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[Plugin] CA Fix Common Problems

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Hoping somebody can help with this one (full disclosure maybe nothing to do with unraid/FCP) -


Unraid 6.12.4 


All working fine and no errors from FCP


Changed from standard broadband modem running in PPPoE mode to full fibre modem running in DHCP mode.

Firewall / router is hardware pfsense - changed pfsense from PPPoE connection to DHCP connection.

Internet Wan and Lan all appear normal.


Unraid server appears normal with apps able to update and install from apps tab etc. but FCP showing the following -


"Unable to communicate with GitHub.com - Reset your modem / router or try again later, or set your  to and Also make sure that you have a Gateway address set up (Your Routers IP address)."



ping -c 3 github.com

but that gets this response

ping: github.com: Name or service not known


Nothing has changed within pfsense and other computers on the LAN can still ping github.com 


Help appreciated





So this has resolved itself.

Having looked no further but left everything alone for a couple of hours all is working again and a rescan with FCP now shows no errors.



Edited by dgs2001
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On 8/19/2023 at 2:38 AM, HHUBS said:

Yesterday, it was working then today it just stuck on this. Anyone having the same experience? image.png.dd24b79f0eb2d2a5f26163dd2c3c394e.png

Same here. This started a few days ago for me. It's not local cache as I get the same issue while in Incognito mode. I did upgrade from 6.12.3 to 6.12.4 three days ago, but I feel like this plugin worked after the upgrade. But I could be mistaken. And unlike @yogy, I'm still getting it. Nothing is appearing within my logs either.


EDIT: Does not appear to be related to the 6.12.4 upgrade. I just upgraded my secondary unraid and it is still scanning, plus it's adding the line Fix Common Things to the log.

Sep 14 10:55:44 unRAID root: Fix Common Problems Version 2023.07.29


EDITED EDIT: A reboot appears to have resolved the issue. Time will tell now. As mentioned before, I don't recall seeing the issue immediately after the upgrade and running this plugin is something I do right after an upgrade. But there could be a number of factors involved. I'm also trying to move VM's off my cache pool to reformat it and was getting errors with that. Or the move was showing a state of completion at over 120%.

Edited by UncleStu
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Is it intended for Fix Common Problems to address files orphaned on a cache from a move between shares (https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/troubleshooting/#mover-is-not-moving-files)? "Check for files stored within a cache pool that isn't allowed within a share's settings" implies it is, but it does not seem to catch such problems on my sever even when I set the plugin to always spin up disks for checks.

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I disabled the plugin and docker update notifictions in unraid because this great plugin "fix common problems" sends me this information on a weekly basis. I still get a warning that this is disabled.


Shouldn't this plugin skip this warning if it is scheduled to send a notification on errors?

I don't like the unraid notifications because it sends an email PER each and every update. This means I receive a dozen mails weekly which clutters my inbox.

This plugin solves that with on plain and simple SINGLE notification. :).

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Feature idea: It would be cool if the "ignored" acknowledged errors & warnings were displayed in a condensed manner or collapsible list, instead of presenting the same as active warnings and errors do. It triggers me when the page loads thinking there might be stuff in there but it's just my list of already-reviewed things xD



On 8/1/2023 at 6:21 AM, OverlordQ said:

RM'd the


file dated 4 days ago and then the pageload started working again. 


Thank you! Just the solution I came to look for.


Edited by amapo
Added feature idea at beginning of post.
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13 minutes ago, Squid said:

I can't replicate this.  If you let it sit for a couple of minutes does it begin?   If after a couple of minutes if you reload the page does it try to start up a new scan or does it have items already populated?

I let it sit for 30 minutes or so on two different systems. If I refreshed the page and tried again it did the same thing.

All that being said, it now works absolutely fine on both. Go figure!

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Just started noticing MCE errors via the "Fix Common Problems" plugin. I am not very knowledgeable on this level of h/w issues. Anyway, here is the output of the mcelog. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


root@Unraid-1:/var/log# cat mcelog
Kernel does not support page offline interface
mcelog: Cannot read sysfs field /sys/kernel/security/lockdown: No such file or directory
Kernel in lockdown. Cannot enable DIMM error location reportingmcelog: mcelog read: Function not implemented
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
CPU 3 BANK 5 TSC 77732a93f35d9
MISC 4634c486 ADDR 5de9d81880
TIME 1696952894 Tue Oct 10 10:48:14 2023
MCG status:
MCi status:
Corrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Transaction: Memory read error
STATUS 8c00004000010092 MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 45 Step 7
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
CPU 3 BANK 10 TSC 77732a93f35d9
MISC 4900000400040000
TIME 1696952894 Tue Oct 10 10:48:14 2023
MCG status:
MCi status:
Corrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
Transaction: Memory read error
STATUS 8800004000800092 MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 45 Step 7

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is there a way to disable some checks. For example I use the "Docker Compose Plugin" and "Watchtower" to update my images. So I do not need the check if a docker needs an update. Now I have to ignore every container if an update have been found and thats pretty anoying. 

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