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Looks like this isn't being maintained anymore
I am working on setting up my own docker to upload an updated version of the pihole-dot-doh

Edit - I have submitted to Squid to get added onto CA
Edit 2 - Pihole DoT-DoH now on CA, and with latest FTL version 5.5.1 etc
This can be installed over testdasi's pihole without any issues.

Edited by FlippinTurt
  • Like 3
  • Thanks 1
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Looks like this isn't being maintained anymore
I am working on setting up my own docker to upload an updated version of the pihole-dot-doh

Edit - I have submitted to Squid to get added onto CA
Edit 2 - Pihole DoT-DoH now on CA, and with latest FTL version 5.5.1 etc
This can be installed over testdasi's pihole without any issues.

Thanks, it worked great :).
  • Like 1
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Hello, i have a problem using this docker. I use stable-torless-amd64 on unraid 6.8.3 but the problem is, after some time running it, the docker crashes, and it's never the same time, sometime it last 24h, sometime 6h, sometime 2 days... but after it crashes i always have this in my log.


[info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel
[info] Create tunnel device
[info] Allow DnS-over-TLS for openvpn to lookup VPN server
[info] Connecting to VPN on port 1194 with proto udp...
[info] Connection in progress, wait 10s...
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Block DnS-over-TLS to force traffic through tunnel
[info] Change DNS servers to
[info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf
[info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server ''
[info] Done

[info] Run danted in background on port 9118

[info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118
WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized)

[info] Torless build detected. Skip running torsocks + privoxy configs.

[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)

[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)
[info] Your VPN public IP is (my vpn ip)



Also, when the docker is running, it says like this in Unraid "Uptime 13 hours (unhealthy)



Edited by DjJoakim
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On 8/26/2020 at 3:24 PM, testdasi said:

I code for fun and my dockers are mostly about adding niche features to stuff.

DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/u/testdasi


If you like my work, a donation to my burger fund is very much appreciated.




  1. Grafana Unraid Stack
  2. OpenVPN HyRoSa
  3. OpenVPN HyDeSa
  4. OpenVPN AIO Client
  5. Pi-Hole DoT DoH
  6. DNS DoH companion


Grafana Unraid Stack

Meet Gus! He has everything you need to start monitoring Unraid (Grafana - Influxdb - Telegraf - Loki - Promtail). Comes with GUS dashboard and falconexe's Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard v1.3 pre-installed.

  • Choice of HDDTemp or S.M.A.R.T for HDD/SSD monitoring. (Hint: both GUS and UUD use S.M.A.R.T)
  • Ability to view Unraid syslog in a Grafana panel with Loki and Promtail.

NOTE: uses Host network by default. If you want to run at with Bridge network, remember to map port 3006 to access Grafana. Don't change the port ENV variables unless you are comfortable changing the various config files as things are very tightly integrated.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Docker Hub / Github links below.

      Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/testdasi/grafana-unraid-stack

      Github: https://github.com/testdasi/grafana-unraid-stack

      Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard official thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/96895-ultimate-unraid-dashboard-uud/



OpenVPN HyRoSa

(NZB)Hydra2 - RTorrent (Flood GUI) - Sabnzbd.

  • Same as OpenVPN HyDeSa except with rTorrent instead of Deluge.
    • I personally prefer rTorrent + Flood over the alternatives.
  • Port-forwarding is unfortunately not supported at the moment (and it also requires your VPN service to provide a way to do it). Torrent still works fine without port-forwarding but if it's critical to you, I recommend binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn.

NOTE: You must create an openvpn subfolder under your appdata folder and place the OpenVPN configuration there (must include openvpn.ovpn + credentials + certs).

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Docker Hub / Github links below.

      Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/testdasi/openvpn-hyrosa

      Github: https://github.com/testdasi/openvpn-hyrosa



OpenVPN HyDeSa

(NZB)Hydra2 - Deluge - Sabnzbd.

  • Now your torrent and usenet are protected behind OpenVPN Client (with kill switch) and DNS-over-TLS.
  • Socks5 + HTTP proxy are also included for your convenience e.g. to also send Sonarr and Radarr web traffic through the VPN.
  • Port-forwarding is unfortunately not supported at the moment (and it also requires your VPN service to provide a way to do it). Torrent still works fine without port-forwarding but if it's critical to you, I recommend binhex/arch-delugevpn.

NOTE: You must create an openvpn subfolder under your appdata folder and place the OpenVPN configuration there (must include openvpn.ovpn + credentials + certs).

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Docker Hub / Github links below.

      Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/testdasi/openvpn-hydesa

      Github: https://github.com/testdasi/openvpn-hydesa



OpenVPN AIO Client

An "all-in-one" docker for all your private browsing needs.

  • Including OpenVPN client with nftables kill switch
  • DNS server to DoT (DNS-over-TLS) services
  • Socks5 + HTTP proxy to both VPN and TOR with (additional) piping kill switch for the proxies.
    • Default repository with VPN + TOR: testdasi/openvpn-client-aio:stable-amd64
    • Optional repository with only VPN: testdasi/openvpn-client-aio:stable-torless-amd64

NOTE: you must place your own OpenVPN configuration to the host path that is mapped to /etc/openvpn (The ovpn file must be named openvpn.ovpn. Credentials + certs can be in the same file or split out into other files - the flexibility is yours.)

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Docker Hub / Github links below.

      Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/testdasi/openvpn-client-aio

      Github: https://github.com/testdasi/openvpn-client-aio



Pi-Hole DoT DoH

Official pihole docker with added DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).

  • DoH uses cloudflare ( and DoT uses google ( Config files are exposed so you can modify them as you wish e.g. to add more services.

This docker supercedes my previous Pi-Hole with DoH and Pi-Hole with DoT dockers.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to Docker Hub / Github links below.

      Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/testdasi/pihole-dot-doh

      Github: https://github.com/testdasi/pihole-dot-doh



DNS DoH companion

Simple DNS server to connect to DNS-over-HTTPS. Easy fast way to add DNS functionality to an OpenVPN docker (using --network=container:) and/or enable DNS encryption for your local network / devices.

Emphasis on simplicity (hence a "companion"). If you want bells and whistles, I recommend ICH777's DoH Client.



Update (23/09/2020):

  • Grafana Unraid Stack changes:
    • Expose Influxdb RPC port and change it to a rarer default value (58083) instead of the original common 8088.
    • Added falconexe's Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard v1.3


Regarding pihole, I have a situation where I have a segmented Vlan for all dockers, which means when pihole tries to talk out to the Unraid specified vlan, it tries to go to another network.


Is there anyway to hardcode something that is on the same vlan/subnet? 

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Looks like it is trying to install GUS from local? I made some major revisions and changes to my server so i decided since I saw this to try GUS since my own custom setup was done years ago, half of it is broken now, 15,000 dockers, it works but it s a mess honestly. Unfortunately I can't get this installed at all, any thoughts?

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On 1/19/2021 at 9:35 PM, FlippinTurt said:

Looks like this isn't being maintained anymore
I am working on setting up my own docker to upload an updated version of the pihole-dot-doh

Edit - I have submitted to Squid to get added onto CA
Edit 2 - Pihole DoT-DoH now on CA, and with latest FTL version 5.5.1 etc
This can be installed over testdasi's pihole without any issues.

Awesome job! Thank you! Works like a charm

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i am a new Unraid (Version: 6.8.3 ) User. So i have some problems with few container ...


I have setup "OpenVPN-AIO-Client" and everything works more or less, i mean VPN works but only for 20 Minutes and then the connectivity is broken. After a container restart everything works again. 


And why do i have so much erros? Did i missing something? 

By the way this container is started as a privileged User.



[info] Config file detected...

[info] Setting variables
[info] Set various ports to docker variables
[info] Determine openvpn port from config file
[info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file
[info] Will connect openvpn on port=53 proto=udp
[info] Determine eth0 network for nftables
[info] eth0 IP is in network
[info] All variables set

[info] Fixing configs
[info] Tor build detected...
[info] torsocks fixed.
[info] privoxy fixed.
[info] stubby fixed.
[info] danted fixed.
[info] tinyproxy fixed.
[info] All configs fixed

[info] Run stubby in background on port 53
[13:48:23.370962] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby/stubby.yml
[warn] Your ISP public IP is

[info] Set up nftables rules
[info] Editing base ruleset
[info] Tor build detected. Editing tor + privoxy ruleset
[info] Flusing ruleset
[info] Added route via dev eth0
[info] Apply rules
/nftables.rules:11:29-29: Error: syntax error, unexpected junk, expecting length or checksum or sport or dport

/nftables.rules:24:30-30: Error: syntax error, unexpected junk, expecting length or checksum or sport or dport

[info] Quick block test. Expected result is time out. Actual result is
[info] All rules created

[info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel
[info] Create tunnel device
[info] Allow DnS-over-TLS for openvpn to lookup VPN server
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter INPUT tcp sport 853 counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter OUTPUT tcp dport 853 counter accept
[info] Your VPN public IP is
[info] Block DnS-over-TLS to force traffic through tunnel
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

list table filter
Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting number

delete rule filter INPUT handle
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

list table filter
Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting number

delete rule filter OUTPUT handle
[info] Change DNS servers to
[info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf
[info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server ''
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr tcp sport 53 ct state established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr tcp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr udp sport 53 ct state established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr udp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept
[info] Done

[info] Run danted in background on port 9118
Feb 1 05:48:23 (1612187303.797453) danted[102]: error: /etc/dante/danted.conf: problem on line 3 near token "tun0": could not resolve hostname "tun0": Name or service not known. Please see the Dante manual for more information

Feb 1 05:48:23 (1612187303.797473) danted[102]: alert: mother[1/1]: shutting down

[info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118
WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized)

[info] Tor build detected...
[info] Run tor as service on port 9119
Starting tor daemon...Feb 01 13:48:23.818 [warn] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason.
[info] Run privoxy in background on port 8119

[info] Your VPN public IP is


Edited by SionSavior
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Hi everyone, I just setup the OpenVPN AIO Client docker and from my point of view according to the logs everything is working fine.

[info] Config file detected...

[info] Setting variables
[info] Set various ports to docker variables
[info] Determine openvpn port from config file
[info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file
[info] Will connect openvpn on port=1194 proto=udp
[info] Determine eth0 network for nftables
[info] eth0 IP is in network
[info] All variables set

[info] Fixing configs
[info] Torless build detected. Skip fixing torsocks + privoxy configs.
[info] stubby fixed.
[info] danted fixed.
[info] tinyproxy fixed.
[info] All configs fixed

[info] Run stubby in background on port 53
[10:41:48.140781] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby/stubby.yml
[warn] Your ISP public IP is *

[info] Set up nftables rules
[info] Editing base ruleset
[info] Torless build detected. Removing tor + privoxy ruleset
[info] Flusing ruleset
[info] Config file detected...

[info] Setting variables
[info] Set various ports to docker variables
[info] Determine openvpn port from config file
[info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file
[info] Will connect openvpn on port=1194 proto=udp
[info] Determine eth0 network for nftables
[info] eth0 IP is in network
[info] All variables set

[info] Fixing configs
[info] Torless build detected. Skip fixing torsocks + privoxy configs.
[info] stubby fixed.
[info] danted fixed.
[info] tinyproxy fixed.
[info] All configs fixed

[info] Run stubby in background on port 53
[10:41:48.140781] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby/stubby.yml
[warn] Your ISP public IP is

[info] Set up nftables rules
[info] Editing base ruleset
[info] Torless build detected. Removing tor + privoxy ruleset
[info] Flusing ruleset
[info] Added route via dev eth0
[info] Apply rules
[info] Quick block test. Expected result is time out. Actual result is ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[info] All rules created

[info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel
[info] Create tunnel device
[info] Allow DnS-over-TLS for openvpn to lookup VPN server
[info] Connecting to VPN on port 1194 with proto udp...
[info] Connection in progress, wait 10s...
[info] Your VPN public IP is *
[info] Block DnS-over-TLS to force traffic through tunnel
[info] Change DNS servers to
[info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf
[info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server ''
[info] Done

[info] Run danted in background on port 9118

[info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118
WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized)

[info] Torless build detected. Skip running torsocks + privoxy configs.

[info] Your VPN public IP is *


Is there a way to check it from the docker cli. Looks like ping, traceroute, ifconfig and so on are not available. Any other idea to check if everything is working fine and the container is using the VPN to get to the internet for sure?


Looking forward to you replies. Many thanks in advance.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi - I was having constant issues with Influxdb error: Bad Request with my UUD 1.5 setup using separate Grafana, Influxdb, Varken and Telegraf dockers. So I installed GUS and its been smooth sailing. Imported the .JSON for UUD 1.5 and that works too.


What's not working is the grafana pie chart and world map plugin. When I try and install through command line, it says cli tools are not installed. Googling around gave a manual way to download the plugins through command line. The default downloads to /tmp. When I try and go there through Krusader, the .zip is not there. When I try through command line it can never find the file either.


Is there another way to install these plugins? Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Should I worry about this in the log file ?


[info] Run tor as service on port 9119
Starting tor daemon...Mar 24 02:01:06.000 [warn] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great project, really made it easy to set up metrics.  


How do I configure the polling rate and the retention strategy for the data?  I don't have any prior experience with this stack, but I am hoping there is some way to configure, for example, polling drive usage only every 5 minutes, while polling CPU use every second and CPU load every minute and then configuring a retention strategy such that 5s metrics are available for 1 week, then they are replaced with 30s metrics (aggregated based on mean or some other reduction operation) which are available for a month, and then so on.  I'd like to monitor long term behavior of my system so I can see the effects of changes I make.  


Also, I'm pretty new here so please excuse my ignorance, but how do I tell where the actual data/database files are being stored?  Cache vs array?  I see the data in /mnt/disks/appdata/Grafana-Unraid-Stack/ so I guess UnRAID is just magically presenting me with a unified filesystem and the appdata/ share cache/array strategy is just magically doing its work?  I'm used to LUKS and whatnot but the chachepool thing is taking some getting used to. 

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Hi! newbie here.


First of all, thank you for bringing us these docker images.


Can you please help explain a bit if how i can use this in my network.


I have the following:

1. Network:

2. Gateway:

3. ISP Router IP:

4. Unraid br0:

5. OpenVPN AIO Client Torless, Custom br0:



1. how should I use the docker vpn from local client machines? i.e., I have a Linux VM inside Unraid?

2. how do I know if VPN is connected successfully to a remote VPN server?

3. how to use an openvpn .ovpn config file, where credentials/login is linked to a text file from the .ovpn config file?


Logs when I start the docker:

/nftables.rules:11:27-31: Error: syntax error, unexpected sport
add rule ip filter INPUT sport counter accept
/nftables.rules:24:28-32: Error: syntax error, unexpected dport
add rule ip filter OUTPUT dport counter accept
[info] Quick block test. Expected result is time out. Actual result is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[info] All rules created

[info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel
[info] Create tunnel device
[info] Allow DnS-over-TLS for openvpn to lookup VPN server
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
add rule ip filter INPUT tcp sport 853 counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
add rule ip filter OUTPUT tcp dport 853 counter accept
[info] Connecting to VPN on port with proto ...
[info] Your VPN public IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
[info] Block DnS-over-TLS to force traffic through tunnel
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
list table filter
Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting number
delete rule filter INPUT handle
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
list table filter
Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting number
delete rule filter OUTPUT handle
[info] Change DNS servers to
[info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf
[info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server ''
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr tcp sport 53 ct state established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr tcp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr udp sport 53 ct state established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr udp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept
[info] Done

[info] Run danted in background on port 9118
Apr 25 18:34:59 (1619346899.648587) danted[103]: error: /etc/dante/danted.conf: problem on line 3 near token "tun0": could not resolve hostname "tun0": Name or service not known. Please see the Dante manual for more information
Apr 25 18:34:59 (1619346899.648662) danted[103]: alert: mother[1/1]: shutting down

[info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118
WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized)


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