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Unraid OS version 6.10.0 available

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Refer to Summary of New Features for an overview of changes since version 6.9.


To upgrade:

  • First create a backup of your USB flash boot device: Main/Flash/Flash Backup
  • If you are running any 6.4 or later release, click 'Check for Updates' on the Tools/Update OS page.
  • If you are running a pre-6.4 release, click 'Check for Updates' on the Plugins page.
  • If the above doesn't work, navigate to Plugins/Install Plugin, select/copy/paste this plugin URL and click Install:


Bugs: If you discover a bug or other issue in this release, please open a Stable Releases Bug Report.



Special thanks to all our beta testers and especially:

@bonienl for his continued refinement and updating of the Dynamix webGUI.

@Squid for continued refinement of Community Apps and associated feed.

@dlandon for continued refinement of Unassigned Devices plugin and patience as we change things under the hood.

@ich777 for assistance and passing on knowledge of Linux kernel config changes to support third party drivers and other kernel-related functionality via plugins.

@SimonF for refinements to System Devices page and other webGUI improvements.

@thohell for an extra set of eyes looking at md/unraid driver and for work-in-progress of adding changes to support multiple Unraid arrays.

@JorgeB for rigorous testing of storage subsystem


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There is a new release of UD that fixes a long standing issue with Unassigned Devices disk device ids.  The way UD was determining the device id was not consistent with Unraid.  Some USB devices were not showing the id the same as Unraid showed.  The change in device id won't cause any loss of data, it's just the Unassigned Device id UD uses.  Once you apply the following fix, your device will be back to operating normally.


What will happen after you update UD, is some disk devices will not show the same id as before for the disk device and will appear as a new disk device.  To fix this:

  • Re-apply all your Historical Device settings to the new device, including any script file assignments.
  • Once you have the settings applied to the new device id, remove the Historical device.
  • Be sure to set the mount point the same as the older drive if you use the '/mnt/disks/mount point' in a Docker container or VM.
  • Once you've updated the settings for the device, you can unplug the device and re-plug it and it will auto mount if you have it set to auto mount.

It appears this applies to flash drives, some NVME drives, and older WD portable drives.


Those of you that have tried external drive bays and found UD saw the same serial number for all drives but Unraid saw them as separate drives, will probably find that using the latest UD version will help with UD seeing the disks individually and not all with the same serial number.

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2 minutes ago, Killerfly said:

dit the update to 6.10 and reboot the server and now the mgmt www gives a 404 error 


Probably going to be best to create a new thread in General Support to avoid cluttering this up.  If you have access to a command prompt (locally or SSH), include your diagnostics


That'll get saved onto the flash drive.

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Unfortunately I can't seem to update from rc8 to stable.


When i try from Tools -> update OS it doesnt find any new release in Next or Stable.


If i try to install it manually like told in the first post in Plugins -> Install Plugin i get this:


plugin: installing: https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg
plugin: downloading https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg
plugin: downloading: https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg ... done
plugin: not installing older version


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