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55 minutes ago, levster said:



I tried to add a local unRaid share as an External Storage and keep getting stuck. Am I missing something? The Configuaration is: /mnt/user/Family Pictures


ext storage_cropped.jpg



I think that I figured it out for both Local and SMB shares. Now, which should I use? Is there a difference how Nextcloud handles these?



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2 hours ago, levster said:



I think that I figured it out for both Local and SMB shares. Now, which should I use? Is there a difference how Nextcloud handles these?



I personally just add the SMB shares via external storages. This is so that the user permissions on each share gets respected.

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7 hours ago, Trembler said:

Issues stuck on step 4 as well.. but my CLI is telling me i'm at the latest version..


any ideas how to get around this? I thought there was a .step file somewhere but cannot find it that can be deleted?



Did you follow the upgrade procedure for command line linked in the first post?

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On 12/24/2019 at 7:46 PM, saarg said:

Check the docker faq

This was a great and informative read. It helped polish the edges of some things I was not sure about. *Recommended Read*



This is just a quick post to ‘close the loop’ as it were, on this sub. I have opted to go a different route than NC, as the only reason I was installing it was for the CalDav/CardDav capabilities. (It baffles me there isn’t a Docker for just xxxDAV).


Anyway, a huge thank you to everyone to contributed, particularly SARRG and CHBMB, with their tireless efforts to help everyone. Irrespective of any one individual, kudos to you all as this is what makes the unRAID community so great.


I hope the New Year is a safe, happy, and prosperous one for all! Thanks, everyone!


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Is the problem known?
When I use an externally attached storage and delete or move a file or folder there, I get an error message that it could not be deleted or moved. If I reload the page, it still happened correctly.
The log will say something like "rename(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory at /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Files/Storage/Local.php#289".

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I have run into the issue where its saying that the user has reached it limit for upload... How is this possible if i have it set to unlimited? I have tried look online and really havent found anything. Any help would be great, Thanks.



Update on situation:

I went ahead and created a few "Group Folders" instead of sharing a group folder on my account. Hopefully getting rid of all the shares on my account will allow for more space to be used and the newly created Group Folder to take the upload without issues.

Edited by kerpster
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Hi, I think I must have made a mistake in my config! All seems to work ok, but I have an issue when downloading large files from server (haven’t tried uploading to the server yet) all my large files are in folders on my array drives and accessed using external storage. When downloading my docker image fills up to 100% causing my other containers to freeze and sometimes crash! Is there a cache dir that I should have mapped to elsewhere?

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i have a huge issue... i went ahead and updated to the latest version of nextcloud and now i cant access my web application at all. i just keep getting the following error:



Any idea how to fix this? i dont think i will ever update this application again... but i need access to my files and this is driving me crazy. PLEASE HELP!


FIXED IT: Had to run this in the nextcloud terminal : sudo -u user php /config/www/nextcloud/occ upgrade

after i had to go and re-add a bunch of "apps" in nextcloud and update them... once done everything was back to normal on the latest version.

Edited by kerpster
Finally fixed issue and needed to tell people
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OK... so I'm sure that it is somewhere I just can't find it.


How can I use the letsencrypt docker to provide a certificate for this docker so when I connect via my private side chrome on a Mac will allow me to connect? It is setup for a self signed right now I'd rather use a good certificate so that things are proper.



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i have a huge issue... i went ahead and updated to the latest version of nextcloud and now i cant access my web application at all. i just keep getting the following error:
Any idea how to fix this? i dont think i will ever update this application again... but i need access to my files and this is driving me crazy. PLEASE HELP!
FIXED IT: Had to run this in the nextcloud terminal : sudo -u user php /config/www/nextcloud/occ upgrade
after i had to go and re-add a bunch of "apps" in nextcloud and update them... once done everything was back to normal on the latest version.
That command shouldn't work as you need to use php7 instead of php

These commands are linked to from the first post.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

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Do to very slow loading of pictures I've added Redis to Nextcloud by putting this into the config.php


'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
'redis' => array(
'host' => 'MY SERVER IP',
'port' => 6379,


I've then added the Prieveiw Generator app. 


Ran this command inside the Nextcloud docker console:


sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ preview:pre-generate


Then added this to a cron job to run weekly:

docker exec -i nextcloud sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ preview:pre-generate


So, basically I would like to know if this all correct and no other steps are needed?



Edited by lazydaze
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Do to very slow loading of pictures I've added Redis to Nextcloud by putting this into the config.php
'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
'redis' => array(
'host' => 'MY SERVER IP',
'port' => 6379,
I've then added the Prieveiw Generator app. 
Ran this command inside the Nextcloud docker console:
sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ preview:pre-generate
Then added this to a cron job to run weekly:
docker exec -i nextcloud sudo -u abc php7 /config/www/nextcloud/occ preview:pre-generate
So, basically I would like to know if this all correct and no other steps are needed?
Not tried it myself, but if I were to, that'd be how I'd do it.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

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I'm using the External storage support 1.7.0 App to mount local Unraid shares via Docker mapping into Nextcloud 16.0.7. I'm not using SMB to map them because it is more than one share and SMB turned out to be much slower in navigating into them via Nextcloud. 

When Syncing data to these mapped shares via Web DAV, or when I'm creating a folder via Web GUI,

permissions of created folders are not 777 (drwxrwxrwx) but 755 (drwxr-xr-x).

Permissions of a txt file created via Web GUI are 644 (-rw-r--r--) and not 666 (-rw-rw-rw-) as expected for Unraid. 


Is there any option to set the propper UMASK to make Nextcloud respect Unraid's permission scheme?

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On 12/29/2019 at 10:06 PM, Bugman1400 said:

I get the following when trying to access the Nextcloud Web GUI. MariaDB docker seems to be running fine.


I still have not resolved this. I am running UnRAID 6.8.0. I’ve removed and re-installed the Nextcloud docker. I have installed the Letsencrypt docker but, it’s not running. Does it need to be running for the Nextcloud webserver to work? Which log is best to review to troubleshoot?

Edited by Bugman1400
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8 hours ago, Bugman1400 said:

I still have not resolved this. I am running UnRAID 6.8.0. I’ve removed and re-installed the Nextcloud docker. I have installed the Letsencrypt docker but, it’s not running. Does it need to be running for the Nextcloud webserver to work? Which log is best to review to troubleshoot?

Seems like nextcloud couldn't connect to your database or redis.

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Upgraded to 6.8.1 last night and got this this AM. Nothing else was changed to the server:



Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.


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