr4k' - the port redirection to 17878:7878

Modified a copy of the radarr.subfolder.conf for Swag and called it radarr4k.subfolder.conf - edited it to change radarr to radarr4k within the conf file.

Everything is working now with Organizr using reverse proxy to access both radarr and radarr4k. I have linked  the radarrs using 'lists' so requests for 4k movies in the regular radarr gets picked up by radarr4k - thus giving me 1080P and 4k copies for Plex - COOL!!

But here is my problem:

In advanced view of the radarr4k template I edited the webui template as follows:


So what happens now (in the Unraid UI) if I try to launch the webui of the radarr4k docker it navigates to:

This gives a "You must be lost, nothing to see here." page inside an empty radarr instance - if I remove the radarr/ from the end and enter - then radarr works fine and all my settings and movies are there.

So I am stumped as to why the extra 'radarr' is being added onto the end of the webui address here and how to eliminate it?

Most times I will be accessing the dockers from Organizr using my reverse proxy - so this is more of an 'annoyance' than anything critical - not getting the proper webui address from the Unraid docker tab ...

Any ideas where to look for an answer?


Using Unraid 6.9.1 and the Radarr dockers are by linuxserver.io

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I've got an issue of both radarr & sonarr stopping. 
I haven't seen a pattern of behaviour yet.

The 'uptime' column says 'Exited 128'.
I've had a search but haven't found an answer yet. 

Radarr log https://pastebin.com/K7mW5Q58 (I think the SQLite errors was me attempting to fix another issue)
Sonarr log https://pastebin.com/nzk8aiFx


Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

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Since SQLite is included in the image / appdata and you're having issues it looks like you've corrupted the docker.img (disk i/o error) or the appdata.


The first thing to do is delete the image (settings - docker, stop the service, then delete the image (checkbox) and re-enable the service) followed by Apps - Previous Apps)

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On 6/20/2021 at 10:24 PM, Squid said:

Since SQLite is included in the image / appdata and you're having issues it looks like you've corrupted the docker.img (disk i/o error) or the appdata.


The first thing to do is delete the image (settings - docker, stop the service, then delete the image (checkbox) and re-enable the service) followed by Apps - Previous Apps)


I think the SQLite errors where from me attempting to fix another issue.

I removed a root folder, but was unable to remove the error of the location missing. 
I followed a 'fix' online which was to edit a table. I didn't edit it, only viewed it.

If I reinstall the docker image, and keep the appdata, everything will remain the same yes?

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On 6/20/2021 at 10:24 PM, Squid said:

Since SQLite is included in the image / appdata and you're having issues it looks like you've corrupted the docker.img (disk i/o error) or the appdata.


The first thing to do is delete the image (settings - docker, stop the service, then delete the image (checkbox) and re-enable the service) followed by Apps - Previous Apps)


I've followed your advice and done as suggested. The problem remains. I've even removed the second instance of Radarr.

Both Radarr & Sonarr still stop themselves with 'Exited (128)'.

Both Sonarr & Radarr have these 3 entries at the end of their logs.


[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.


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  • 1 month later...

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