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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/22 in Posts

  1. CA Appdata Backup / Restore v2.5 Welcome to a new epsiode of the appdata backup plugin The previous thread is located here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61211-plugin-ca-appdata-backup-restore-v2/ IMPORTANT! Starting with Unraid 6.12, this plugin will be deprecated. As already stated, there will be a complete rewrite of it. Please have a look at the new thread for it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happened? I stumbled upon some bugs while using Squids plugin and made pull requests. Squid told me, he has only limited time and asked me if I want to publish a new version of the plugin. So we decided to deprecate his version in favor of "my" version. For now, the plugin has fixed for error detection and some other new features (see changelog). More to come. Anything I should consider? YES! Since the updated version shows you error during backup/verification (and even while stopping/starting containers), it COULD happen, that you see errors after update which were not there before. In most cases, these errors/warnings were there before but supressed. Errors like "File changed as we read it" or "Contents differ" (during verification) tells you, that some files are still in use. Post here (with your log) in that case.
    1 point
  2. The ability to boot the Unraid Operating System off of PCIE / NVME or SATA / SSD drive instead of a USB key. As the title and short description suggests; I would very much like Lime Technologies to incorporate this as feature in an upcoming beta release. This post is a bit of a rant / whinge as an unhappy Unraid customer. RANT ON: The why: Because of the poor experience I have had over the last couple of years with the reliability, durability and frustrating user experience when a USB key has failed as a bootable device for Unraid. Because a USB key no matter what the brand or the warranty period is not an enterprise class solution for a bootable partition. Because in my experience whether you pay $5 or $50 for a USB key to replace the last one, the 5 year warranty period amounts to nothing when it costs you time, money and your server is down. The manufacturer of the USB key won't cover you for lost productivity and ultimately it will cost you more time and money to follow them up on their warranty. Most retailers and manufactures rely on consumers considering the USB key to be disposable and not pursue the arduous warranty / RMA process. Whilst I have the outmost respect for the Lime Technology support staff; my user experience has been less than optimal. To be told that the SLA for a failed USB key replacement within the arbitrary 12 month failure window is 3 days implies that you will need to wait up to 3 days before your server can be up and running again is unacceptable. <- I actually own two Unraid Pro Key licenses; only one of them is used; this was the only way could get my server up and running again in an acceptable amount of time. What is the point of backing up the key if you can't restore it to a new drive to use without having to contact support or request a new key? The 12 month arbitrary self-service replacement window - In a perfect world, we would buy the USB key with the 5 year warranty. The USB key would operate reliably for its 5 year warranty period and when it fails the Unraid user would utilise the self-service online replacement service. <- I have had no less than 4 USB keys fail; all with 5 year warranties (reputable brands, Sandisk, Lexar etc) in the time that Lime Technology has had the My Servers Plugin published to its consumers. All of them have failed requiring manual intervention by Lime Technology Support, I am currently waiting on another replacement. The second failure within two weeks. Its just not green or environmentally friendly. USB keys fail and when they do they aren't usually repurposed because of lack of trust or integrity in the failed storage device. They usually end up as e-waste and the plastics and materials are harder to recycle so normally end in land fill. The rationale: Its 2022 /2023, I find it incredulous we are still relying on this antiquated storage interface. USB keys are for the temporary storage of photos and documents! If you read any of the SanDisk or Lexar use cases; using a USB key as your primary boot partition isn't one of them! We spend so much time, money and effort building our version of the ideal Unraid server. Thousands of dollars are spent on repurposed enterprise server hardware, new enterprise class drives and then we leave uptime, reliability and durability of the entire server to a single device which is based on a memory storage interface standard that is slow, unreliable and was never meant for high durability (read / writes). Review the number of Unraid consumers who have posted a forum message where the root cause has been the USB storage media has failed. <- We have all been there numerous times. <- How many times has Lime Technology told you to plug your USB key into a USB 2.0 interface? I challenge you to find a modern server / workstation class motherboard that has a USB 2.0 port? I own an Asus WRX80E Sage WiFi motherboard. We have a high level of trust in modern NVME / SSD drives; we place some of our most important data on these devices; surely the Operating System for Unraid which includes configuration, passwords, encryption keys and certificates deserves the same level of durability!? NVME / SSD can be run in RAID 1 enough said. Most BIOS's support booting off NVME / SSD natively either in legacy or UEFI mode. NVME / SSD's support native hardware encryption that are TPM / BIOS aware. The current USB Creator tool can be hit and miss; some USB keys it recognises and allows you to format and create a bootable partition. Other keys simply cannot be seen by the USB Creator tool....despite the OS seeing the key....there doesn't appear to be any rationale as to why this may the case; another source of frustration and poor user experience. It should be a fairly straight forward process to repurpose / redeploy the USB Creator Tool onto a USB key....plug this key into your server and have the USB Creator Tools partition / image your internal NVME / SSD drive. NVME / SSD's don't suffer from the same FAT32 limitations; therefore partition limit sizing would not be a constraint. <- How many times have you had to reboot your server prematurely because the USB partition has filled up with logs whilst you attempt to diagnose the issue? How many times have you had Unraid tell you your logs are filling up......there is nothing actually wrong with your system....its just been running for a very long time? To summarise; @limetech PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE introduce the ability to boot off an enterprise class, internal storage medium such as PCIE/NVME or SATA/SSD drives. Hell even a consumer class NVME is more durable than USB key. I can't recall the last time an NVME drive failed because of lack of durability. In my opinion Lime Technology needs to update their support for bootable media; the last email I got from Lime Technologies support suggested I buy a Kingston DTSE9H USB key.....this key has not been manufactured by Kinston for years! NOT HAPPY! :RANT OFF
    1 point
  3. Thank you very much. I will let you know how it works Edit: Happy New Year The "Life in a Village" Container is working. Later i will test this with my Kids. Thank you @Goobaroo.
    1 point
  4. Und ich hab mir heute extra ein Kühlkörper an die SSD geschraubt... nächstes mal erst ins Forum und dann Kaufen
    1 point
  5. Ich gehe mal von WIndows 10 oder 11 aus: wenn Du die Anmeldedaten in Windows eintippst hast Du unterhalb er beiden Zeilen in der Regel ein kleines Feld zum ankreuzen, damit er sich für diesen Server die Anmeldedaten merkt. Wenn ich will, dass der User permanenten Zugriff bekommt nehme ich eben das Kreuzchen im Dialog. Wenn ich will, daß es nur temporärer eines Batch oder so Zugriff ist, nutze ich net use in dem Batch. ja. Unraid nimmt alle Datenträger, die im Share erlaubt sind (und noch mehr) und schaut da überall nach. Du kannst also auf disk1/bananensorten/ Datei01.txt bis Datei10.txt drin haben und in disk5/bananensorten/ Datei 11.txt bis Datein22.txt, Wenn Windows bei urnaid anklopft, schaut unraid auf (fast) allen Datenträgern nach ob ein ordner /Bananensorten/ vorhanden ist und listet windows dann alle Dateien darin auf Datei01.tst bis Datei22.txt als wären die wirklich alle zusammen in einem Ordner. Egal übe wieviele Disks der Ordner wirklich verstreiut ist. Vorteil: somit kann ein ordner weitaus mehr Dateien enthalten, als auf einen Datenträger passt. Nachteil: urnaid muß eigentlich bei Anfragen (fast immer) alle Datenträger aufwecken und durchsuchen. Ich habe in meinem groessten System 24 Festplattzen drin, die je 10-20 Sekunden brauchen zum Aufwachen. Wenn ich also nicht weiß wo eien datei ist und die Suche, kann schonmal eien Warte zeit von 24+20Sekunden = 8 Minuten entstehen. Aber dafür gibt es auch (Umgehungs)Lösungen. Wen der Mover fertig ist wird der Button im Main Tab wieder orange udn nicht grau. Fortschrittsbalken. nein, wüßte ich nicht. Ja. Wenn Du einen Cache dort zuordnest und auf "Yes" stellst, wird erst in den Cache geschrieben und wenn der Vollist oder es Zeit für den Mover wird, geht es auf das Array. Wenn Du auf "Prefer" stellst, wird bevorzugt auf dem Cache geschrieben und auch dort belassen, bis der Cache zu voll wird. Erst dann wird auf das Array verschoben. Wen DU auf "only" stellst, wird nur der Cache benutzt und nie auf das Array verschoben (nicht zu empfehlen!). Und wenn Du auf "no" stellst wird der Cache übersprungen und immer direkt ins Array geschrieben (wennd as Array aus Festplatten besteht ist das mit Parität recht langsam).
    1 point
  6. Ja. Das macht den Charme u.a. der cache-gestützten User Shares aus. Du greifst immer auf den User-Share zu und unter der Haube legst Du deren Umfang, Location, etc. fest.
    1 point
  7. Sorry I have the TVS-471 not TS-470. Opening up a ticket on github.
    1 point
  8. I'm blind... UPS stat is on the screenshot I posted... Envoyé de mon S88Plus en utilisant Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Hast Du denn einen beeper/Speaker angeschlossen? Und nach em Einschalten hast Du auch mal ca. 1 Minute gewartet?
    1 point
  11. Might cause issues with containers that depend on eachother though
    1 point
  12. All is working, parity-sync will take 1 day and 10 hours Happy New Year
    1 point
  13. ja das ist die öffentliche ich, ist doch richtig so, ich ping ja meine subdomain vom NPM an, die Domain zeit ja dann auf meine fritzbox und von dort geht es weiter an Ngnix und von dort an die Nextcloud.
    1 point
  14. Ehrlich gesagt verstehe ich Dein Problem nicht. Richte einfach die liebgewonnenen User-Shares ein (zuvor in den Einstellungen aktivieren), definiere auf welchen Disks sie liegen sollen (oder auch nicht), definiere ob ein Cache Pool vorgeschaltet werden soll (oder auch nicht), installiere das Plugin "Unassigned Devices" und richte dort den Zugriff auf Deine externe Quelle (Synology) ein, installiere das Plugin "Dynamix File Manager". Beginne mit dem Kopieren (nicht Verschieben) von der externen Quelle in die User-Shares. Fertig. Alles, wirklich alles, lässt sich auch nachträglich wieder ändern. Nachträgliche Änderungen sind dann meist manuell, aber auch keine Raketenwissenschaft. Man muss nur ein wenig lesen können ... Und für die Freunde der bewegten Bilder wird es dann auch Interpretationen durch ein Heer von Youtubern, etc. geben. Die müssen nicht immer stimmen, aber dann landest Du ohnehin hier und dann kann hier immer jemand helfen.
    1 point
  15. Also beispielsweise sowas: \Home-Aliana \Home-Alfred \Home-Zaratustra \Public \Musik \Video Ich erkenne Dein Problem noch nicht so ganz. Lege einfach jeweils ein Share (unraid/shares/add share) an. Stelle die jeweilig neu angelegten Shares so ein, daß sie auf den gewünschten Disks des Array liegen und gibt sie frei (Export: Yes). Wenn Du den Zugriff beschränken willst, kannst Du "Security: private" einstellen und darunter angeben, welcher Benutzer (User) auf das jeweilige Share lesen/schreiben kann. Dann wartest Du 1 oder 2 Minuten. weil Windows ab und zu nicht so schnell ist neue Netzwerkgegebenheiten zu erkennen und in Folge suchst Du von Windows aus (beispielsweise mit dem DateiExplorer >Netzwerke) den unraidserver und darauf die jeweiligen Shares und bindest sie per SMB als Netzlaufwerk ein. Das ist doch die übliche Vorgehensweise bei einem NAS. Disk Shares haben zwar Performancevorteile, aber wenn man Disk Shares und User Shares mischt kann man schnell Daten zerlegen. Warum keine User Shares, so wie es vorgesehen ist? Wenn Du das jeweilige Share auf nur eine disk beschränken willst, kannst Du das in den User Shares doch so einstellen (included disk(s): disk3). Das kann man machen, wenn man sicher ist, daß die dort zu lagernden Daten nie die Größe der Disk überschreiten (und einen kleinen Sicherhieitsrest frei lassen). Wenn Du die Sache etwas beschleunigen willst, wäre vielleicht noch zu bedenken für das jeweilige Share auch eine SSD in einem Pool davon zu schalten (Cache). Die Nutzung von POols als Cache ist in den User Shares doch einstellbar (siehe Screenshot unten, da ahbe ich meinen Pool "Cachesam" vorgeschaltet). Cachesam ist ein Pool (Raid0) aus 3 Stück 2TB NVMe Samsung SSD. Ohne Datenverlust bedeutet eigentlich (fast) immer: Backup anfertigen und seperat lagern, denn es kann immer etwas schief gehen! Alles andere kann im schlimmsten Falle immer Dateien verlieren (Programmfehler, Speicherfehler, Datenträgerfehler, Firmwarefehler, Stromausfall, Wasserschaden. Blitzeinschlag, ..... Lokation in der Ukraine sind aktuell auch recht Bomben- und Raketen gefährdet). Um zu prüfen ob etwas korrekt transferiert wurde, gibt es mehrere Wege: a) Quelldaten nie verschieben, sondern zum Ziel kopieren. Wenn alles angekommen ist (einige Zeit warten/Mover anwerfen, ander Sachen kopieren, so daß die Daten nicht mehr im RAM/SSD-Cache liegen), dann Quelldaten binär mit Zieldaten vergleichen. Wenn beide identisch sind, kannst Du davon ausgehen, daß die Daten korrekt auf dem Ziel angekommen sind und kannst dann (falls gewünscht) die Quelldaten löschen. b) eine Art Checksumme der Quelldaten auf der Quelle anzufertigen (schnell aber eher unsicher CRC32 *.sfv, besser MD5 *.md5, noch sicherer eine der höheren sha Varianten). Nutzdaten und Checksummen von Quelle auf Ziel zu kopieren (nicht verschieben), dann den Cache leeren und daraufhin am Ziel die Zieldaten mit der Checksumem zu vergleichen. Erst, wenn das alles korrekt abgelaufen ist, kann man (bei Bedarf) die Quelldaten löschen. Beides ist (zeit)aufwändig, aber nur so kannst Du fehlerhafte Dateien finden und ggf. von Quelle dann noch einmal kopieren, bevor Du die Quelle frei machst/loeschst. Ich persönlich nutze beide Verfhren. ich lege für Daten, die mir wichtig sind und sich nicht oft ändern Checksummen an und wenn ich wichtieg Daten verschieben will, kopiere ich sie erst und vergleiche sie binär (Quelle und Ziel).
    1 point
  16. I have to say, as a new user of Unraid I am having a difficult time getting USB keys working consistently. I bought 4 64gb Samsung fit USB keys and of the 4 I can only get one to work. I have 5 older Sandisk 8 or 16gb USB keys that I used to boot freeness or esxi and I can not get any of those to work with Unraid. I can understand the old keys but 3 brand new Samsung fit keys not working? Thats pretty bad... Is there a log file for the Unraid USB key creator that I can look at? I have tried creating USB keys on my Mac and on my windows workstations. I have zeroed out the USB keys using dd on my linux server... I too would love to have an NVME or SATA/Sata DOM option for Unraid. Just so darn inconsistent.
    1 point
  17. Yes, the plugin is issuing this command each reboot and also if the plugin gets updated. Otherwise your pools wouldn't get imported, at least not on pre Unraid 6.11 @1WayJonny what's your exact issue with that command or why do you think it's bad? This command only makes sure that the pools or better speaking disks which are connected to your system and have pools on them are imported/mounted. If a pool/disk for example is connected to your system but not imported/mounted this command is only importing/mounting them, all existing pools stay imported/mounted and are not touched. Imported simply means mounted in terms of ZFS.
    1 point
  18. @ncohafmuta and @IronBeardKnight you can bypass pretty much every safety check that won't actually break the script in the Danger Zone tab. Scroll all the way to the bottom and look for Disable restrictive validation and set it to Yes, after that you can set Number of backups to keep to 1 without the script complaining (screenshots attached). I am intending to update the help to note which fields can be deactivated and where to do that in a future update, but for now hopefully this helps. fwiw, the plugin is very customizable and I didn't want to prevent anyone from doing something just because I considered it non-standard (this is one of my biggest pet-peeves with software!). Because of that, I made sure to include options to disable anything that wasn't explicitly breaking. The only reason it doesn't let you do it out of the box is because it is too easy for someone who just wants an easy-to-use backup plugin to make a mistake that doesn't protect them or causes data issues. I highly recommend reading through the help for the more advanced options if you ever run into something like this again... or even just for good measure - there may be other useful things in there you want to use!
    1 point
  19. Unfortunately yes. It is in the square icon. I have rebooted both the disk shelf, and the unraid box, as well as reseat the cable on both ends as many times as I can. The lights go solid green, but unraid is just not seeing it. I am so confused on what to do. I just had an idea to try the lower IOM6 just to make sure I am not losing my mind, and everything is working perfectly fine. So annoying when something so simple is the problem lol. Thank you for your assistance. Turns out I just have one bad IOM6.
    1 point
  20. Huzzah: Last check completed on Fri 30 Dec 2022 09:18:26 PM EST (today) Finding 0 errors Duration: 1 day, 5 hours, 21 minutes, 30 seconds Replacement drive now up and running. Thanks again for all the help!
    1 point
  21. Click on the icon as if you were going to launch the app but instead click "Edit" At the bottom of the page, click on Set to the following: Note on Access Mode: Since the docker app runs in Privileged mode, it doesn't matter if it's Read Only or Read/Write, but might as well select Read/Write as future enhancements to allow the app to run outside of Privileged mode will require this. Save the new setting, then click on the "Apply" button for the Docker (not the Save button). Then launch DiskSpeed as per normal.
    1 point
  22. Ich hab ähnliche Ausstattung und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Ich hab nichts zusätzlich gedämmt und im Idle ist meins sogar mit dem boxed CPU Kühler nicht zu hören. Da auch die Temperaturen wirklich gut sind läuft auch nur ein Gehäuselüfter. Viel zu schade eigentlich, da meiner "nur" alleine im Keller. Gesendet von meinem Pixel 6 Pro mit Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. Probably goes hand in hand with the cache / user data co-mingling capability feature and linux disk quota capabilities, but definitely something we want to have planned for sometime in the future, even if it's a new product offering.
    1 point
  24. Du musst unter "Einstellungen > Globale Freigabeeinstellungen" den ersten Eintrag "Freigaben aktivieren:" von "Auto" auf "Ja" umstellen. ABER: Hast du das gelesen In deinem Link Disk Share? IMPORTANT If you have both Disk Shares and User Shares enabled then there is an important restriction that you must observe if you want to avoid potential data loss. What you must NEVER do is copy between a User Share and a Disk Share in the same copy operation where the folder name on the Disk Share corresponds to the User Share name. This is because at the base system level Linux does not understand User Shares and therefore that a file on a Disk Share and a User Share can be different views of the same file. If you mix the share types in the same copy command you can end up trying to copy the file to itself which results in the file being truncated to zero length and its content thus being lost. There is no problem if the copy is between shares of the same type, or copying to/from a disk mounted as an Unassigned Device.. Und warum willst du das überhaupt machen? Ich würde das nur mit einer Platte im Array machen, die von allen User shares ausgenommen ist, da kann es aus Sinn ergeben die ganze Platte freizugeben.
    1 point
  25. You need to state actual Reasons, why having a new feature is BAD idea, how it will Affect your user experience in a |Negative way. Otherwise you just ranted that because you have a 5$ flash that works, no one should be able to install unraid to NVMe, which is BTW a basic option for every OS. The only reason unRaid goes on flash is due to security, but NVMe also have serial numbers, they can easily lock the program license to NVMe/SATA SSD/HDD serial number. I agree with the OP, using flash drives is outdated, cumbersome and idiotic, i rather install unraid to SSD and have the system folders part of the install like on windows, located in default location on the same drive, this way youll have SSD with unraid and all your docks, plugins and everything else on one drive I see no logical reasons to be against such feature, there is nothing no one can say that will make this into negative experience for otehr people
    1 point
  26. Für einen zweiten Dienst brauchst du auch eine zweite Sub-Domain. Woher soll sonst NPM wissen wohin der Traffik soll, der bei dir ankommt. Gesendet von meinem Pixel 6 Pro mit Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. I'll keep that in mind for the future, thank you for the help!
    1 point
  28. Not an uncommon problem. One thing to consider is that Windows 10 (and 11) versions now prevent (by default) establishing a connection to a server using 'Guest' type credentials. You have to have a credential (login) to access a server. (Count on SMB to be inconsistent in its behavior...) Plus, MS wants to prevent you from using SMBv1---Period! One thing I would suggest is to stop trying to stop fighting MS. Embrace their want/need to bring some semblance of security to SMB. Look at the first post this thread and set things up to make Windows happier with what you are doing: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110580-security-is-not-a-dirty-word-unraid-windows-10-smb-setup/#comment-1009109 By the way, the only real reason to use SMBv1 is if you have a piece of hardware so old (media boxes for the 2010 era) that they don't support SMBv2. I know that the 'Network' section of Windows Explorer does not get populated when you turn off SMBv1 but that is what the 'Network Neighborhood' is for. (It also appears that the Network section Of Windows Explorer is populated with the Unraid servers when the Credential Manager establishes its 'login' to the Unraid servers as the Windows boots up--- at least that is my experience.) One more thing--- I now suspect that MS now considers Peer-to-Peer networking to the 'natural child' of SMB. They want you to use the Windows Server software and Active Directory (AD). And I believe you need a degree/certificate from MS to be able to set up this type of Network!
    1 point
  29. I can get it to install but when I reboot it is code 43. I can disable and then enable and the code will go away but the gpu is not usable. Reboot and its code 43 again.
    1 point
  30. Are you passing through the sata controller? Can you post the XML. Is there more that one drive other wise why dont you use the drive path in the VM?
    1 point
  31. Glückwunsch, ... wo und für wieviel hast du es letztlich bekomen? Ich habe die ganze Recherche für die Komponenten und das Wiedereinlesen in die aktuelle Technik jetzt auf zwischen die Jahre vertagt und festgestellt, das die meisten Komponenten die empfohlen werden schon eine Weile auf dem Markt sind und ich mal vor 2 Jahren meine alte Synology hätte ausmustern sollen.... 😄 Vielen Dank an die gesamte Community & @mgutt für die hilfreichen Threads und Tests, wenn man sich Zeit nimmt findet man da echt gute Infos (brauchte aber auch mein eigenes Spreadsheet um die Komponenten zu clustern, pro. Cons, NoGos....) Hintergrund : Ich hatte in einer Spec eines Fujitsu (ECC fähig) gelesen, dass dort auch non-ECC laufen würde... Wie verhält es sich mit ECC auf einem non-ECC Board ? i.d.R. kann ich auf nem non-ECC Board nur non-ECC RAM betreiben richtig? Das würde bedeuten , dass wenn ich aktuell ggf. auf eine ASrock non-ECC ausweiche, nicht direkt ECC verbauen kann, wenn ich das Mainboard doch nochmal austauschen würde. In dem Fall müsste ich dann Board zusammen mit RAM tauschen?
    1 point
  32. Hi there, im stuck on updating nextcloud using the web udpater. Now I get the error: update in process. As written on the first page I tried to trigger the docker update on the terminal: What would be the best next step to get nextcloud working again? Edit: turning of maintenance mode isnt working: EDIT2: Log says: Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  33. You have no idea how helpful this was to me. You are a lifesaver. I have what I now know is a bad board - I was 60% sure and this post made me 100% sure. It wouldn't boot with any GPUs in (at all) and was doing some really weird stuff otherwise. I've previously tested the GPUs in other systems, and the RAM came from a functioning Unraid server. The BMC won't respond either. I took all the GPUs out, and it'd boot into Unraid, but no SATA devices showed up and one of the NVMe drives mounted on the board didn't show up either. But somehow the SATA controllers did? Your post confirms that my motherboard is just hosed and not somehow incompatible with Unraid, as you have the exact board and processor I have on the same BIOS revision. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! 🥰
    1 point
  34. Don't forget to also use different appdata paths for each instance (in addition to the previously mentioned unique name and port).
    1 point
  35. Issue starting iotop Thank you in advance for support! # iotop libffi.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory To run an uninstalled copy of iotop, launch iotop.py in the top directory # ls -l /usr/lib64/libffi* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Nov 4 22:31 libffi.so -> libffi.so.8.1.2* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Nov 4 22:31 libffi.so.8 -> libffi.so.8.1.2* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 43432 Oct 24 20:38 libffi.so.8.1.2* iotop-0.6-x86_64-2_SBo.txz >> up-to-date latest NerdTools 2022.11.01
    1 point
  36. Disk is not generating a complete SMART report, so it might be a disk issue, swap cables/slot with a different disk just to rule that out.
    1 point
  37. I think it's probably time Unraid supported more boot methods. Now that it has a lot of advanced functionality like Docker, VM's and is becoming more critical to peoples setups more redundancy should be available. I'm not suggesting that the USB method should be done away with, but it should be just one way to boot Unraid. As a new user to Unraid and someone who has built many redundant systems and writes server software (including resilient databases and cluster software) a few design choices do seem wrong to me but can be corrected. Please give me the benefit of the doubt with that statement as I don't mean to come in as the new guy and say you're doing it all wrong! I do like that Unraid runs from memory, keeps it fast and keeps developers constrained, they know it has to fit in memory and cannot be a resource hog. But the 32GB USB limit isn't great, it's becoming more difficult to get high quality name brand USB drives in this capacity, not impossible but difficult. It's also becoming harder to get USB 2.0 only drives, high quality ones anyway. These things can be mitigated by supporting USB 3.0 drives and higher capacity drives but then we move onto the USB flash quality. As the capacities have increased the NAND quality has decreased. We're in QLC territory now and even then with bargain barrel flash and at the extremely high transistor density level which lends itself to unreliability. Combined with that many of the good sticks run very hot and aren't at all intended to be left plugged into a USB port powered on for years at a time. I echo some earlier posters statements about heat and how some of the sticks are so hot even when just left idle without any read/writes occurring that you cannot pull them from the USB port without being burned or feeling that it's uncomfortably hot to the touch. Probably the final nail in the USB situation is you're performing writes to it when configuration changes are made but can't easily verify they worked and if you then later reboot or cold start the system that is when the USB drive is most likely to fail leaving you in a precarious situation. There's no RAID1 capability, we don't even have file checksums. What I'd really like is the capability to install Unraid on normal drives with RAID1 just for the added redundancy and flexibility. It will also allow those of us who are building more critically depended upon servers to spend the amount commiserate with our systems. I'm currently building a wildly expensive Unraid server and the lynch-pin is a $15 USB stick. If I had the option of using a SATA DOM with high quality SLC flash or a SATA or NVMe SSD with SLC flash then I would, and I would likely use RAID1. Also I recently discovered after using Unraid that you cannot enable or startup VM's unless the raid is started. And some on discord alluded to this being tied to the license which as you all are aware is tied to the USB sticks GUID. It seems very odd to me that anything should stop the VM's from being started independent of the Unraid disk array. They seem so separate to me, what if I have all my VM's on a pool device or a ZFS array. If I'm doing some kind of disk operation on my main array that means it has to be offline for several days then I cannot start up any VM's? - Seems like bad design to me and it's probably why some people on the forums and on Discord are running Unraid under a more full featured hypervisor. I know this issue isn't strictly USB drive related but it's all part of the same tangled mess. The licensing is tied to the USB drive, that's currently the only boot method, they're prone to failure, you can't run VM's without the array enabled which requires the USB drive for licensing etc I fully intend to build a whole bunch of Unraid servers for myself and friends and this is probably the biggest sore point, when you're building in so much redundancy, be it dual PSU's, dual Nics, dual parity protected disk arrays, dual SSD's in RAID1 for your cache and/or VM's but then it all comes down to such a unreliable booting method, that just seems to me something that needs to be corrected for the project to keep progressing and improving, just how TrueNAS is adding better VM support, offering Linux with better drivers, just how pfSense now supports ZFS booting with RAID1 disks etc - All these projects that are in the same sphere are examining things that made sense years ago and saying ya know, today that doesn't make sense, that needs to evolve so we can better serve the needs of our users. I hope my post comes across in the positive intent that I meant it, I'm definitely not saying the sky is falling I just want to express how important I feel more boot options are. This topic started in 2014, it's now 2022. I'd love to see this happen before the end of 2024 really.
    1 point
  38. UPDATE: I searched google using "vfio unable to power on, stuck in D3" and there are numerous posts on numerous virt forums with the same problem that are all solved with a bios update. Now, I can't see how an upgrade from Unraid 6.9.2 to 6.10.3 can change something that would require a motherboard bios update. In the outback in Australia we have a saying "If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it". So I was very reluctant to touch my bios because, even though a lot of people have solved the problem with a bios update, I really couldn't see the connection or as a solution. Plus, a bios update has the potential to create more problems, on top of the problems I already have. Updated the motherboard bios and now Unraid boots properly (sometimes it would not detect and boot from USB) and faster. In the past it would search all 3 nvme and 6 sata drives for a boot record before going to the Unraid USB, now it just goes straight the Unraid USB. Boots nearly as fast as a windows 10 on a nvme drive (I haven't enabled fast boot yet) . VM1 works. VM2 boot into wrong resolution with a code 43 which was resolved with a driver update. VM3 is still failing to power on D3. Still investigating, but definitely making progress
    1 point
  39. Hi all, any chance of a mobile friendly ui being implemented? Current experience on mobile is terrible.
    1 point
  40. OK. Not that I use this plugin, but I have forked it so that the logs and the context menus appear. I have temporarily removed the dashboard part of things until I get more time to look at it's display aberrations. Going forward, so long as explicit directions are made as to how to replicate issues on 6.10 I will attempt to fix, but no guarantees will be made, and my goal here is not to continue development on this plugin, but to simply keep it in the same rough state as it was left in when the author stopped development. You will need to uninstall the version from Guild Darts and then reinstall the forked version. I would suggest making a backup of the folder.json file within /config/plugins/docker.folder on the flash drive. If you don't do this, then you will need to recreate your folders.
    1 point
  41. Questions: 1.) SAS card with two or more ports. One port to first case, one port to ext sas adapter and then out to 2nd. 2nd case only has power supply, power switch and sas multilpier card and a sas external adapter 2.) SAS card/expanders/ external adapters. Can be sas or sata drives. Backplanes in case help 3.) supermicro stuff is high quality but really whatever deal you can find. They also have a 4U 36 drive one 4.) rack mounting hardware can be expensive and takes a while to ship if you actually use a server rack. Some of the better server grade drive enclosures only take 240v power
    1 point
  42. Hi i fixed it by changing the rights of the data folder in /appdata/prometheus chown -R 65534:65534 data Maybe that helps you guys also.
    1 point
  43. It should be quite simple: disable Docker and VM services in Settings (maybe optional, not sure) access the pool configuration by clicking on "cache" run a scrub on the Pool to be sure to start with something clean (optional) In the "Balance" section, select the RAID profile you desire (RAID1 for you) and click "Balance" Enable the services you disabled earlier I do not think it is even required to disable Docker and VM services in Settings (to be confirmed by users with more experience in the matter). In any case, if it was for me, I'd do it.
    1 point
  44. When using the UNRAID WebUI on a mobile phone, all the text are really small and hard to read - basically using the normal desktop UI. If the WebUI was optimised for mobile, it will make remote monitoring a lot simpler and easier. Potentially, we could take this a step further and use a mobile phone app.
    1 point
  45. Tom M's idea. Not sure when this will be added, but we want this to happen...
    1 point
  46. It's been asked before and is a valid request, but not for the reason above, since you can have multiple disk sizes on an Unraid array and full capacity will be used. Also, we'll likely see multiple cache pools before multiple arrays.
    1 point
  47. As a very happy unRAID user (not affiliated with the company in any way) who also enjoys a good rant now and again please allow me a bit of a rebuttal. unRAID is a home NAS operating system. It is a consumer oriented product not an enterprise solution. Please stop expecting enterprise features from consumer products. Zero downtime and 24/7 support are enterprise features that one should expect to pay large amounts of money for on an ongoing basis. Limetech is a very small company with a somewhat niche product, the amount of support and ongoing improvements they provide for your onetime license fee is frankly astounding. If you have logs being written to your flash drive you are doing something wrong. The flashdrive is meant to be a fairly static storage area for the os image and a few small configuration files. unRAID runs from RAM and writes to the flash drive on a properly configured system should be few and far between. The use of fat32 should not be an issue because the entire os should stay small enough to run completely out of RAM. unRAID is not the only NAS device out there that boots from a flash drive. Terramaster for one i believe has their home NAS appliances booting from an internal usb flash drive. And just to reiterate my opinion on this one, unRAID is in fact a home NAS appliance not a generic linux os or an enterprise solution. My sub $20 flash drive has been going strong for 5+ years. I know that finding good flash drives is harder these days but many people still are. One thing i would like to see is either a community or limetech led effort to identify a good brand / source of flash drives and then a community buy or better yet limetech (or someone) buying in bulk and reselling said drives to the community (if the price is right no warranty necessary). The above said, i am sorry to hear or your troubles and you really should look into stopping whatever is logging to your flash drive. I would bet it is a big source of your troubles. I do apologize for the counter rant as we generally try to cultivate a supportive rather than standoffish community. Your opinions and feedback are welcome even if some of us disagree.
    0 points