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Unraid OS version 6.7 available

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20 minutes ago, 1812 said:

We could solve all these icon color change/problems if we had some sort of accompanying text descriptor by the icons themselves, so you'd know what you're clicking on....

I take it that you're being ironic, hence the italics, because there are already accompanying text descriptors. The text is there to help but you shouldn't need to read it. It's another visual clue, like colour and shape, but it's a final confirmation or a last resort in case the other two clues fail. If you need to take the time to read the text then the design of the icon has failed. It should be instantly and clearly recognisable. If you need to read the text in order to recognise the icon then there's no need for the icon, so you might as well take away the GUI and revert to pages of text with hyperlinks in them.

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8 hours ago, John_M said:


I agree and I mentioned the fact during the rc phase but it seems our preference for function over style puts us in a minority.

It's a design desease right now. Everyone's doing it. Drives me crazy on my Mac in Finder and various programs.


It may seem like nitpicking, but it really, REALLY makes me stop and look for the right element ALL the time, even for well known sections like my Finder's side panel. Yes I know my Dropbox logo is a little further down and my home folder is all the way up and stuff, but everything being gray I have to stop and look before lifting my index finger on my mouse when dragging and dropping a file onto a target to name one example. It's the same for unRAID now and I wish it weren't so.


Can't wait for the no-colors, low-contrast flat fad to die. The only problem is... history repeats itself and eventually there will be a comeback of these UX slowing design choices and knowing that will taint my enjoyment of better design that's to come.


Anticipation is the greatest joy I guess...

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20 hours ago, archedraft said:


Maybe I can offer a different perspective. First let’s go to the “1,000 foot bird eye view” and ask the question what are we trying to accomplish? Likely the answer is to protect data. The next question is what are you willing to do to protect said data? Well, we built a dedicated computer to store our important files. So we are going above and beyond what most “common” folks do to store files. When you start adding up the money spent on the computer hardware plus the actual storage drives, there is some serious money invested.

I think if you look at it in that regard, and ask the question is my data worth an extra $100 dollars for a piece of hardware that is known to work great and let’s me stay on up to date software that comes with the latest security patches or is it worth it to use a piece of hardware with known issues that will likely not get better... well I know what my decision would be.

Anyways just something to think about.



18 hours ago, limetech said:

Not blaming the user, simply offering an alternative to get server back working again.  Sometimes the easiest solution is a h/w one.  Sometimes the only solution is a h/w one.


But to your point: You're right: something broke in the kernel.  When this was first reported we spent quite a bit of time, short of bisecting the kernel, to find out what might have caused this.  We are willing to try any patch you, or someone else might run across.  For example, take a look at this post in the -rc8 release topic regarding the 'hpsa' storage driver.  I delayed this 6.7.0 release a day to put this patch in, and user has reported that it works and fixes the issue.


Note that we never see these kinds of issues in the h/w we have - we would not publish a release where we see problems like this.  When I see an issue like this, first thing I do is 'google' the error message and start searching for similar reports.  But I can't spend more than a few hours doing this on any one issue.  If a solution is not apparent, then I let it sit for a while because eventually it will happen in one of the bigger distros such as Ubuntu or Fedora, and those guys have the resources to further investigate the problem.  This is kinda how it works with open source unfortunately.


10 hours ago, BRiT said:


I'm not blaming the user. 


This really isn't that different from the ReiserFS (RFS) issues. It worked perfectly fine earlier but then issues started popping up as the software evolved (Linux Kernel). The preventative users took the initiative and migrated away from RFS to XFS before it became a larger issue. Others waited until they had larger issues, which always happens during inconvenient times, and were forced to migrate anyways.


Switching from hardware with questionable software dynamics to newer hardware with better software dynamics to prevent larger issues is a wise investment for something you're already invested in to keep your data safe. Running a server for data safety is never a One and Done event, it's an ongoing event that requires investment maintenance.


Would you rather take your car into the shop for replacement tires when you notice signs of wear and tear or during the first leg of a road-trip vacation where you're forced to put on the anemic spare tire at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere?


It's up you whether you take preventative measures or not.

I guess I was just surprised that the disks disappeared after upgrading, and this is a known issue. A popup when I hit upgrade saying "Your hardware has a known issue." or something similar with a link to the forum thread about it would have been appreciated. I scrolled through the notes real quick and saw all the things added and upgraded, but there was no mention of the problems people encountered in the RC. I'm not the only that got bit by this.


Can you recommend a replacement card that is supported/will be supported in the future?

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7 minutes ago, rpj2 said:

Can you recommend a replacement card that is supported/will be supported in the future?

If you want an 8-port card that fits in a long PCIe slot (x8) then there are several LSI-based cards to choose from. Used Dell Perc H310 cards pulled from servers are readily available on ebay and they represent good value for money, though they are usually set up in RAID mode and you need to cross-flash them with IT mode firmware.


If you just want a 2-port card that fits in a short PCIe slot (x1) then look for one with an ASMedia chip, such as the ASM1061 or ASM1062.


If you want a 4-port card with a PCIe x2 interface then you might well be out of luck. I haven't been able to find one other than those based on the Marvell 9230 or 9235.

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2 hours ago, Squid said:

As an aside, the Fix Common problems plugin has been issuing warnings about marvel controllees for quite awhile now.

Sent via telekinesis

Fix Common problems was one of the first things I installed. I've never seen a warning about the marvel controller from it.


Edit: I checked /boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/ignoreList.json and I am only ignoring the OS update (for now).


Edit2: It looks like the logic for detecting Marvell controllers needs to be updated. It is showing ahci driver on my system and not mvsas.


exec("lspci -k",$testResults);

foreach ($testResults as $line) {

if (strpos($line,"Kernel driver in use: mvsas") ) {


04:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller (rev 11)
        Subsystem: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller
        Kernel driver in use: ahci
        Kernel modules: ahci
05:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller (rev 10)
        Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller
        Kernel driver in use: ahci
        Kernel modules: ahci

Edited by rpj2
more info
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22 minutes ago, rpj2 said:

Fix Common problems was one of the first things I installed. I've never seen a warning about the marvel controller from it.


I can confirm you will get a marvell warning from the plugin (although a bit vague):


May 9 17:37:20 husky root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Marvel Hard Drive Controller Installed

I get it because I have a Supermicro's SAS2LP-MV8 controller (based on the Marvell 9480 host controller). "Marvell" never shows up in my syslog anywhere.

As others have noted, some Marvell controllers are fine (never been a problem and still is fine on 6.7.0) but it is more of piece of mind to us another brand for reliability.

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I like the new dashboard, but is it possible for users to reorder the boxes?


I'd like to have Parity appear above Shares and Users, as the utilization counters are useful to have on the screen without scrolling (even with Shares and Users collapsed, it doesn't quite fit on a 27" display — Edit: this is with the window sized for two columns. Making the window a bit wider gives a better layout, but it takes up rather a lot of the screen!)


Similarly, I'd want to put Motherboard below Processor and Memory in the server view on the left, since it doesn't tend to change much, and you know when you've changed it :)


Not suggesting making these changes for everybody, as everybody has different needs — but I can't see any way of reordering them myself.

Edited by ElectricBadger
Noticed a 3-column layout was available
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Just updated my main server from the latest 6.7 rc. Everything went fine and all VM and dockers is running. Will update my backup server after installing my old xeon E3.
Thanks for the great work limetech and co. I really like the new dashboard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, rpj2 said:

It looks like the logic for detecting Marvell controllers needs to be updated. It is showing ahci driver on my system and not mvsas.

The simple two and four port SATA controllers built around the Marvell 9230 or 9235 (or the 9220 or 9225) chip do indeed use the standard AHCI driver module. I had previously attributed my not having any problems with mine to that fact. The mvsas driver module is used by the eight-port SAS controllers that used to be popular amongst Unraid users - I have two that I can no longer use.


So, to reiterate, Marvell makes both SATA and SAS controllers, based on different chips. The SATA controllers use the standard AHCI module and I've never had a problem with mine. The SAS controllers use the mvsas module and have been problematic for a few years.


I haven't upgraded my server that uses the 9235 and it works fine with Unraid 6.6.7. I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and upgrade it to 6.7.0 to see if it's adversely affected. If it is, then our finding will agree. If it isn't then there's something else going on with your server.

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I backed up my flash and grabbed diagnostics, then upgraded the server with the Marvell 9235 card to Unraid 6.7.0. All disks were detected and there are no bad things in the syslog. Here's the snippet from lspci:

07:00.0 SATA controller [0106]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9235 PCIe 2.0 x2 4-port SATA 6 Gb/s Controller [1b4b:9235] (rev 11)
	DeviceName: Storage Controller
	Subsystem: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9235 PCIe 2.0 x2 4-port SATA 6 Gb/s Controller [1b4b:9235]
	Kernel driver in use: ahci
	Kernel modules: ahci

and I've attached my diagnostics for you to see for yourself that, for me at least, there's no problem with my Marvell controller and Unraid 6.7.0. So maybe there is something that affects the 9230 but not the 9235.




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On 5/12/2019 at 12:53 AM, eschultz said:

We actually removed git from 6.7.0 but it'll probably be added in to 6.8

This is frustrating since it was there all through the pre-release phase and was only removed in the final release.

Is there a way to manually add it back?

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12 hours ago, rpj2 said:

Fix Common problems was one of the first things I installed. I've never seen a warning about the marvel controller from it.


Edit: I checked /boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/ignoreList.json and I am only ignoring the OS update (for now).


Edit2: It looks like the logic for detecting Marvell controllers needs to be updated. It is showing ahci driver on my system and not mvsas.


exec("lspci -k",$testResults);

foreach ($testResults as $line) {

if (strpos($line,"Kernel driver in use: mvsas") ) {


04:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller (rev 11)
        Subsystem: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller
        Kernel driver in use: ahci
        Kernel modules: ahci
05:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller (rev 10)
        Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. 88SE9230 PCIe SATA 6Gb/s Controller
        Kernel driver in use: ahci
        Kernel modules: ahci

OK thanks.  Will get updated.  At the time the test was programmed, everyone who had issues were always winding up using mvsas

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15 hours ago, John_M said:

I take it that you're being ironic, hence the italics, because there are already accompanying text descriptors. The text is there to help but you shouldn't need to read it. It's another visual clue, like colour and shape, but it's a final confirmation or a last resort in case the other two clues fail. If you need to take the time to read the text then the design of the icon has failed. It should be instantly and clearly recognisable. If you need to read the text in order to recognise the icon then there's no need for the icon, so you might as well take away the GUI and revert to pages of text with hyperlinks in them.


Total sarcasm in my previous post. But there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater as you suggest.


The above is  is your view/opinion on user experience and not necessarily indicative of total user behavior.  If you're using icons only as a metric and determining factor for what system information is available "underneath", then the icons we have as descriptors fail miserably in that job.  Nerdpack uses a dropbox icon. Stats settings has the same icon as stats in the tabs. Backup/Restore is a shield but not antivirus.


And why? These aren't stop signs or traffic lights, these are visual enhancements made to make the web GUI look nicer, which I think they do. These are not apps on your phone. Want further proof? Take the text away from the tabs and leave icons only. The settings icon takes a bit to understand, as well as plugins. Docker is fine, but what is that calendar icon? Oh, it's the apps... On the settings page, both the scheduler and auto update applications are refresh/reload circles, but which one is bolder? Can you tell me without looking? And why is the scheduler not a calendar (like the apps store icon is.) See. It's not about app icons like on your phone. It's all about the text with a little graphic element beside it only for the purpose of differentiation, not identification. And that is where your beef comes from (imo) not understanding the functions of the icons.


This is not a swipe at all the UI icon changes or work that goes into it, I actually have no problem with the choices however much a stretch they are (or how colorful or lack of colorful they are)  because they are essentially eye candy for the text descriptors. And we know this because I'm 100% certain you haven't memorized all the icons and their meanings and settings they link to, like the apps on your phone. 


To offer a contrasting user experience,  I never look at the icons as a guide to settings/functions. I either scan the page visually or in a pinch,  use control/command F and search for the text on the page of what I want. 


(I don't know why I wrote so much on this, I don't really care that much as long as the interface works. But looking nice is a bonus and I am appreciative of the work that goes into it. Regardless of your response, I won't be continuing this discussion further as I'm sure you will disagree with me 100%, and that's fine too I guess.) 

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I like shiny new things and haven't had any major issues with updates in the past so decided to try 6.6.7 -> 6.7.0 even though I'm not near the box right now.... Oops.  🙂


30 minutes later I'm still at the "System is rebooting" page and while the device replies to pings it won't accept (actively rejects?) connection requests to the GUI.  I have SFTP access and one of my remotely visible auto-start Dockers is running but another isn't and my auto-start VMs aren't.


I have remote access to other machines on that network and the Unraid SMB shares do seem to be visible.


I'm fine waiting until I have physical access to the device but if people have suggestions for remotely (via SSH) debugging I could poke around a bit.  🙂


Edit: Thanks @moose, apparently it just got stuck shutting down - once I physically power cycled it everything (including the expected loss-of-power parity check) was fine - hello 6.7.0!  🙂

Edited by JonMikelV
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I also upgraded from 6.6.7 to 6.7.0 but had no hanging issue.

I'm not sure if this makes a difference but I always do this before starting the unRAID OS upgrade and have never had it hang:


  1. Stop VMs and Dockers
  2. Stop Array, confirming it stops sucessfully
  3. Then upgrade OS
  4. Then reboot

I know this doesn't really help your current situation but just wondered if it might explain the hanging.


Edited by moose
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3 hours ago, limetech said:

For those suffering Marvell-Dropped-Drives-Syndrome, please try this test:


I'm still on 6.6.5 and was looking to update to 6.7.0. Figure I'd read through this thread first.

Although I have a SAS2008 card for my HDDs, I am using a Marvell 88SE9215 card for my SSD Cache Pool... that I just bought too due to lack of SATAIII ports on my motherboard :( (and some issues I read about re: TRIM on SSDs on a SAS controller).

This is what I see under Tools > System Devices. Can't tell if it's one of the problematic cards or not:

`IOMMU group 18:[1b4b:9215] 06:00.0 SATA controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Device 9215 (rev 11)`


Would anyone know if this may cause me issues? Does anyone who has this card upgrade with/out problems?

Would prefer to get feedback before trying to upgrade.


Also, if there are problems with this card (or if I *should* eventually replace it), what card would be recommended for SSDs?

Thanks for the awesome work Limetech team!

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