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13 minutes ago, knex666 said:

I would just add the unraid template, just a copy of a docker is a lame thing ;-)

I think we need a template for the official Nextcloud Docker container. 

The problems with the LSIO container may not be reasonably solvable.

Edited by Taddeusz
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1 hour ago, andreidelait said:

If you are using Mariadb that means you have a different docker cntainer for that. You have to migrate that one aswell.

Thank you! You've given to me the answer.

Yes, I'm using:

    image: linuxserver/mariadb

I didn't remember I had added this container when I created my custom docker-compose.yml.

So, this is why I couldn't find the db on nextcloud container: I have to look for it into the mariadb container :)

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1 minute ago, ijuarez said:

here you go official docker creating the template shouldn't be to hard.

Thanks, kind of a $&@&! move there. Had I the time I would. I realize this is the support forum for the LSIO Nextcloud container. Obviously something with it isn’t working quite right. It’s also not apparent that the problems with it and the Community Document Server are reasonably fixable.

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1 minute ago, Taddeusz said:

Thanks, kind of a $&@&! move there. Had I the time I would. I realize this is the support forum for the LSIO Nextcloud container. Obviously something with it isn’t working quite right. It’s also not apparent that the problems with it and the Community Document Server are reasonably fixable.

Yes it was a shit move, an I apologize, but to me, a user, that does nothing to contribute to the developer community makes me a little upset when people make statements that the developers should fix this or that. Folks need to realize that they are not getting paid and they do not own anyone anything. 


I see you're community developer and I appreciate what you do for the rest of us, keep up the work.

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I am having a lot of problems with this container - I followed the instructions linked in the first page here, and SpaceInvaderOne's guide.


Firstly when I open the WebUI the certificate is flagged as invalid, and Chrome 80 won't let me just accept it and connect anyway. Safari does, but then when I enter the details to set up admin, MariaDB login details etc it times out. I get a 'gateway timeout' error.


Nothing shows up in the log files, but I can see that it has created folders for the admin user, so I presume it's trying and failing to do something... 


Google hasn't helped me, so I suspect I'm doing something wrong - but I can't even figure out how to find out what!


Any ideas?



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2 hours ago, Taddeusz said:

I think we need a template for the official Nextcloud Docker container. 

The problems with the LSIO container may not be reasonably solvable.

Which problem are you referring to?

if it's the issue with the onlyoffice or what the name of the new built in stuff is, then the problem is nextcloud as they just slapped on a static built binary that is only usable on glibc systems and isn't arm compatible either.

So not much we can do about it. I don't know what the Nextcloud guys was thinking when they did that.

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Guys, I just uploaded my template to the community apps with the official nextcloud 18.0.1RC2 where I was able to very easily get ONLYOFFICE running. If you are ready for a fresh installation or just like to try it out, it will be there soon. It is working. But not with the LSIO image build.




Edited by knex666
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1 hour ago, saarg said:

Which problem are you referring to?

if it's the issue with the onlyoffice or what the name of the new built in stuff is, then the problem is nextcloud as they just slapped on a static built binary that is only usable on glibc systems and isn't arm compatible either.

So not much we can do about it. I don't know what the Nextcloud guys was thinking when they did that.

I see, I hadn’t read anywhere that’s the reason why it wasn’t working.

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Hi Guys

  hopefully you can help with this i am getting a couple of security and set up warnings in my Nextcloudsee below:


The "X-Frame-Options" HTTP header is not set to "SAMEORIGIN". This is a potential security or privacy risk, as it is recommended to adjust this setting accordingly.

The "Strict-Transport-Security" HTTP header is not set to at least "15552000" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the security tips ↗.


how do I resolve these?


Thank you in Advance 


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1 hour ago, ZosoPage1963 said:

posted for some help on reddit also, but wondering if any of you guys were able to get a TURN server going so that NextCloud Talk will work outside of the LAN?  (for voice and video)  Need some step by step help (where is spaceinvader on this one!!! 


thanks in advance.

Today I update to 18.1 Nextcloud and after that I couldn't access Nextcloud anymore it was setup with Duckdns and Let'sencrypt follow Spaceinvader videos.The errors from the log was from Turn server says something Fatal error line 78 something.

The only way to access Nextcloud was to navigate to Nextcloud folder in App Data , Apps and delete Turn folder .Then I login and go to Nextcloud,Apps and download and enable It again  and Nextcloud broke again.

By the way I was testing Talk on Note 9,S10E,S7 Samsung and Pixel Xl I tried everything and just this app is useless one phone to another just chat,to another calls working but if you call few times just not react anymore I created users deleted Talk reinstall ,on another phone work if the phone is unlocked screen can't baypass lockscreen .If call someone and not hung out after with the red button can't call you anymore if not kill the app.I reinstall Nextcloud few times deleted the Appdata folder .I can say Big thanks to the developers and continue to improve the app but for the moment is useless for Android I was planning to use it for family messenger.If someone know solution to make it to work please share it.

Thank you.

Edited by Vesko
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Regarding only office integration.  I reckon the remainder of the issues are DNS / port related.  As far as I know, onlyoffice and nextcloud need to communicate with each other across a port and ip / DNS name.  What I mean is the 172 internal to docker addresses much communicate with each other - not the external DNS name, which would work if you were running host networking. Of course as far as I know, there is no way to tell nextcloud that nextcloud.yourdomain.com = internal to docker IP address, only the host IP address and the internet IP address.  I suppose you could put a host file in there or something though.  Anyway, so that would mean we'd need to put http://172.18.0.x in the advanced server settings (which I've done without success, I suspect because I don't yet know the port that it uses internally in this docker container).  I assume I'm going to need to do http://172.18.0.x:9000 or something like that.  That would explain why I keep getting can't contact host when opening onlyoffice in nextcloud.  Anyone else agree?

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Thinking this through more, I wonder if the fix may be to set up a letsencrpt proxy setup, with it's own domain, but pointing at the same instance of nextcloud.  Either way, I've gone back to using a separate only office docker instance for now with it's own domain, but with nextcloud 18.0.1 separate which works well.  This experience has been good as I understand how it fits together a bit more now.

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@Marshalleq Just an idea. Some routers have "nat reflection" dissabled if even configurable. At least Pfsense has it dissabled on default. What I mean by that? On default if you try to access a services availabe to the internet wie DNS from your local network Pfsense will block it. Maybe thats the reason why these containers aren't able to talk to each other via the domain name of the Nextcloud instance.

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12 minutes ago, bastl said:

@Marshalleq Just an idea. Some routers have "nat reflection" dissabled if even configurable. At least Pfsense has it dissabled on default. What I mean by that? On default if you try to access a services availabe to the internet wie DNS from your local network Pfsense will block it. Maybe thats the reason why these containers aren't able to talk to each other via the domain name of the Nextcloud instance.

Hey, yeah it's a good idea, I did consider that actually - I don't run nat reflection (I'm on OPNsense) - when I enabled it, it broke other more important stuff, so I run a dual homed DNS (It's manually set to the internal IP's for internal clients only).  But to do what you're saying I'd need a triple homed DNS and the DNS server would also have to serve the subnet inside the docker containers separately - at that point I think it's not really a viable solution lol, so I gave up on that idea.  I'm happy to have Onlyoffice in it's own docker anyway for now.

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On 1/29/2020 at 1:58 AM, DrPeaches said:

Thanks for the heads up, didn't think of testing that.

Yeah I use letsencrypt and also cloudflare for dns verification.

Unfortunately I'm getting the same error and on top of that a 524 error for timeout.

Will try:

1. Adding the same variables to letsencrypt's nginx config (same path as nextcloud's).

2. Upload without having cloudflare in the way.


I'll try to test it soon. I hope at least one of us can make this work. 

FOUND THE SOLUTION for 504 error

In the letsencrypt config for nextcloud you need to add


location / {
        proxy_read_timeout 3600;

I have 3600 for testing purposes. You have to adjust that as you need.

By default is 60 somwhere in nginx backend and thats why you get the 504 error after 1 min.

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FOUND THE SOLUTION for 504 error
In the letsencrypt config for nextcloud you need to add
location / {       ........       proxy_read_timeout 3600;........ }

I have 3600 for testing purposes. You have to adjust that as you need.
By default is 60 somwhere in nginx backend and thats why you get the 504 error after 1 min.

So in nextcloud subdomain conf file?
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5 hours ago, Amigaz said:

Have followed Spaceinvader's guide here to setup OnlyOfficeDocumentServer but the container seem to malfunction, when I https to it via my web browser I'm greeted with this:




And the logs:




Any ideas?

So far as I remember onlyoffice is a 'dumb' connection - no passwords or anything.  It basically just points at the web server file system.  So assuming you're using the onlyoffice container, I'd just wipe it out and reinstall as a first step (onlyoffice, not nextcloud).  Then check the onlyoffice connector and try again.

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