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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server

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22 minutes ago, John_M said:


What is using a USB connection?


my VM and unRAID itself use a mouse/keyboard of the unRAID GUI.

but i search on the Plex forum on that error message and its from the Plex tuner services, i don't use DVR on this server anymore? why is this still trowing errors and instability??

i found this topic where they kill the plex tuner service, i just tried this out and will monitor the logs for any other errors/instability...



server still crashing, but now i got this message:

Jobs: Exec of /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Tuner Service failed. (13)


no more "Critical: libusb_init failed".

but still an unstable server :(


Edited by sjaak
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I have a peculiar problem with plex:

I added a new library entry and mapped it to a cached share (via /mnt/user/*). Scan works, playback works, all is perfect ... until my array drives are spun down. When I try to play a video, I get the following error:
When I spin up the drive containing the video manually playback works as expected. So plex isn't accessing the file in a way that makes unraid spin up the drive. Any idea why that may be? I tried the search but most hits are regarding plex spinning up their drives, that's not really my issue.


Initially I assumed it might be related to me using the Dynamix Cache Directories plugin, but the problem persists when I disable it. Besides I had the relevant folders excluded within the plugin settings. I'll take the question to the plugin thread if noone has an idea here, but I thought I'd start with plex since the problem doesn't appear if I start the video file manually on my pc.

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Hello All,

I'm moving from binHex's Plex to Linuxserver.io so I can take advantage of my nvidia card.  I do have it working but not without some annoying behavior that I'm sure is my fault somehow so I thought I would ask.


4 or 5 times now I have entered something wrong in the Docker Configuration page...  I see the error when saving and then the docker is not visible in my 'Dockers page' anymore.  I have to re-add it from the APPS.  When I re-add it, none of the Ports, Variables, etc... are shown in the UI anymore.   However, if I 're-add from the APPS and just start it, it will run like those items are still there.   Is it possible to overcome this and have it show my configuration without having to re-enter it?    Thanks


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Not sure it's been addressed  here (I'm not reading 194 pages.. lol) but I updated Unraid to 6.9.0 this morning. Everything went well until Plex tried to autostart, kept getting bad parameter. Checked log noticed Critical: libusb_init failed. Searched internet and everything was pointing to a database corruption issue.


Just so happened to look at my dashboard and noticed GPU Statistics was missing (it's done this before) so on a hunch I checked for new nVidia driver app. Once installed, I had to disable docker and then re-enable and Plex was up and running again. Also downloaded the new GPU Statistics App. 


Just thought I'd post in case anyone else runs into this issue.



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Ran into an issue today after a slew of other issues that a lot of googling and other troubleshooting has not solved. My Plex container is up and running but is unreachable (all on the same network via LAN).


My server went thru a long move, restarted fine, but after a few weeks a drive randomly disabled and yesterday I had to remove it from the array, add it back and rebuild from parity. I had updated to 6.9 a day or two before the drive issue. I also had a weird issue where my docker image got full, but ended up clearing itself out after the rebuild.


Now I'm running into the above issue trying to reach my server from any of my usual devices (Roku, web app / webGUI). Nothing seems to get to it even if I am logged in directly to the IP:port combo.


I've run through all of the Plex official troubleshooting, deleted my docker image and rebuilt it via saved container templates but no luck. Unfortunately its been quite some time since I've had hands on the server due to the move, and I'm a bit out of my depth at this point in troubleshooting. I tried to pull the container logs but they just listed a few startup items with no errors (log attached.)  I don't seem to have access to the actual Plex logs, assuming this is because I cannot actually get to my server.




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On 1/7/2021 at 12:47 PM, CJston15 said:

I have been running Plex in docker for quite a while now and never had issues until last night. Starting last evening none of my media with EAC3 audio will play in Plex now (Roku, Shield, or Web). I have tried changing the transcode folder location, deleting my codecs, turning off automatic library scanning, verifying that my Unraid servers inotify value isn't too low (it's over 500K, tried increasing to 1mill no change and changed back to default value), restored docker container from backup, completely blew it up and did fresh install of Plex. Nothing has resolved this issue in the last 18 hours. Only thing that happened was that my power went out yesterday afternoon for a couple hours and my Unraid server shut down (gracefully, it's connected to APC UPS and it sent the shutdown command at 20%).


Anyone have any other ideas? Been using Plex for like 10 years now, and on Unraid for the last 2-3 without any issues. I have about 1500 movies, 200 TV shows (15K episodes), 2k Music, and another 200 misc documentaries/specials. Nothing crazy compared to what I've seen others host.

Did you figure this out?

I'm roughly in the same situation as you. I cannot seem to transcode EAC3 anymore. Videos just buffer indefinitely.

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10 minutes ago, gustomucho said:

I'm roughly in the same situation as you. I cannot seem to transcode EAC3 anymore. Videos just buffer indefinitely.

Delete the codecs folder in [path to your Plex appdata folder]/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server


This will force Plex to again download codecs as needed.  It is likely some corrupt codes are causing EAC3 audio issue.

Edited by Hoopster
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28 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

Delete the codecs folder in [path to your Plex appdata folder]/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server


This will force Plex to again download codecs as needed.  It is likely some corrupt codes are causing EAC3 audio issue.

Thanks for the tip Hoopster. I tried deleting said folder and it did not change anything.

I still kept getting the error "EAE timeout! EAE not running, or wrong folder?" in the Plex console.

Which made me wonder. I followed @mgutt suggestion, specifically the part to enable direct disk access for Plex config (changing the config mapping to /mnt/cache/appdata/Plex-Media-Server instead of /mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server).


After changing it back to the default /mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server, Plex is now able to transcode EAC3 without any problems. I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but it seems that using the cache option doesn't give Plex access to codecs folder for some reason?

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5 minutes ago, gustomucho said:

After changing it back to the default /mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server, Plex is now able to transcode EAC3 without any problems.

Yeah, not sure why that would make a difference but the important thing is that it is working.


The solution I suggested is one that is mentioned in the Plex forums for those with EAC3 audio issues.  Your problem obviously had a different solution but at least there is a solution.

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5 hours ago, gustomucho said:

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but it seems that using the cache option doesn't give Plex access to codecs folder for some reason?

Can't be possible as both paths return the same files.


Are you sure that your appdata is located only on the cache? Check the appdata location as mentioned in the manual!

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1 hour ago, mgutt said:

Can't be possible as both paths return the same files.


Are you sure that your appdata is located only on the cache? Check the appdata location as mentioned in the manual!

I had read your instructions carefully and followed everything to the letter (I re-read everything again just now to be extra-certain!).

My appdata folder was indeed only on my SSD cache drive. No appdata files were on any of the array drives.

I have no idea what went wrong, but after being out of ideas and only trying 1 possible solution at a time, reverting back to /mnt/user/ instead of /mnt/cache/ did give Plex access to the codecs folder for transcoding.

I don't know if there could be a permission's problem with my docker config, but I did not change anything else from the defaults (other than mapping the media folders and adding the 2 following extra parameters in the docker) :

--device=/dev/dri --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-size=4000000000

Everything works great now so I will leave it at that. Transcoding to RAM still works well with your instructions.

Edited by gustomucho
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4 hours ago, gustomucho said:

I don't know if there could be a permission's

Can't be, because a container has no clue what happens outside of it and /mnt/user/appdata targets the exact same files with the same permissions as /mnt/cache/appdata (as long there are no files left on the array). I would say the reason of the fix is the recreation of the container (which happens everytime you change container settings). So /mnt/cache/appdata should work.



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5 hours ago, mgutt said:

(as long there are no files left on the array)


Or in another pool (in the case of Unraid 6.9). If there are appdata files that are neither in the "cache" pool, nor on the array, but are present in some other pool, then they would be seen via the /mnt/user path but not via the /mnt/cache path.

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3 hours ago, mgutt said:

Good point. But then Plex should have reinstalled itself. @gustomucho has your cache pool a different name than "cache"?

Nope. I left it at the default "cache".


Later today I'll try putting back /mnt/cache/ again and rebuilding the docker just out of curiosity to see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

Edited by gustomucho
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I am receiving the following error after updating the plex docker to the latest build after upgrading Unraid to 6.9.1.


docker: Error response from daemon: Unknown runtime specified nvidia




I am running the nvidia driver plugin



Any assistance would be appreciated.


EDIT: It looks like it was the driver version which was causing the issue. I downgraded the nvidia drivers back down to v455.45.01 and Plex is working again.

Edited by guyonphone
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On 3/5/2021 at 6:17 PM, DoesItHimself said:

Ran into an issue today after a slew of other issues that a lot of googling and other troubleshooting has not solved. My Plex container is up and running but is unreachable (all on the same network via LAN).


My server went thru a long move, restarted fine, but after a few weeks a drive randomly disabled and yesterday I had to remove it from the array, add it back and rebuild from parity. I had updated to 6.9 a day or two before the drive issue. I also had a weird issue where my docker image got full, but ended up clearing itself out after the rebuild.


Now I'm running into the above issue trying to reach my server from any of my usual devices (Roku, web app / webGUI). Nothing seems to get to it even if I am logged in directly to the IP:port combo.


I've run through all of the Plex official troubleshooting, deleted my docker image and rebuilt it via saved container templates but no luck. Unfortunately its been quite some time since I've had hands on the server due to the move, and I'm a bit out of my depth at this point in troubleshooting. I tried to pull the container logs but they just listed a few startup items with no errors (log attached.)  I don't seem to have access to the actual Plex logs, assuming this is because I cannot actually get to my server.



plexlog.txt 1.02 kB · 0 downloads



Bumping this - I've tried a few more docker removals and re-install from profile after the Unraid 6.9.1 and docker container update for Plex itself. I'm still stuck with a server that is "currently unavailable" despite being on the same LAN and logged in directly to the IP:port combo of Plex.


Hoping someone might have an answer on this. I pulled some logs via a rootshare and noted a whole bunch of 'normal' Plex activity such as renaming files, identifying that I added things, etc.

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