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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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3 hours ago, Richard Aarnink said:

A UPS seems overkill and I was looking for a cheap alternative.

A UPS to cover an Unraid server doesn't have to be that expensive.  And it isn't just outages.  It's where something in your house trips the mains, or you're working in your rack and accidentally unplug.  Whilst mine is currently unprotected, when it was it was a big peace of mind.  If only to save a 24 hour parity check because I was stupid.  Currently replacing it, and I'll be happy when it's protected again.

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Looking for some help with the Autofan plugin.  My autofan setup is finally working for the most part and it's no longer shutting off my CPU fan (really problematic, especially since I use a small cooler). Anyways, I have "25" entered in for the "Minimum PWM value", and I'm assuming that means, if the temperatures are all below the low threshold, the fan will spin at it's given rate for a PWM input of 25%.  That doesn't seem to be working as my Low and High hard drive temp thresholds are 30 C and 45 C respectively, but as soon as my temps get into the 20's, my fans shut off.  I'd like to keep my fans running at some minimum to help cool things other than the hard drives (CPU, LSI controller, GPU, MB, etc).


Unrelated, It would be nice to have a little guidance on how to set this up as it isn't intuitive, IMO. There is no "help" if you click the "?" in unraid. It took me quite a while to figure out that the "PWM fan" field isn't unique between PWM controllers. I kept hitting DETECT for each PWM controller (I have 5), and some would come up with one of three /long_path/fan0_input, fan1_input, or fan2_input (ie, 3 fan inputs over 5 PWM controllers, thus some had to be repeated).  Also, my biggest issue is after hitting apply, it keeps going back to "PWM1." That's annoying when you are playing around with the settings, you inevitably end up making changes to 1 when you are meaning to make a change to one of the others past 1, and then wonder why the change didn't do what you thought it would.

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I just recently moved my Unraid setup to a new motherboard due to an issue.  The new motherboard is a Gigabyte Designare Z390 and I cannot get Unraid to recognize the PWM controller.  As a result, I cannot use Dynamix Auto Fan Control to adjust RPM based on hard drive temps, other temps.

I am using the latest stable version of Unraid and even tried on the latest beta with no luck.   Perl is installed (latest version).  It will not detect the controller no matter what I try.  Any ideas or is the motherboard PWM just not compatible? 


Also, the CPU temp seems to be working fine, but the motherboard temp is either not reported or it is and never changes.  There is another sensor that reports 27.8 degrees C and does not budge from that exact # regardless of activity.


Any ideas are appreciated.


Thank you.

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7 hours ago, Terrierl said:



I just recently moved my Unraid setup to a new motherboard due to an issue.  The new motherboard is a Gigabyte Designare Z390 and I cannot get Unraid to recognize the PWM controller.  As a result, I cannot use Dynamix Auto Fan Control to adjust RPM based on hard drive temps, other temps.

I am using the latest stable version of Unraid and even tried on the latest beta with no luck.   Perl is installed (latest version).  It will not detect the controller no matter what I try.  Any ideas or is the motherboard PWM just not compatible? 


Also, the CPU temp seems to be working fine, but the motherboard temp is either not reported or it is and never changes.  There is another sensor that reports 27.8 degrees C and does not budge from that exact # regardless of activity.


Any ideas are appreciated.


Thank you.

I have a slightly different Gigabyte Z390 motherboard, but see if my workaround works for you. There are some caveats though, so make sure you read through my entire post, including quoted text.




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I ran a manual check on a drive and got a lot of BLAKE2 hash key mismatches (mostly .nfo files modified).  I received the details in a notification email, but there's no log file in /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/logs , even though I do have error logging set to "Syslog & Output File".  I also have log files and email notifications from 2018/2019, so I know it was working correctly at some point.  


Are log files not created when the check is run manually (as opposed scheduled daily/weekly/monthly)?  I have 14GB free on my flash drive, so it's not an issue of usable space.  What do you suggest?

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Hi @bonienl,


I am setting up a new system based on the Odroid H2+, using Unraid 6.9.0-beta25 with Dynamix System Temperature version 2020.06.20.


The Dynamix System Temp plugin correctly detects the required drivers:

coretemp emc2103

and writes the /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf file:

# sensors
chip "emc2103-i2c-0-2e"
label "temp1" "CPU Temp"
chip "acpitz-acpi-0"
label "temp1" "MB Temp"
chip "emc2103-i2c-0-2e"
label "fan1" "Array Fan"

However, no temps are displayed.


If I run "sensors -A" manually, I get this error:

root@ODROID:~# sensors -A
Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 2: Undeclared bus id referenced
Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 6: Undeclared bus id referenced
sensors_init: Can't parse bus name

The fix (specific to my system) is to add this Bus Statement near the top of the sensors.conf file:

bus "i2c-0" "SMBus I801 adapter at f040"

The Bus Statement is described in the man page here:


According to the man page, this command is supposed to generate the required Bus Statement for you:

sensors --bus-list

Unfortunately, it returns nothing for me so I had to build the Bus Statement manually. Here is a quick bash script that generates the appropriate bus statements per the man page:

for FILE in /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-*
   ADAPTER=$(cat "${FILE}/name")
   LINE="bus \"${BUSNUM}\" \"${ADAPTER}\""
   echo $LINE
   # example output: bus "i2c-0" "SMBus I801 adapter at f040"

Once the Bus Statement is added to the top of /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf like this:

root@ODROID:~# cat /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf
# sensors
bus "i2c-0" "SMBus I801 adapter at f040"
chip "emc2103-i2c-0-2e"
label "temp1" "CPU Temp"
chip "acpitz-acpi-0"
label "temp1" "MB Temp"
chip "emc2103-i2c-0-2e"
label "fan1" "Array Fan"

everything starts working properly:

root@ODROID:~# sensors -A
Package id 0:  +35.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 0:        +35.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 1:        +35.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 2:        +35.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 3:        +35.0°C  (high = +105.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)

MB Temp:      +35.0°C  (crit = +95.0°C)

Array Fan:      FAULT  (div = 8)
CPU Temp:     +30.0°C  (low  =  +0.0°C, high = +85.0°C)
temp2:        +29.9°C  (low  =  +0.0°C, high = +85.0°C)
temp3:        +30.2°C  (low  =  +0.0°C, high = +85.0°C)

Would you please update the plugin to generate the Bus Statement and add it to sensors.conf automatically?  

This should take care of these problem reports, and probably a bunch more:

Thanks for considering it!

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Hi everyone, I'm running the latest beta of unraid and noticed (like I see someone else has commented) that the temperatures on my AMD Threadripper 1950x / Asus X399-A Prime board are reporting much, much higher.  E.g idle temps are circa 90 degrees c.  Obviously this is not correct.  I posted in the beta forum and the only response I got was that Unraid doesn't handle temperatures, which I think is quite incorrect to be honest.


What I understand is, the plugin reports the temps provided by either, the built in sensor drivers, or the injected sensor drivers in the case where they're not included with the kernel or packages.


My understanding was that in the newer kernel, the relevant drivers for my hardware are now included, and I can see that more sensor options are now available in the Dynamix plugin.


Previously I had to input it87 into the dynamix plugin to get it to work.  I have rolled back to stable and can confirm the temperatures go back down to circa 60 degrees c at idle.


Can anyone help me by a) Advising / confirming if this is likely dynamix plugin issue or kernel issue, b) giving me something to go back to the beta thread with?


One thing I'm wondering is if there are now correct drivers in the kernel, perhaps the plugin logic needs to be changed.  This I'm basing on that AMD used to have some weird 27 degree offset and perhaps the plugin has something to compensate for that that's playing up, though it seems to be doing it backwards TBH.


Logs attached.


Many thanks,




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Hi there,


i got a problem with the S3 Sleep plugin. It workend great for years but for some months now it doesnt. :(


Whats the problem?

  • The server goes to sleep as intended
  • After wake-up using WOL or the power button of the server it immediatelly does a shutdown
  • After that i can wake it again and everything works
  • Why the hell does it shut down after wake-up?

I attached the logs of s3-sleep and syslog. Maybe someone can find the answer?


Thank you very much in advance.




s3_sleep_snip.log syslog

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can someone please explain what is the issue with the sleep plugin?  I am running a Asrock Taichi z370 motherboard intel cpu . The server goes to sleep but when the keyboard is pressed the server boots /hard drive spins but I get no picture?   The system is clearly on but can no see anything on the screen  , so i have to press the power button to shut it off.   I am using the IGPU on the processor and have turned on  S3-S4, 5  in the bios , nothing sees to work

What could be the issue?  I tried using a ps2 keyboard thinking it was something to do with usb being plugged in .   


Not sure what else to do? can you help suggest something?  Maybe I need a ASUS motherboard? different brand?

dont get this

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2 hours ago, CSIG1001 said:

can someone please explain what is the issue with the sleep plugin?  I am running a Asrock Taichi z370 motherboard intel cpu . The server goes to sleep but when the keyboard is pressed the server boots /hard drive spins but I get no picture?   The system is clearly on but can no see anything on the screen  , so i have to press the power button to shut it off.   I am using the IGPU on the processor and have turned on  S3-S4, 5  in the bios , nothing sees to work

What could be the issue?  I tried using a ps2 keyboard thinking it was something to do with usb being plugged in .   


Not sure what else to do? can you help suggest something?  Maybe I need a ASUS motherboard? different brand?

dont get this

You aren't using a VM are you?  That wouldn't work with putting the whole system to sleep.

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Hey, I am using a Asus Prime A320M-A Motherboard with a AMD Athlon 3000G. If I auto detect a driver for System Temp the k10temp Driver is selected. With that driver I only get 2 Temps and nothing else. I can only select k10temp - Tdie or k10temp - CPU Temp and I think both are CPU temperaturesCan I select a different driver or configure something in the bios/uefi to get more values?

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On 9/4/2020 at 3:55 PM, andr0id said:

Hey, I am using a Asus Prime A320M-A Motherboard with a AMD Athlon 3000G. If I auto detect a driver for System Temp the k10temp Driver is selected. With that driver I only get 2 Temps and nothing else. I can only select k10temp - Tdie or k10temp - CPU Temp and I think both are CPU temperaturesCan I select a different driver or configure something in the bios/uefi to get more values?

have the same issue.


it autodetects k10temp as driver and shows only cpu and mb temp. Both are the same so this seems not right. 


i'm running ASUS TUF GAMING B550-PLUS with AMD Ryzen 3 3200G. 


wrong driver i guess. witch one is the right one? 

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16 hours ago, SPOautos said:

Will this app be able to tell me how much resources everything is using? For instance if my CPU shows 50% utilization can I see the break down of what apps and tasks are running and how much CPU each is using?  Same questions with RAM as well.

No.  For something like that, you're better off with Netdata from the Apps Tab

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